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Everything posted by oberkc

  1. Accessing the ISY may depend on version of software the ISY is running. It may also require downloading Java on your computer. As MrBill suggests, log onto your router and find your list of connected devices. One of those should be your ISY. That list should also include the IP address (the IP address is probably not something that is printed on some label that is worn). You could also take a shot in the dark and hope that it is a relatively recent software version on the ISY. If so, you could try the ISY launcher. See step 2 of: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Installing_the_Admin_Console_Icon_on_Your_Desktop Put the launcher on your desktop and open it. It may find your ISY. I don't think there is any harm in trying this.
  2. Either, but can run ISY software internally. Only if you want to include Insteon devices, and only if you want to run ISY software internally. I don't know, at this point. Originally, I recall that the pro included a few extra features, but I understand that this may have evolved. https://polyglot.universal-devices.com I don't see Trane on the list
  3. I agree that this seems likely to be a program issue. An alternative approach to that suggested by lilyoyo1 is to open the admin console, go to the programs tab, and then the summary tab. Toggle the switch and observe if any of the programs run (the activity status will momentarily change and turn red). Also, sort the list by "last run time" and you would be able to identify if a program ran at the time you toggled your switch.
  4. When I attempted to install ISY on Polisy, I also tried to research the various topics and wiki. After the research and guidance provided by many here, I attempted to install it. I spent a lot of hours trying, again and again, to get this to work, without success. I eventually wrote a ticket with Universal Devices, who ended up taking control of my computer (while I watched) and attempting to install ISY. After doing the same things I had already attempted, then going much further, they discovered what they describe as a "bug" in some file somewhere. They fixed it on site, and got mine working. Why do I bring this up? To point out that one can follow directions and things still might not work. A little grace can be a good thing sometimes.
  5. For me, the potential benefit is end-of-day shutdown. I had noticed that my "whole house" scene takes much longer to turn off, and I believe this to be the result of an increasing number of z-wave devices within that scene. My hope was to put all z-wave devices into an association and shut them all off at once, avoiding the time it takes when they are part of an ISY scene. But...I am reaching the conclusion that this is not likely to happen any time soon.
  6. I have a "test" scene with a z-wave motion sensor and a z-wave switch. To that scene I have also added a basic node to that switch and also included this node into the scene. The link type for the two switch nodes are "z-wave association" but the switch does NOT respond to a motion sensor trigger. I wonder if the"action" column in the scene table is an indication of the problem. The action says "no parameters".
  7. I must admit that I did not try any motion sensors in my experiments. Because of your experience, I tried linking one of my motion sensors to one of my switches (both z-wave). Amazingly, I now had the "z-wave association" as an option for link type. I selected this link type and updated. Wow! As a further test, I triggered the motion sensor to see if the switch would respond. Nope. Baby steps, I suppose.
  8. I definitely want to explore the z-wave scene thing, but I am a little surprised (if not even disappointed) that the association ability does not seem to apply to the ISY (zwave board, or dongle, I guess). My end-of-day shutdown has grown increasingly long, and this is due (best I can tell) from having to turn off increasingly large number of zwave devices. I assume these must be done with individual device commands rather than by some group command.
  9. I guess I will have to try a couple of homeseer switches.
  10. I am guessing that your keypad button is one other than the primary, correct? It is my experience so far that mixed scenes having secondary keypad buttons do not work for the keypad buttons I think it has something to do with the fact that keypad buttons work only in scenes. Unfortunately, a mixed scene does not appear to satisfy this requirement.
  11. There are screenshots in the wiki or user manual so I am not sure I need to see those. I am not sure whether the screenshots in the wiki are simulated or whether they were with actual zwave devices (if so, it would be nice to know which devices, yes) For me it is mostly a case that I have seen no one around here claim to have successfully done this. In fact, one or more have even claimed that the ISY does not support associations.
  12. Tried and failed. Again. And, again, I ask: has anyone actually seen "z-wave" as a link option and, if so, what devices do you have, brand and model.
  13. I have not used z-wave fan controls, but am hopeful that they would work similarly to Insteon. Rather than getting a switch that is a fan control, consider a z-wave fan control that fits in the fixture box. Get a control for each fan, and link all to a z-wave switch to control the fan and/or lights. Unfortunately, my experience leads me to believe that the scenes between z-wave devices will be through the ISY rather than, like Insteon, directly between switch and fan modules. Still, I think this could work.
  14. I have set up a dummy scene to see if I could get this to work. Controller is a custom "button press" node I added (existing nodes could not be added as a controller) and responder is, as you suggested, an added "basic" node. Screen shot provided below. As I have mentioned in other topics I have never seen the option to have a z-wave association, and this is no exception. I am willing to accept the possibility that my particular devices don't have the ability for direct association, but my question remains: has anyone actually seen a z-wave device that works with ISY associations and, if so, what brand and model are they?
  15. Here is one of my devices, I believe it to be a GE switch. I could not get all the info into a single screen shot. The second pair pictures are from a Leviton switch. I have tried experimenting with combinations of nodes from these types of switches to create a scene that was a z-wave association. I have never succeeded. The current scenes in which these two are included are NOT the results of my experiments and also include Insteon devices.
  16. I recall this option being under the "scene" action, rather than individual device. This action has definitely changed over the years and software builds.
  17. I cannot even find an instance of this on any from the sample of zwave devices I just checked. I am on software 5.3.2. Not sure if this matters.
  18. My experience is just like that of kzboray: I have a limited number of z-wave devices, but I have experimented with several of them trying to create a scene in which the "association" or "z-wave" option was available. The ONLY link type options I have seen with z-wave devices within a scene are "command", "default", or "ignore". I have tried creating temporary scenes with only two zwave devices. For those scenes, I have tried the "basic" scene nodes, the "basic scene Ctl 2" nodes, "basic scene Ctl 3" nodes, and the nodes created from the ISY menu "add button press node". I have tried various combinations of those types of nodes from two z-wave devices and still have not seen anything other than "command", "default", or "ignore" link types. The devices I have used for these experiments are from GE (Jasco, I guess) and Leviton. All z-wave devices used here have been either a switch or an outlet. I asked at each opportunity: has anyone seen a "z-wave" link type within an ISY scene and, if so, what brand z-wave devices are you using?
  19. That is how I did it, as well. All Devices. Once device. Any combination of any devices.
  20. ??? I have amazon routines that are announcements, but don’t use IFTTT. What am I missing?
  21. I, too, once tried tapatalk. I use android and chrome browser. I deleted tapatalk but continued to get the "open this topic in..." notification. I got a new phone and, never having loaded tapatalk, continue to get the notice. Never did figure out how to delete, but I did not try very hard.
  22. They are potentially in the user manual or wiki. I did not check. X10 can be used as a program condition or action. I am on ISY software version 5.3.something and x-10 is an option in the drop-down boxes used when creating programs, just like any other condition or action. I don't specifically recall earlier versions of the ISY software, but I don't think this approach has changed much over the years.
  23. While I consider the optional x-10 module "unecessary" (x-10 on the ISY is fully functional without it), the module does make x-10 a little easier to use. Without the module, x-10 commands are issued by programs using house code and number. The optional module allows one to name a given house code/number combination and add that name to the device list. Without the module, one cannot add an x-10 with to the list of devices.
  24. If you want the other switch to respond to commands from the switch called "kitchenspot", add the other switch to a scene to the scene "kitchenmain", as a responder.
  25. The only thing that is coming to mind right now is the possibility that you are using a password from your old isy that does not apply to your new polisy-based ISY. To be clear, default login credentials for new isy are: admin/ admin. Is that what you have in the polisy settings?
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