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Everything posted by JTsao

  1. Would this explain why my Logitech harmony hub remote control of lighting and fans has become extremely slow? I use the Hue Emulator NS to set a Virtual NS button, which runs a program to adjust lighting or fans
  2. I was led to believe that UDI had to move the node server licenses (for this case of Polisy/PG3x->eisy/PG3x) based on post #2 above by @bpwwer, but now (that I have everything working) I'm not so sure - after receiving help from UDI via a ticket, the process is to migrate the node server licenses yourself via isy portal - but you have to re-install and re-configure all the node servers so that part is not migrated - in my case, 10 node servers, this was not terrible
  3. I looked at the command classes like you said and sure enough, when I tried to do any kind of secure enrollment, multiple items were noted as interviewdone=false - the only way that I could get all of the sections to read interviewdone=true was to add it non-securely - so I am hopeful that it will stick - thanks for the help!
  4. I migrated from Polisy/Zooz to eISY/ZMatter and my exterior Zooz ZSE29 motion sensor (just the motion sensor node) has disappeared 2X from the IoX- the first time was after the initial migration - I interviewed it, assumed it was good and then it sometime later it disappeared - so I excluded it and re-included it (S0) and it disappeared again - anyone familiar with this device and ZMatter issues?
  5. Don't want to argue but the fact that they mention a date registers in my mind that the Polisy won't be supported as long as the eISY
  6. Polisy to eISY Polyglot migration seemed do-able to me after carefully reading the Wiki - someone should edit - I made a number of related posts back in Feb. when I tried this 2 other times and recently when I was about to try this again and no one ever said that it can't be done - per UDI, the Polisy has an expiration date and I like future proofing and getting the newer, shinier model, so here I am...
  7. That's what I thought, unfortunately the ISY portal node server seems to just pick the next available slot, so that one I can't control but all others I am trying to put in the same place - just ran out of free node servers to install and setup, so now I need UDI to transfer my licenses - looks like this time I am going to stay on the eISY/ZMatter
  8. So PG3x to PG3x migration is not possible? That is not clear to me after reading the Wiki I was able to power cycle to get back in to PG3x - so now I have 11 unmanaged node servers that I can't remove from the eISY - I opened a ticket which I guess could be used to request the node server license transfer but need to figure out how to clean house and get the unmanaged node servers out - I tried your trick to add 1 more node server in but the 11 unmanaged ones are still there - I also tried restoring the eISY PG3x backup from before the migration attempt (which has no node servers) and that doesn't work - any help to clean out is appreciated EDIT: - got them deleted - had to do it from AC, that deleted only slot 1, then had to use the trick to add a new node server and that deleted 2-11, so now apparently need licenses transferred so I don't have to re-purchase the paid NS - will install free ones for now... SO one question - I don't have to install node servers in the same slot as they were before, do I?
  9. Well, 5 months later and attempting to migrate again and ended up back here - all node servers unmanaged - I have tried to restore the pre-migration eISY PG3x backup (which has no node servers) and when I do, for a while there are no node servers, then the unmanaged 11 node servers come back - is there another way to wipe PG3x clean and re-start from scratch?
  10. I am trying to migrate from a Polisy with the latest 5.6.3/3.1.36 to an eISY with 5.6.3/3.1.36 so I'm going from PG3x to PG3x - do I just do a restore? or do I need to do a Migrate from PG3 Backup? EDIT: well things have gone downhill fast and I am completely locked out of PG3x (can't log in - 503 Service Unavailable) - opened a ticket
  11. I appreciate the reply but I have thoroughly read all of the Wiki pages - I guess not a good post on my part - well I decided to try the full migration from Polisy/Zooz/2448A7 to eISY/ZMatter/USB wired PLM in progress now...
  12. I would recommend just doing it because you're going to have to eventually - I've done it on a Polisy and I don't recall it being too bad...
