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Everything posted by JTsao

  1. Ecolink Z-Wave 700 Chime + Siren, Z-Wave Plus S2 Enabled, with battery backup, Security intruder (ISZW7-ECO)
  2. Thanks - I used to use gmail but it in my case it became unreliable/delayed, so I transitioned most of my messages to use pushover and for others I switched back to the default email server - I only have a few large messages that I send via email - for now it's working by sending to two email addresses...
  3. On the Configuration->Emails/Notifications->Settings/Groups tab, testing my gmail works, but a program cannot send a message for some reason - it does not go through... EDIT: A program message will work when I add my work email address on as a 2nd address to send the message to - not sure why it would not work sending it only to gmail because it worked for years - I think something changed
  4. It's in the title - is anyone else having issues sending emails from the eisy? Last email that I received was from Thursday 11:59PM sent to my gmail account - testing indicates that it may not be working, or maybe gmail has blocked alerts@universal-devices.com?
  5. Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro with one or more ceiling mounted PoE Unifi access points - the only down side is that you need ethernet cable to the access point. Alternatively, the Ubiquiti Dream Router (may be out of stock).
  6. Starting late last night, it appears that the locative app on the iPhone now requires a yearly subscription to work for geofencing - has anyone else noticed this? Now I need a new method for geofencing - is the occupancy v2.0 under isy portal free? EDIT: I think it may still work, although it didn't check us in last night (no response) but the ability to test a geofence is now only available in the Pro/paid version - I am investigating using UD Mobile instead
  7. Thanks! It appears to work, just have to install the new version in the same slot...
  8. Just to be clear: if I buy the new version and install it in the same slot as version 4.04 and I already have an eISY setup with online access, then everything will just work using the old configuration and I can stop forwarding port 3001 through my router, right?
  9. Weatherbit is free - with the free account you can get updates maybe like 1X per hour - the nodeserver, however, defaults to polling more often than that, which causes a problem...
  10. No it's cloud based - I have port 3001 forwarded to the eISY for the Rachio node server. On the positive side, I don't have to develop complex watering algorithm code like I did with the Insteon sprinkler controller, and there's a convenient phone app to control/configure the sprinkler zones.
  11. I would recommend Rachio + node server. After setup, it's pretty much autonomous, but can be controlled via a program. I let the Rachio water my yard automatically but manually control a single zone that refills the pool from the eISY.
  12. Thanks for the replies - I ended up changing the $outsideHighTemp to a state variable and it now works
  13. I have a folder condition that compares two non-state variables: Folder Conditions for 'Hot Weather' If $outsideHighTemp > $fanOnTemp Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. EDIT: forgot to mention, these are not state variables. The folder is red, indicating that the condition is not being met, but $outsideHighTemp = 93 and $fanOnTemp = 78. I have some programs which also use the same if statement and they are green. Is there some kind of problem here?
  14. I bought 4 of the above Zigbee remotes, added 1 and it shows up as a on-off switch with no apparent functionality
  15. I would be interested in the IHSENO 4 button Zigbee remote (Amazon) - you can get 4 for under $30 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CC4YTQ9Y/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=ALB5EKCIKNPII&th=1
  16. Looks like the update to send the "title=" parameter using the subject from custom messages is available and it appears to work, as does the sound (I think - limited testing, will have to test more tomorrow)!
  17. Does everyone create a notify node when they want to use a different Pushover message sound? I can verify that this works, but I don't think it always works when selecting a sound under "Send Sys Custom with Params" - can anyone concur?
  18. I didn't realize that you can't input a string - I think what you suggested would be good - users could name the node accordingly to get the subject/title line that they want - thanks for doing all of this
  19. Sorry, I just copied your info from the previous post - corrected now
  20. @Jimbo.Automates- would you consider a feature request for "send sys custom with params" to use the subject from the message defined under the AC configuration->emails/notifications->customizations for the "title=" parameter when sending the POST to pushover? I think the subject is currently sent as part of the "message=". If the subject is left blank, then the "title=" could be skipped, resulting in the app name being displayed - this way there is user control to do this either way. I can confirm via network resources that when "title=XXXXX" is specified, then XXXXX is displayed in bold instead of the app name (which is redundant, not useful information). Also, notify nodes are always displaying the app name as well - in that case, a means of specifying the title would be needed on the AC menu( with the other options) and perhaps if left blank then it results in the app name being displayed. Thanks for considering.
  21. I can get a Pushover message to not display the app name via Network Resources: the key is that there is a parameter, "title=Occupancy Update", that, when present, Pushover uses to replace the App name with the title. I don't see a way in the Notify NS to specify the title - via the Pushover email gateway, the title is coming from the Subject (as above)
  22. For the example at hand, I am doing this (code and message below) - but this happens with all my custom messages: I have not created a notification object for most of the messages - also, I am not seeing a "purchase" button - I think I bought this NS a while back but have not really used it until this recent UD email server problem home-occupancy-notify-0 - [ID 0188][Parent 012C] If $sHomeOccupied is 0 Then Set 'Notification Controller / Service Pushover JeffKris' Send Sys Custom With Params Content 55 Notification ID (ID=55) Wait 1 minute Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  23. I just moved from using the pushover email gateway to using this node server to deliver my pushover messages from the customized messages on the AC (configuration->emails/notifications->Customizations) - when using the email gateway, the subject line appeared in bold at the top of the pushover message with the message below that, but with the NS, the app name is in bold, then the subject below it and then the message below that - For example - email gateway Occupancy Update house is occupied 17:22:50 but NS format PG3-Notify Occupancy Update house is occupied 17:22:50 Is there any way to suppress the unnecessary app name (PG3-Notify) at the top of the pushover notifications? EDIT: I see that in the pushover app settings menu it says "If messages are sent with no title, this name will be displayed." - referring to the App Name (PG3-Notify) - so it seems like the NS sends the subject as part of the message body, rather than the subject/title?
  24. Well, this email outage prompted me to finally learn and switch most of my critical Push messages to the Notification Nodeserver - this bypasses an unnecessary weak link of relying on an email server...
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