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Everything posted by G W

  1. Dear Mike; I hate you. With much Love, Gary All kidding aside, that is GREAT news. I have one ordered and will put it to work the very minute it is delivered. If it works as well as you indicate, I will end up ordering several. I do wish they would make an AC version. I'd like to put a few in areas where it won't be so easy to get to them to change the battery. Or at least an a plug for an AC adapter.
  2. G W

    Energy Star

    I just added the ISY about two weeks ago, so I don't have any numbers. But I can tell you that fans don't run for hours like they used to and lights don't stay on all day.
  3. G W

    Energy Star

    I do the following: 1. Turn off bathroom fans after a set time and trigger. 2. Turn off closet, laundry and utility lights after a set time. 3. Turn on and off ceiling fans depending on temprature. I'm looking at other ways to also use the ISY to control the use of electric. I'm very interested in the exacty hardware and method MikeB uses: "A KPL button now illuminates in my master bedroom if either garage door is open, and simply pressing it will close it." Gary Thanks MikeB. I don't want to take over this thread so I edited this post. Gary
  4. G W

    Program Bahaviour

    At this point, the ISY needs a simple schedular.
  5. G W

    How to reset ISY26?

    At this point, I think it's worse than a simple reset will fix. I think you're going to have to send it in for repair.
  6. G W

    Program Bahaviour

    What if you reversed the first condition? IF CielingFan-Motor is ON THEN (do nothing) ELSE Repeat every 30 minutes Set CielingFanScene ON Wait 30 seconds Set CielingFanScene OFF
  7. Just to make sure we are ont he same page. I requets an email field so I may enter the email address of the email account for the SMTP server. In my case isyalerts@mydomain.com Then emails will show they came from isyalerts@mydomain.com and not alerts@universal-devices.com. Is this what you intend to do Michel? Best regards, Gary
  8. I'm enterested in using ColdFusion to call the web service. So where do I find the documentation on what I need to pass and what I get back. Help me Ben Forta, help me. Gary
  9. I put in the username (which is NOT the email address) to the account on my mail server.
  10. I'm confused here. I don't use the default, but when mail is sent it comes from alerts@universal-devices.com.
  11. I did receive the null-modem cable. The unit is on and I'm setting it up. So far, I'm very happy with this. Gary
  12. Ah, and the null-modem cable. I didn't get the quick start guide nor even an invoice or any other paper work. I did print the manuals so I don't need you to send anything. I just wanted inform you. I should have a new PLM this week and I look forward to many hours of bugging my wife. Thanks again for a great product, Gary Funk
  13. The new unit arrived today and works great. I upgraded to 2.6.7, configured it to use my SMTP server, and sent a test message. It worked but I did notice one small item and I have a suggestion. It send mail from alerts@universal-devices.com. My server complained about this as alerts@universal-devices.com has no rights to send email via my server, even with proper login. I bypassed this and made it work, but.. May I ask that in the next version you and an "email" field to the SMTP login? Thanks for the replacing the bad unit quickly. Your support is GREAT! One more question. When I received the initial unit, all that was included was the ISY and two Ethernet cables. No power supply, no manual, no CD. I don't need or even want these, but should I have received them? Best regards, Gary Funk
  14. Message is sent. Remind me to put you on my Christmas list. You guys are great. Gary
  15. I have used several Ethernet cables, just in case the unit didn't like the ones sent. At this very moment, I am using the Ethernet cable from my network printer. I have also confirmed my laptop can obtain and use the Internet via that same cable. I just rebooted the router, as you asked, and that made no difference. It came up, gave me an IP address and I am now writing this message. Still no change in the ICY. I will contact SmartHome and request an RMA on the PLM. Thanks for your support. It is better than I ever expected. Best regards, Gary
  16. I have set it to and gateway and I am unable to see it using any IP tool. It also does not show up in UPnP on any of the workstations and servers I have. I can use an external power adapter if you think that might help. I have checked the power and it seems goot at 12 vdc. I'm willing to try any idea you have. Best regards, Gary
  17. It's a 2412S rev 2.9. Can you tell me why it can't get an IP addres from my DHCP server? Best regards, Gary
  18. No matter what I try I can't get the unit to obtain an IP address, nor can I get to it when I assing it an IP address. Here is the terminal session: Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort Configured IP = Configured Mask = MAC Address= 00:21:b9:00:3b:ad --- Product : (1050) ISY 99i 1024 IR --- Max Nodes & Scenes: 1024 Starting ISY Configuring the File System Loading System Configuration Refreshing Device Configurations Loading Nodes Configuration Starting the Logger Service Starting the Time Services Initializing SSL Services SSL Key Size: 512 SERIAL:Connect: port=0 baud=19200 stop=1 data=8 parity=0 : synch=true pd=3 Retrieving Nodes Binding the UPnP Device Starting the Logical Device Updater Service Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service Starting the Security System Starting the Shell Configuring Mail Service H_ERROR:-50010 : universal-devices.com Starting the Device Starting Device Communications Services LOGGER:-50010 : n=[null] c=[univers] a=[null] PLM: unable to get PLM information, no Insteon commands will run ENTERING SAFE MODE, SOME SERVICES WILL NOT BE STARTED SAFEMODE: Not Starting Triggers SAFEMODE: Not Starting IR SAFEMODE: Not sending device commands Query All Devices Please Log in Username: Here is the information as reported by the unit: Product: (1050) ISY 99i 1024 IR App: Insteon_UD99 Platform: ISY-C-99 Version: 2.6.5 Build Date: 2008-06-24-19:53:47 Other Services: - IR Enabled When I disconnect the ethernet cable, it reports: Network Cable Disconnected or DHCP Server Error Other details: The unit is not discover by UPnP. When the unit powers up, POWER, then RX, TX, then MEM, ERROR, then TX, MEM, ERROR go out. After about 3 seconds, MEM and ERROR come on for 1 second. Then it repeats, 1 seoncd ON, three seonds OFF. My thought is that the unit is defective out of the box, but since this is a refurbished unit, I would think that it was tested several times before being sold again. Anyone have any ideas? Best regards, Gary Funk
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