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Everything posted by tibbar

  1. I thought we already had this conversation.
  2. tibbar

    Zwave Long Range

    WELL... This is a quote I received from Michel with a ticket I submitted to UD: We don't currently support LR mode. So I guess don't matter the certification. Lol.
  3. tibbar

    Zwave Long Range

    Just in case anyone is interested @Michel Kohanim confirmed : ZMatter USB: Z-Wave+, Zigbee, and Matter Module for eisy (Z-Wave+ Certified – Long Range) does not support Long Range mode.
  4. DO I dare to reboot EISY? LOL
  5. WE ARE UP AND RUNNING . Thanks @apnar for your script and your time.
  6. Dooh - use EISY IP. lol Dont know how but HA have started.
  7. Router (I,m using pfsense) does not list anything with MAC address of VM. How do you connect to vnc if you do not know IP address?
  8. Remove a lock? Does it mean to delete run.lock file from /storage/vms/homeassistant/ directory?
  9. [admin@eisy ~]$ sudo vm list Password: NAME DATASTORE LOADER CPU MEMORY VNC AUTO STATE homeassistant default uefi 2 2G Yes [1] Locked (eisy)
  10. Should I start over?
  11. I was not able to log in to HA. "Running" was stated by "info homeassistant" command but it did not show any network info. After rebooting it shows "stopped" like the screen shot above.
  12. In all my previous attempts I had same thing happened. Initially right after running a script info homeassistant showed it running but after restarting it always says "stopped".
  13. That is what I tried before running your script. No matter what I could not "destroy" homeassistant until I did: bhyvectl --vm=homeassistant --destroy
  14. My latest attempt was with script created by @apnar
  15. Hello. After multiple attempts I still can not get HA to run on NVMe. If I try to start HA I get an error saying: ! guest appears to be running already. IF I try to stop it I get : /usr/local/sbin/vm: WARNING: unable to locate process id for homeassistant Can someone please help.
  16. tibbar

    Zwave Long Range

    Correct zwave-js only supports it from v9.10.0. Yes I know long range do not mesh (beam). I have a greenhouse that is fair distance away and it works much better in long range mode. Any idead how to use it in EISY?
  17. tibbar

    Zwave Long Range

    I do not think it matters if it is 800 or 700 series chip when including Zwave Long Range in Home Assistant. It is just a different process of doing the inclusion and it is just on HA side nothing to do with zwave device so I was wondering if there is a special process of doing it in EISY.
  18. tibbar

    Zwave Long Range

    @Techman Sorry for being kind of a jerk. I was just being so irritated and frustrated getting everything working (ISY to EISY and Home Assistant).
  19. tibbar

    Zwave Long Range

    No offence but... really? When you do not have an answer you just type? That is the second "answer" you gave me. Isn't dongle called : (Z-Wave+ Certified - Long Range). It has nothing to do with Zooz it works fine. I know what chip they use. Works fine in "Long Range" mode with Home Assistant.
  20. Hell. I have few of Zooz ZEN04 800 LR 800 Series Long Range Plugs. Finally figured out how to add them as Long Range to Home Assistant, they work good. Added couple to EISY but I do not see option to use it in "Long Range" mode or "beaming" mode. Can someone please shed some light on EISY and Zwave Long Range please.
  21. How can you see the neighbours for particular zwave device?
  22. Hello. About a week ago I've upgraded to EISY + ZMatter USB. Have a question about Dongle version. In the AC under Zwave and Zigbee menu it says "Beta Test Version". Is this normal?
  23. Thank You very much @dbwarner5. This made my day. Never even thought about looking there. It is time to upgrade the locks anyway but I'm holding off for Zwave 700 or Matter. Now at least I have same functionality as I had on ISY.
  24. Thanks @DennisC. I do use UD Mobile and it is great. Going back to controlling Yale lock, this is still PITA.
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