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Everything posted by oberkc

  1. I understand that the links are stored in the PLM, but program execution requires the ISY.
  2. oberkc

    Restore device

    I did not realize that the ISY configured keypads from 6 to 8 button. Is your old one and new one different button configurations (one and 8 and the other a 6)? If so, have you attempted to manually configure your new one to match the old, then replace?
  3. It appears you have identified a problem with your light fooling your dusk/dawn sensor. When it does, the program conditions change and it stops. I don't yet use insteon motion sensors, but do you have the option to use "control" versus status? I suspect this could cause you problems in this application, as well. I am wondering if first creating a dusk/dawn program with nothing more than: If control "study motion-dusk/dawn" is turned on then else Modify your "study motion" program to read if control "study motion-sensor" is turned on and program "dusk/dawn" is true then set scene "study Lights.Scene" on wait 10 minutes set "study lights/scene" off else This still may suffer the problem with your study lights changing your input conditions before your 10 minutes. I wonder if you will also have to change your battery program condition from status to control.
  4. That is my understanding. Of course, the remote link has to be in linking mode for this to work. Then, to link other devices, use the ISY to create a scene, add to the scene the remote link button you want (as controller), than add any other controllers and responders.
  5. I have a remote link. As near as I can tell, the all on and all off affect the devices that are linked to the remote. I don't think there is any programming. Whatever six devices you have linked to the remote will go on and off at the press of the "all" buttons. The dim and bright affect the most recently controlled device. Turn on device 1, the dim/bright controls device 1 until you turn on/off another device. I hope this helps.
  6. non-toggle off, or non-toggle on?
  7. Link Management >> Start Linking Then go to device and put into linking mode. Once done, your device shoult show up in your "My Lighting" list
  8. You make me interested in the weatherbug module. Without any such experience, I am curious about your thoughts on the following: Do you think the light < 1 behaves as a control or a status? If a control, is is possible that it might transition to this light condition before your time window opens? If so, may there be times when your program does not run? Does it really hurt if this executes repeatedly? Once the scene is on, turning it on again won't have any affect, will it?
  9. I think there is an option to copy or replace a device, but I have never had the need and would have to look into this. I would check the wiki or the forum and search. indeed that sounds like a promising option. One other thought I had was purely experimental. I began wondering if your trouble device does not have a fast on option. I thought, perhaps, to temporarily change the program to simple on, and see if it works. This may further substantiate proper communication or narrow the options down a bit if it works.
  10. I understand this to be normal. This is how it works at my house. In many applications, these are clearly devices. If you view them simply as controls, then I can see your point. If you view these buttons as "displays" or status indicators, then the term device might make more sense. Your program is as I would create. And I would expect this to work. The only thing I can think is that your two all on buttons are somehow different buttons than the ones you think they are, but I am guessing you have this set up correctly. I see a lot of traffic about bugs in various types of devices, or in devices that the ISY does not recognize, but this one does not look familiar to me. Perhaps there are others that can dive a little deeper into this possibility and into your log record. Sorry I cannot help much more.
  11. So it appears that your ISY is seeing even the old KPL. The scene test works, which suggests communication is good. Maybe one of the experts at reading these logs can confirm all is well. I may have missed this earlier, but I now notice you have two buttons you want to use to trigger a scene. In your program, do you use two conditions? For example: If control "KPL New Button" is faston or if control "KPL Old Button" is faston Then set scene "all house" on. Are these two buttons used for anything else? What do you want to happen as a result of a single button press? Do you still have either of these two buttons as controllers of a scene or did you eliminate this as a result of the newfound skills of your 2-year-old?
  12. I cannot come up with any theories why you would have a scene coming on at random times. I am assuming you have no motion sensors putting signals on your lines? It seems plausible to me that it may be possible to come up with some experimental scenes to help diagnose the problem. I would normally think this might be some random X-10-, or insteon-like signal causing problems, but you reset your devices, so none with unkown x-10 addresses. I think it unlikely that a neighbor has a device or controller with the same address. It may be possible for technical support at Universal Devices to recognize something in your log that answers your questions.
  13. Blinking, at my house, suggests communication problems. I suggest opening the event viewer and trying your suspect keypad button. See if the event viewer captures the button press correctly. If not, you may have a bad KPL, or you may have some communication issues. Also, try a scene test on your all house scene. Does it indicate any problems?
  14. There are two options. The event viewer needs to be open to see on-going events. There are no stored data here. No need for excel. In addition to the event viewer, there is also a log. From what I can tell, it stores data from the beginning of time. It does not need to be open. It is here that you can see your activity from overnight.
  15. oberkc

