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Everything posted by oberkc

  1. I am one of the people who use scenes, rather than calling individual devices, in programs. I don’t know whether it will solve your problem, bit it is worth trying. Put the lights listed in your program into a single scene and call the scene via program.
  2. Not really. Folders can be used to organize devices, or to organize (and enable/disable) programs. The only way I can think to create programs for devices that do not yet exist is to use scenes in programs, then add new devices to scenes as you get them.
  3. Then...you would need to find an electrician who knows how to read directions. OK...so you have previously installed a micro module in one of the switch locations. This suggests that there is a neutral available at that location, which suggests that this location is where the hot and neutral are introduced into the circuit. That suggests to me that you will not be able to install a micro module at the fixture box, or at the garage switch box. Still, it would be nice to know how many cables are coming into each of the two switch boxes and how they are currently wired to the existing switches.
  4. While tmorse305' diagram looks correct to me, it assume that you have unstitched power at the fixture box, which may (or may not) be true in your case. You must identify where there is access to hot and neutral, and this can be done by evaluating how the two switches are wired. Unfortunately, the clues are not all contained in your single picture. In each switch box, one would have to note: - conductors and colors connected to each switch - how many cables (bundles of conductors) enter each switch box and colors and routing of the conductors within each switch box. For example, the three conductors (two black, one red) connected to your pictured switch...do they come from a single cable or from more than one cable? What about the other switch location? Are there conductors in the switch box not connected to the switch?
  5. Regarding your step 20, this appears normal to me. If you press a button (configured in toggle mode) that is already on, it will turn off, as will all responders to that button. If your use case include pressing a button that is currently on, and you expect it to stay on, you would have to configure the button to be "non-toggle (on)". As extensive as your post was, it is focused on the responder settings for button 12.BD.0A.A, and those look correct (all responder buttons are set to OFF). Reminder, you must check this for EVERY controller button in the scene. Select 12.BD.0A.B....are all responders set to off. Check C button for same responder settings. Then, individually select each of the three buttons on device 12.B8.1E and ensure each of the responders is set to off. Regarding the ISY automatically configuring a mutually-exclusive relationship based upon your scene settings, I have no experience to confirm this (unfortunately, also, I do not have a couple of spare keypads with which to play around). I would not expect this either and your trials suggest to me also that this may be a bug. Was that relationship also automatically set up for the second keypad? Edit...I checked one of my Keypads (single keypad, single scene with four buttons (all controllers), all responders set to OFF. In fact, my keypad also shows a mutually-exclusive relationship configured. I don't believe that I did this either. I guess I can now confirm behavior like yours in this regard.
  6. This makes me wonder how long will the PLM be available. I don't think there is any smarthome device or software that uses the PLM. Only third-party devices use the PLM, right? Ugh.
  7. Agreed. Just responding to the question about whether there was any documentation on this. Exceptions also include "repeats", I understand.
  8. Regarding controlling alexa via the harmony remote....I do not recall that this is possible. I believe one can add the harmony skill to alexa which enables one to control a hub via alexa, but I don’t recall the reverse (controlling alexa devices via the hub) being true. Hopefully, others can correct me if I remember incorrectly.
  9. There is some discussion of this in the wiki. A quote: "What this means is that if a program's Then clause changes a condition which causes the program's overall condition to become false (or if the program's Else clause changes a condition which causes the program's overall condition to become true), the current atomic statement group will complete, and at that point execution will transfer from the Then clause (or the Else clause) to the Else clause (or the Then clause)."
  10. I second the recommendation for the hue emulator (as opposed to the hue node server). I found it a little counterintuitive, but it works great once you get your head around the concept. I am also assuming you are using a harmony hub device. In my mind, the hue emulator simulates a hue hub (even if you already have an actual hue hub, which I do). The harmony remote hubs can find hue hubs and control them. In this case, you want to link the harmony remote to the hub known as the hue emulator, not the real hue hub (if you even have one.) Once linked, the harmony app can find the devices in the hue emulator. IIRC, ISY devices can be added to the hue emulator by assigning a "spoken" command to those devices you want to control. Once they are added to the hue emulator, add the hue skill to your harmony and try to find your hue emulator (harmony thinking it is finding an actual hue hub.) Once found, the devices added to the hue emulator (those having "spoken" assigned) will show up as devices that can be controlled via your harmony remote and assigned to your light or outlet buttons. I have likely omitted a few details, but the hue emulator is one of the node servers that I definitely like.
  11. I have a scene just like CJVann is trying to create. KPL-B button is controller. Other devices responders. KPL button in "non-toggle (off)" mode. Pressing the button causes all the responders to turn off and the button light flashes a couple of times and turns off. Works great. @CJVann ... it sure sounds as if you are doing things like I did. The only thing coming to mind is that yours is likely a newer keypad and it seems to me that smarthome can sometimes make "feature" changes over time. Given the same results when manually configured, my best guess is that this is an issue with the keypad, itself. Were this me, I would remove and factory reset one of the switches. Once reset, manually configure the button. If the button stays on when toggled, I would conclude this to be a new feature or faulty device (however you look at things.) If it turns off when toggled, I would factory reset again, add back to the ISY, and configure the button via the admin panel. Does it still turn off when toggled? If so, add the scene members. Do things change? I would be breaking this into small steps to identify at what point the behavior deviates from the expected.
  12. When you press the button (regardless of the LED backlight), does the ISY think it turns on or off? I wonder if you could configure this manually. I see instructions in the user manual.
  13. I have been interested in another PLM, but they have been out of stock. Since you mentioned that more items seemed to be in stock, I checked and see that this includes the PLM. Nice.
  14. I fear that this is your imagination. It seems many products have been discontinued along with color selections for given products.
  15. To be honest, I am unsure about this. I doubt that it would hurt, but I suspect that it would not change anything in the context of a motion sensor.
  16. With ISY, "controllers" are, by default, also "responders". I guess this is a residual from that definition, even though it make little sense for a motion sensor to be a scene responder. I do not believe there is a way to define something as only a controller. I also believe it does not matter here...motion sensors do not listen and are unaffected by controller action. I would ignore this.
  17. There are a lot of folks around here that are good with variables. I recall that alexa is looking for a value of 1 = on, so it is pretty simple. I think I use this technique in a couple of places. You will pick it up quickly.
  18. Well, lets start breaking this down into smaller pieces. Does the keypad button turn on/off when the door is open/closed? (close it via wired button or car remote for testing purposes.) If not, either the sensor is not changing state, the scene between sensor and relay is not set up correctly, or there is a comm problem. Does the LED light on the IOLinc turn on/off when the door is open/closed? Does the ISY recognize the change in state of the IOLinc sensor (the admin panel should show true state)? Double check the scene definition (sensor is CONTROLLER, button is responder, correct?) Start looking for clues. I assume that the "relay follows input" setting would cause the relay to close when the sensor is activated, and vice-versa. I do not think you want that option checked. you should want relay and sensor to operate independently.
  19. DJBoombox... I don't do this regularly enough to know for sure, but I recall a possibility that alexa routines can only be triggered by ISY devices if they are sensors or variables. If you want to trigger a routine from an insteon switch, you may have to create a method in the ISY to toggle a variable when the switch is toggled. Then, trigger an alexa routine from the variable. FWIW, none of my switches or scenes show up as options in the "when this happens" dialog. Edit...I wonder if an insteon switch can be added to alexa as a sensor
  20. oberkc

