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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Well thanks for the suggestion. We're all learning here, and I'll often change my programs 3 or 4 times based on other people's ideas and optimizations. That's why I like posting what I'm using for programs. These threads benefit everyone!
  2. Maybe.. but my head is spinning and my programs are working well, so I think I'm going to leave them as-is for now. I'm going to go through mine today as well.
  3. Thanks! That's a good suggestion. Do we know for certain that the order of the conditions matters? Does the ISY evaluate the entire IF no matter what, or does it process the conditions line by line and stop if a line makes it false? I'm all for it.
  4. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't think that's the case. This code: If ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is not 90% Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not 50% Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off ) And Status 'KitchenControls1G' is not Off ..will only run the THEN if my status light is on, AND one of the scene contained lights is adjusted. If it's adjusted, the status light will go off and not run again unless the scene is re-activated. So ISY traffic is minimized. This code: If Status 'KitchenBar1' is 90% And Status 'KitchenMain1' is 50% And Status 'KitchenTable1' is Off ..is false any time any of those lights are adjusted. This code: If Status 'KitchenBar1' is 90% And Status 'KitchenMain1' is 50% And Status 'KitchenTable1' is Off And Status 'KitchenControls1G' is On ..is also false any time any of those lights are adjusted. Adding an additional conditional doesn't make it any less likely to be false. Unless I'm not grasping what you're suggesting? Which is possible, because I'm pretty tired.
  5. No, because I'm also checking to see if the KPL button is on. If it's not on, then the progam won't run.
  6. I believe that would work, but the ISY would process this program any time a light contained in that scene was adjusted.
  7. MikeB

    PLC vs. PLM

    You must use a PLM with either ISY.
  8. Thanks for the reply Jeff. What you say makes sense, but unless I'm missing something there's no way to for me to do that without creating some redundant powerline traffic (which I'm always trying to avoid). The basic premise is that the only way my scene is set is if the appropriate KPL button is pressed. If that button is pressed, then it is already on. That's why I focus on turning that button off rather than turning it on. I believe the code you have here would work OK: If Status 'KitchenBar1' is 90% and Status 'KitchenMain1' is 50% and Status 'KitchenTable1' is Off Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfastStatus' On Else Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfastStatus' Off The only thing I don't like is that if this scene is set, then I've pressed the KPL button and it s already on. Your code above would then, 2 seconds later, send a 2nd on command to it. I could add a check to see if the button is on already, like this: If Status 'KitchenBar1' is 90% and Status 'KitchenMain1' is 50% and Status 'KitchenTable1' is Off and Status 'KitchenControls1G' is not On Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfastStatus' On Else Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfastStatus' Off ..but then the program would loop and my status light would keep turning on and off. I do see what you're saying though.
  9. Funny... I have that same problem here at home.
  10. My KPL Dimmer v1.5s show as v.2A as well. Michel once told me the version # that the ISY shows is what the device reports when its firmware is queried. Not sure why SmartHome maintains 2 separate version #s, but it does make it a bit confusing.
  11. Just a quick followup. I've combined my scene on and scene off programs into one. Here is an example: If Control 'KitchenControls1G' is switched On And Control 'KitchenControls1G' is not switched Off Then Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfast' On Else Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfast' Off I still have my status program which keeps the LED accurate: If ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is not 90% Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not 50% Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off ) And Status 'KitchenControls1G' is not Off Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfastStatus' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  12. Thanks for this code Jeff! I was currently doing my fast on/off triggers with 2 separate programs. Didn't realize I could do it with 1.
  13. Hey Rand - That's what I had thought too, but it's not the case. I run the following code for my front door lights: If From Sunset + 20 minutes To 9:30:00PM (same day) Then Set Scene 'FrontDoor' On Else Set Scene 'FrontDoor' Off I can turn them on any time of the day, and they will stay on. I believe the conditions are evaluated only twice (at the start time, and at the end time) - not continuously.
  14. ...or, something like this: If From Sunset + 20 minutes To 9:30:00PM (same day) Then Set Scene 'FrontDoor' On Else Set Scene 'FrontDoor' Off This might be easier if you're using sunset or sunrise as a start/end point, and a fixed time as the other point.
  15. I confirmed that this seems to be correct. I can set it to run, and it will run and stay running (since the THEN statements are continuous). But, if the ISY is rebooted it needs to be started manually. Setting the program to 'run at reboot' causes the ISY to re-start the program when the ISY is rebooted, and it works like I hoped. Thanks for the suggestion Frank! This feels like a 'cleaner' solution than putting a time value under IF since I want the program to always run.
  16. I could certainly be wrong, but my understanding that setting a program to RUN simply tells it to start running now, but doesn't necessarily set it to ALWAYS run.
  17. Hey Frank - Thanks for the suggestion. I think that would work, but then if the ISY were rebooted it would not start - unless I set it to 'run at reboot'. Anyone have any opinions on whether or not this would be a 'cleaner' solution?
  18. I'm beta testing a product which needs to be queried to know it's current state.
  19. There have been reports on Cocoontech of users with the Elk/PLC combo experiencing random lights coming on. You might want to run a search on there. I have never heard of this with the ISY, so I suspect it is somehow Elk-related.
  20. I edited my original post after the fact. I didn't want bad code floating around. Thanks Michel.
  21. Don't take it so literally. You need to find the IP address of your ISY. When you open the admin interface, the web browser with the UDI logo will show you the IP address in the address bar. So, if your ISY's IP address is, you would: - click START, then RUN - type in CMD and hit enter - in the black box, type: TELNET 126 Good luck!
  22. Correction. This is the code I am testing/using: If From 12:00:00AM To 11:59:59PM (same day) Then Repeat Every 10 minutes Set 'OfficeLight' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  23. What's the best way to query a device every 10 minutes? Would something like this be OK: If From 12:00:00AM To 11:59:59PM (same day) Then Repeat Every 10 minutes Set 'OfficeLight' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ..or am I missing something more efficient? Anyone have any sample code they'd like to share? EDIT: CORRECTED CODE
  24. Keep in mind that with the ISY-99, power is supplied through the PLM. I doubt the PLM would behave if plugged into a UPS. So, question is - is there a way with the ISY-99 to NOT use the power supplied by the PLM and use the AC adapter plug instead? That way the PLM could be plugged direct into the wall, and the ISY could stay on a battery backup. Of course, I can't think of a current use for the ISY-99 without a powered PLM anyway. But, I can understand why a user might want to keep it running to avoid a reboot during a small power outage.
  25. I'm heading out too, but you can email me off of www.techav.com . Drop me an email there, and I'll send you my PayPal account info. Thanks!
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