    X-10 Problems

    Like Brian H, I am an advocate of putting a filter on the computer if your PLM is plugged in to the same set of outlets. At the suggestion of those much smarter than I, I eventually added a dedicated circuit for my PLM. Right now, my X-10 communication is good.
  16. I do not believe it has to be linked, other than to the ISY/PLM. You did link it to the ISY, did you not? If not, then begin linking with the ISY and then set the KPL button to link status, adding the device to the ISY device list. This is all by memory, but your if condition would be based on a "control" (not status). If control "KPL Button" is faston Then set scene "all house" on. Or something like that. The ISY will, of course, create the correct verbage.
  17. I don't know about the compare function with regards to the PLM, but I believe there is a restore function. I doubt that it would hurt to try it. Good thought. Regarding the log, my experience is that one needs excel to view it. Also, make sure you enable macro's. It is a useful tool.
  18. Have you looked into the event log for any clues? Sorry if you said you did already.
  19. oberkc

    X-10 Problems

    X-10, in this case, is all powerline noise. The fact that you can control them when plugged into the the same circuit suggests powerline communication interference. Before go there, however, let's confirm one thing... Do you have a phase bridge? Forgive me if I tell you things you already know, but most houses' electrical system consists of two "phases" of electric power. Most powerline communication, including X-10, have difficulty bridging those phases. There are devices that provide a communication bridge between the phases. Are you familiar with these devices? Do you have one? If not, I can almost guarantee you will not be happy with your X-10 system. If you have a phase bridge, I think it most likely an interference problem. These are generally solvable by identifying the devices throughout your house causing this interference and powering those through X-10 filters. My experience suggests that devices such as computers, UPS, power supplies, TVs, CFLs, can all cause some level of interference. The trick is to identify what is causing it in your house and eliminating it. I don't want to make this sound like a trivial task. Much has been written about the difficulty with this, but it can be done. It is mostly trial-and-error. Start with the obvious devices mentioned above. Unplug them. See if that helps communication. If not, move on to the next device. Perhaps try unplugging all TVs and power supplies. Make sure flourescent lights in your house are off. See if this helps. Sometimes, it is the sum of many devices causing problems. Keep at it. Assume nothing. Eventually, you can find it. First, though, let's ensure you have that phase bridge.
  20. oberkc

    X-10 Problems

    Is your PLM in the same plug as your computer system? Is your computer system filtered? Did you plug your X-10 controller into the same plug as the PLM, or in another room somewhere? Depending on the X-10 devices, move it closer (on the same cirucit) as the PLM. See if it helps the response. If so, you may have some interference. Another option would be to get an extension cord and plug it into the same outlet into which you plugged your X-10 controller and successfully controlled your devices. The other end should be used to power your PLM, keeping it plugged into your network as before. See if you can now control your X-10 devices from your ISY. If so, you may have some interference. Try this out, and see what you can conclude, if anything.
  21. I would be tempted to run a scene test on any scene you have that includes the garage lite. This might give you a better sense of communication status between ISY and the light. Is it possible that you are getting signal collisions, with the motion sensor transmitting at the same time that your ISY is trying to turn on the light?
  22. That is a generous offer. Thank you. I think, however, that I will use insteon for any growth of my system. I have enough spare X-10 stuff laying around. I suspect any more would lay around, as well. Thanks, again.
  23. Reading another post just now, I wonder if restoring your devices would help?
  24. My experience is that restore devices eliminates the unknowns. Of course, this assume good communication during the restore process. I recall, too, that one can restore the entire system. This is something that could be run overnight. It might be a better option that restoring individual devices, one at a time.
  25. But are we not having so much fun!!!??? My system is much more modest than yours. I have, probably, 6 keypads, 30 switches of various types, 20 plug-in modules, and the remotelink. I use X-10 for holiday lighting, motion sensors, table-top control, and integration with theater remote. You are correct, I have had a few headaches, but probably no migranes such as yours. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Fortunately, my system is working pretty well right now, thanks to a few strategically placed filters and a dedicated ciruit for the PLM. No offense taken. I, too, was taken aback. Yikes. I thought the problem was just a couple of controllers and a scene or two.
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