  13. OK, big picture, I am concerned about going from the Polisy/Zooz to the eISY/ZMatter (I have both) as it didn't work so well when I attempted this 2X in the past - my idea is to attempt this in steps by updating the Zooz dongle to ZMatter first, then later updating the Polisy to the eISY - that way, I don't get overwhelmed with having to fix, re-enroll devices or transfer licenses for Z-wave, UDMobile/Portal and Node Servers all at once, but the Wiki doesn't seem to explicitly cover doing this in 2 steps, so I am wondering if this has been attempted and if it is possible (before I try) - can anyone comment on this??
  14. Per the Wiki, in order to migrate from Polisy/Zooz to the same Polisy/ZMatter, I would perform a z-wave migration backup, then power down, unplug the zooz dongle, plug in the ZMatter dongle, power up and do a restore - does this sound right? has anyone done this?
  15. A few months ago, I attempted to migrate my Polisy/Zooz USB stick to the eISY/ZMatter - I may try again in the near future, but was wondering if I should factory reset the ZMatter prior to attempting again, because it contains links to my Z-Wave network from a few months ago - alternatively, would it be better to do one step at a time? 1-migrate Polisy/Zooz to eISY/Zooz, then 2-migrate Zooz to ZMatter? Or perhaps 1-migrate Polisy/Zooz to Polisy/ZMatter, then migrate Polisy to eISY?
  16. I was able to upgrade my Polisy from 3.1.29 to 3.1.32
  17. I went for several days with no errors, but just had another reboot - will open a ticket later today...
  18. A Ubiquiti UDM-Pro router with 2 access points shows up as a single SSID and works fine in my case with HEOS (Denon alternative to Sonos) and multiple Wifi and wired video locations all in one unmanaged LAN - but I keep all my smarthome/IoT traffic on 2.4G (2 channels) and all streaming on 5G (2 channels).
  19. Anyone else seeing this? I have been updating IoX and PG3x fairly regularly now that things seem more stable with the releases. Most recently, I upgraded to PG3x 3.1.29 - after this, I have seen a number of Polisy reboots that I did not initiate - nothing really changed except keeping the software updated - just had 2 reboots today alone, one around 12:15AM and another at 8:30PM The only clue that I have found is that in the IoX log file, there are entries a device "0" and control "null" around the time of the IoX reboots.
  20. I bought my previous router based on smallnetbuilder.com recommendations but currently, I am running a Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro with two WiFi 6 LR access points - it works well and seems to be a step up from my previous experience with Netgear and TP-Link routers
  21. This is kind of a minor issue, but for the past 2 upgrades, my eisy A/C tells me to reboot via a pop up window - possibly after I exited the IoX A/C and got back in, but prior to any reboot attempts - my Polisy A/C doesn't tell me to reboot when the update is complete (I hear 5 beeps) but after waiting a bit, I reboot anyways, then when I start the IoX A/C, then it tells me that I need to reboot - so then I have to reboot again - so there is some kind of minor difference between IoX A/C behavior on the eisy vs Polisy (unless the Polisy requires a much longer waiting period for the pop-up message) - in any event both recent updates have gone without any observable errors
  22. To be clear, I did see a reboot message in orange at the top of the PG3x web page on both devices (both were PG3x 3.1.27 prior to the update), if that is what is meant by the popup - what I meant was the message box in IoX admin console indicating that a reboot is necessary - I only saw that on the eISY for some reason - maybe I didn't wait long enough on the Polisy, but I did hear 5 beeps
  23. Upgraded both a Polisy and eISY to IoX 3.6.2 with no issues observed so far - only saw a popup on the eISY, not the Polisy (but heard 5 beeps)
  24. Updated to 3.1.27 from 3.1.26 on my Polisy - no major issues - one minor issue - the IoX admin panel did not list any of my programs, although they were clearly running - I did a shut down, unplugged and powered back up and everything looks good...
  25. In my case, it was changing from PG3/v3.1.20 to PG3X/v3.1.25 that caused the issue - in this case some files or folders had incorrect ownership - I ended up opening a ticket and UDI remoted in to my PC to correct - I think there is a fix for this now in v3.1.26 but in your case, you are only at v3.1.20 - I don’t recall that update being a problem - you may have to open a ticket
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