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Everything posted by oberkc

  1. As I look at your web page, I cannot help but wonder what it is you do that should interest me. I can see that you do it for residential customers and that you like "simple". I see that you have partners and like to integrate devices and install things. What I have trouble seeing is the problem for which you offer "solutions". Are you offering automation? Ease of control? Of what (lighting? Audio?)? I see "integration" mentioned often, and my impression is that your primary purpose is to integrate. But...it is not obvious to me from this website what is the end goal for this integration. I see "integration" as a possible means to an end, but not necessarily having any value in itself unless it actually achieves a desired end state. How is this "integration" going to make my life better?
  2. See above for suggestions. I expect that this will turn on the light when motion is sensed. Since none was specified, there is no automatic method here to turn the light off. Manually turning off the light will NOT trigger the program again.
  3. I thought you had an ISY? That is what I use.
  4. I would not be quick to simply buy another one. My experience is that they just keep running. I think the best option is, as suggested by mecheng70, to find your ip address from the router. Alternatively, I believe you can find it from a terminal or command prompt, but this would vary depending on your computer OS. I am also unclear whether the "https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp" option will work on older versions of the ISY software. I don't think there is any harm in trying it, but don't be too discouraged if it does not work on yours. Hopefully, it will work.
  5. Another thought...if you have the ISY and have, or will be, automating your house, I think it is a good idea to include ZWAVE into those plans. There are zwave devices that do not have equivalent insteon or x10 counterparts, you can sometimes find good deals on zwave devices, and it a hedge against the risks of a single-vendor system. I started very small with zwave and it worked out pretty well...it did not take a large number of devices for me to experience good reliability. Get a couple of range extenders or outlets and see if that works. I would generally avoid zwave switches to start. My experience with zwave switches is that they can limit your program options and triggers in ISY programs. yes, I would update your ISY software to the latest 5 version, being sure to add the 500 series zwave card. Make sure you read all the instructions and cautions. It will likely involve a fair amount of time if you already have a lot of devices and programs.
  6. In my case, I found moving the lock to be easier, but the effect is the same...get them close to each other.
  7. I had trouble with mine, as well. I think I ended up removing the locks from the door and moved close to the ISY. Excluding and factory reset of the locks was a necessary step, as well. Once included, I have reinstalled on door and it has been solid ever since. My working theory is that z-wave repeaters, for some reason, are not effective for including this particular lock. Maybe there needs to be a stronger signal for include/exclude operations than for routine open/close.
  8. I did not see a way to change icons.
  9. I can add favorites, but do not find the process overly intuitive. How far do you get when trying?
  10. To clarify...do you have control of the wifi at the condo, or is it public? The reason that I ask is wondering if you have the opportunity to set a static IP address.
  11. Logged into new app. All seems to work, based on quick check and adding of favorites.
  12. Ok. I just looked it up and downloaded to my phone. It seemed to download fine (android version 11). Unfortunately, I will have to wait until later to go any further, since I do not have my portal login credentials.
  13. I suspect that your android OS is too old. In the play store, in the app description, is there not an eligibility requirement for andoid?
  14. I have never learned to read those logs. My perception is that garage door openers can be a serious source of interference when they are running. Is that a possible explanation for what you are seeing?
  15. This is true (at least older versions). The relay does not transmit status and cannot be used as a scene controller. Thanks for the update to your trigger reverse and query. Hopefully, that will remain solid for you.
  16. Thanks. The only problem with "trigger reverse" that I recall is that this setting does not apply when queried. So...if you have the typical 3:00am query, this might cause a state change for the sensor. Any program that might be triggered by a state change would run. Also, I assume it would render the KPL buttons being inaccurate until toggled again. Perhaps this has been fixed in newer versions of the IOLinc? Are you experiencing this problem?
  17. It looks as if your scenes are set up correctly. I must admit that I don't understand why your sensor (indicated by green LED in third picture) is ON but the status as shown in the ISY admin panel pictures show OFF. Do you have sensor reversed in the IOLinc settings? Otherwise, I don't see anything else outside the normal. I assume you have relay mode set to momentary, and KPL button set to non-toggle mode?
