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Everything posted by JTsao

  1. Updated both the eISY and Polisy to 3.1.26 and both are good - thanks!
  2. That's exactly why I haven't upgraded the Polisy - also, until I successfully migrate to the eISY/Zmatter, that platform is my test bed for testing these new upgrades first - as the eISY is not showing an available update, that was suspicious - I am still curious as to why one platform indicates an update but the other does not show it as available I have a theory regarding who that user might be...
  3. When logging into IoX on my Polisy, I got the "updates available" message and the PG3x web page indicates that there's an upgrade available for 3.1.26 - my eISY does NOT indicate that any updates are available and the PG3x web page does NOT indicate the 3.1.26 update either - both are on versions IoX 5.6.0 and PG3x 3.1.25 - has anyone tried to update to 3.1.26 yet? Why are the two devices not consistent with indicating the available update?
  4. @bpwwer - I think there is a remaining problem from my migration to PG3x 3.1.25 on the Polisy - I haven't been doing much with the Polisy since you fixed the ownership/permissions issue and it appeared that everything was working, but the water level in my pool was going down and I was getting notifications that it was not being auto-refilled - long story short, the Weatherbit node server does not appear to be working - I tried re-installing, re-starting PG3x and rebooting the Polisy and nothing works - it reports this in the log - any ideas on how to fix? "2023-05-06 13:14:04,135 Thread-19 udi_interface ERROR query:query_conditions: No response object in query response." EDIT: I just noticed the short and long poll times were modified to smaller than allowed values, I have increased back to match the free plan (1800/43200), but still not working yet... EDIT2: It appears to be working now (I think) - it has non-zero data - not sure what fixed it...
  5. You can do #4 if you get a FLIRC and use the eISYIR nodeserver but then you need an IR path to the eISY - I used to use a Sewell Wireless IR repeater with the ISY994
  6. In my experience, you can do #1 and #3 but not #2 with the Harmony Node server by itself. If you want to use the dedicated home control buttons on your Harmony remote, then you need the Hue emulator node server because the Harmony software limits those buttons to control only a small set of devices (including a Hue Hub). I use the Virtual node server to create fake switches that turn on and off in scenes accessible by the Hue emulator. This triggers programs to control fans and lighting. Maybe not the cleanest method (anyone else have a method?), but a method to get programs to trigger. If you only want scene control, then you could just use the Hue Emulator by itself.
  7. Problem fixed, thanks to Bob (above) for remoting into my PC and fixing - it looked like some file/folder permissions/ownership needed to be changed to make everything work - I admit that I did not watch the whole time that he worked on my Polisy - I have a pretty good idea of some commands that can be typed in to fix the problem, but it's probably better for him or someone from UDI to explain
  8. Now we are at the same point - I exchanged a couple of messages with UDI so far today on my ticket - I am thinking that we have the same problem, so I'll advise if I get it fixed
  9. It sounds like you are in the same boat as me - I clicked that link a few weeks back and got the same error - then upon updating to 5.6.0, PG3 went from 3.1.20 to 3.1.25 (PG3x) - right now, I am one step ahead of you because I opened a ticket, but my all of my node servers have been offline (except for occupancy via ISY portal) for 3-4 days - there is still currently no solution but UDI is looking at it I can share with you the steps to get the PG3x web page back, but that's all it does - all of my node servers have been disconnected, won't re-connect and the log files are suspiciously empty since the time that I ran the 5.6.0 update - the following is what I was told to get PG3x running again due to database file permission/ownership issues: From a ssh session type [admin@polisy ~]$ tail -f /var/log/messages If you see something like: Fix globalsettings failed: SqliteError: attempt to write a readonly database and Startup error. Shutting down: SqliteError: attempt to write a readonly database In the file then you can try the next step From a ssh session do the following two commands: sudo chown polyglot /var/polyglot/pg3/pg3.db sudo chmod 644 /var/polyglot/pg3/pg3.db For me, this got PG3x back up and running, and I could log into the web page, but did not fix the overall problem because none of my local node servers will connect Please use this information at your own risk and I hope it's OK for me to share all of this...
  10. Thanks, but I was not able to start/stop or restart node servers either - I opened a ticket and was told to do a restore from a PG3 backup - now PG3/PG3x is apparently not even starting up but at least I am in communication with the UDI team to hopefully get things working again - I am speculating that the migrate to PG3x restore option may have been a good option from where I was at (I forget what it is specifically called) - unfortunately, I guess no one has tried to get PG3x 3.1.25 running on a Polisy yet...
  11. I currently have the Ecobee and Rachio node servers and used to have Ring (before I got rid of the doorbell) - Honestly, there is not much to do with these 3 - the most useful, for me, is that I have a sprinkler zone that I use to refill my pool and it's controlled via the Rachio node server using programs that I wrote (that factor in temperature - Weatherbit Node Server). For the Ecobee, I just send myself a push notification if someone adjusts a thermostat. I can't remember if or how I used the Ring - I have an outdoor Z-Wave motion sensor that tells me if someone is at the front door. The most useful node servers for me are the Occupancy (via the ISY portal) and the Envisalink DSC - I use these to see if someone is at home and if there is motion inside the house - one example of how I use these are that I can get a notification if no family members are at home and a door opens, or motion is detected in the house. Also, a combination of the Harmony Hub, Hue Emulator and Virtual node servers allow my Harmony remotes to turn lights and fans on and off using the dedicated home control buttons.
  12. Ha - I just posted about what you wrote in the IoX 5.6.0 thread - I did not open a ticket back then because nothing appeared to happen except a browser error - will open a ticket now - thanks for replying
  13. So no one else got bumped to PG3x 3.1.25? I have a theory that because I clicked on this https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable a few weeks ago (from the flirc / IR page), that this may have done something which caused me to go to PG3x - although, at the time, it did nothing... may be opening a ticket, or I may have to try to migrate to PG3x from my latest PG3 backup using the "migrate from PG3 backup" option - has anyone else tried to migrate a Polisy to PG3x?
  14. I performed the update on my Polisy from 5.5.9 to 5.6.0 - this also updated the Polisy to PG3x 3.1.25 and now all my node servers are disconnected - rebooting, power cycling and restarting PG3x do not fix this - is this because the Polisy has now crossed over to PG3x? vs PG3? - do I need to re-install all node servers or what?
  15. I updated my Polisy to IoX 3.6.0 this morning and PG3 also updated to 3.1.25 but now all of my node servers are disconnected - rebooting, power cycling and restarting PG3x are NOT fixing this - any suggestions?
  16. The salinity reading does work for me via the iAqualink app - for various reasons, such as climate, rainfall, evaporation or whatever, I have to add salt a few times each year - to do so, I use the iAqualink app to see if the ppm is below 3000 or so at which point I add salt - the fact that it works in the app, implies to me that it could work with the node server, in which case I could write a handy program to send a push notification to add salt (another way to making chores a bit easier) EDIT: Goose66 - I sent you a couple of PMs
  17. Question: Salinity doesn't work for me - it reads 0 all the time - this would be very useful if it were to work so I could generate a notification to add salt - should I try deleting all nodes except the iAqualink service and run "discover devices"?
  18. I did the update on my eisy (which I am not yet using) and I can no longer log into the web page at :3000 - I never changed the eisy credentials from admin:admin - and they no longer work - any suggestions how I can get in? Nevermind - power cycle fixed it
  19. JTsao