    GeoFence program

    I understand that you want the garage lights to come on only as you transition the radius boundary, and only during certain times of the day (sunset-to-sunrise). That was my assumption. Thanks. My suggested approach stands.
  21. What LED is failing to light up? The one on the IOLinc? The one on the keypad button? Another? did you create two scenes? One would have the sensor as controller and button as responder. The second scene would have button as controller and relay as responder.
  22. oberkc

    GeoFence program

    Assuming that I understand what it is that you are trying to accomplish, I would tackle this problem with two programs... first program: if occupied is true then run second program (if path) second program (should be disabled): if time is from sunrise to sunset (next day) then turn on garage lights wait 30 minutes turn off garage lights
  23. My thoughts, also. So far, the phenomenon has been repeatable. It definitely does NOT seem random.
  24. I do not claim to fully understand the relationship between insteon, z-wave, and the ISY-994. I have a scene with almost my entire interior devices that I use at the end of the day. Most are insteon, but more than a few are z-wave. I just added a new z-wave outlet the other day and added it to this scene. I noticed that, when I turn off this scene, the newly-added device is the last device to turn off, and it is likely 5-10 seconds before doing so. It makes me suspect that the ISY runs through each of the zwave devices within the scene and turns each off individually. This one is the last added, and is alphabetically the last zwave device in the list. I cannot help but wonder if re-ordering the devices somehow would result in response times being different for various devices.
  25. I have not had luck with this approach. It may depend on the brand or version of switch one is using. It may also require the creation of a "button press node" and using that as a control condition. I am still not satisfied with z-wave switches as much as I am with Insteon. I also experience measurable delays in zwave devices. I just live with it. Most of my zwave responders are outlets, and they turn off at the end of the day. Delays do not bother me that much.
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