  18. 1) The "SENSOR" is on when the door is closed. The relay is unaffected by the door position. Whether the sensor life is degraded by having the 5V applied a majority of the time (assume closed more than open) I do not know. 2) I don't think that the sensor being on or off will affect mobilinc operation. I performed a quick check on one device on mobilinc (mobilinc pro on UD portal, in my case) at my house, and it looks as if the mobilinc states updates less than 10 seconds after something changes at home. If your mobilinc is not doing this, I doubt it has anything to do with the IOLinc. My two IOLinc sensors appear to be tracking correctly on mobilinc.
  19. As far as I know, insteon communicates on the AC (black) wire. Also, insteon is intermittent. Given this, I have trouble imagining insteon creating a problem. On the other side, could the fans be sensitive, in general, to the presence of electronic devices? Maybe some of the capacitance or inductance characteristics of electronic devices can cause problems for the fan?
  20. OK. Since the new sensor is ON when the door is closed, the KPL button will now be ON when the door is closed. Yes, I suspect that you had the original style sensor which had both options. The new one does not have both options. I believe you have a couple of options... - keep using the original sensor with the new IOLinc. (Assumes the sensor is still good.) - Purchase a new sensor having the "normally closed" option - mount the sensor in a location such that the magnet is close to the sensor when the door is fully open (less desirable in my estimation) - use a program (rather than a scene) to trigger the KPL backlight
  21. LED on = sensor on Having said this, there is no single right answer. It all depends on how you intend to use the sensor status in your system and how you want the system to behave. How was your old sensor used? As part of a scene? As part of a program trigger? Other?
  22. I do not believe this is true. I ran the series 300 board all the way through 5.0.16. I believe that the need to go to 500-series board is related only to 5.2.0 One thing that caught my attention on your post is that you have 5.0.13 software and 4.7.3 UI. Mismatch between software and UI seems to be a common topic and have unpredictable results. If you are having issues, you may want to resolve this problem first.
  23. There were, if I recall, things added to the 5 level that could not easily be done at level 4. Whether they are benefits to you, I cannot say. I also do not remember them all but one that I do recall was the introduction of a robust set of system variables. For me, the ability to add program conditions based upon year, month, and day was quite useful. I understand, too, that there may be a small number of devices supported in 5.x that are not supported in 4.x. I believe there were some z-wave improvements as well. Only you can know whether this is beneficial to you. It does seem that there is a large number who are staying on 4.x. Some seemed to fear (until recently) the fact that it was classified as "beta". Other probably wanted to avoid the work entailed. Sill others saw no benefit. It all depends on your wants and needs, I guess.
  24. I use mobilinc pro with the ISY portal. I can use moblinc pro without ANY portal access, which I like, but have the portal for other reasons, so I decided to go through the portal for app access due to perceived improvements in security. I do not use mobilincX (or whatever the latest version is). Also, access to my system via phone or tablet is not the highest priorities for me. I don't really care if an app "looks" dated, nor do I have much need for access to toggle more than a few scenes or devices on phone. I understand that mobilincX may have some features that are lacking in mobilinc pro, but pro still does all that I care about. I wonder, however, how long it will continue to work. I don't like relying on the cloud for my system to work. I also don't like subscription services. Having said these things, I chose to subscribe to the ISY portal for a variety of reasons (totally unrelated to mobilinc). I think if I were to loose my current mobilinc pro function, I would probably abandon mobilinc for some other solutions, possibly including google home or alexa, or the dashboard (requires ISY portal, I think.) I will cross that bridge only if I must.
  25. I recall, during my initial conversion from 4.x to 5.x software (I don't remember exactly which was my first version of 5.x software) many of my programs had errors such as these. Even now, I see the note in the instructions: Upgrading to this version may require a lot of manual intervention including verifying scenes, programs and program settings are correct. In some cases it will be easier to rebuild your network. For programs that now contained errors where there were once program statements, I recall them having yellow icons in the listing. For each of these, it may be necessary to manually correct these errors before going any further. Try correcting one of the faulty programs and see if this solves the problems with that particular program.
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