    PG3x on Polisy

    I completely relate and understand - my Polisy is my active controller = mission critical (with an eISY/Zmatter on standby for future migration) I rely on it too much so I don't want to break anything or take unnecessary risks...
  20. JTsao

    PG3x on Polisy

    To be clear, did you just click on the link "https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable"? and it worked?
  21. JTsao

    PG3x on Polisy

    Yes I actually did an update a few days ago and am now on IoX 5.5.9
  22. JTsao

    PG3x on Polisy

    Has anyone been able to update PG3 to PG3x on the Polisy? There is a link to do this on this page: https://www.universal-devices.com/eisyir-flirc/ - I clicked on it and it didn't work - I get "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." The link is this https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable - but more importantly, I haven't seen that anyone else has tried this or if PG3x has any issues...
  23. JTsao

    Z Wave roll back

    A few weeks ago, I attempted to migrate from a Polisy/Zooz dongle to the eISY/ZMatter and ended up going back (I have around 30 ZWave devices and 11 PG3 node servers) - I did not have to do a restore to go back to the Polisy
  24. Yes, my Polisy is on 3.1.18 now - I also have an eISY/ZMatter (for future migration) and it updated IoX/PG3x with no apparent issues
  25. OK - I got everything working - after the initial update, IoX was not indicating any further updates required but PG3 was at 3.1.17 - did restart from PG3 web page and could not access PG3, tried sudo service pg3 restart and still could not access, tried power cycle and still could not access, then tried another update from IoX (even though it was not indicating updates available) and I think that fixed it
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