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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Hey Jim - I keep trying to send you a PM, but the forums is erroring out. Let me know if you don't get it.
  2. Hey Jim - I'm not aware of any firmware issues with RemoteLincs. All of mine seem to performed equally, and I've never read of any substantial changes. The used one does, however, say rev 0.92. My new one says rev 1.0. Yes, I do have a PayPal account. Feel free to PM me.
  3. Huh.... I read up on it, and confirmed what you wrote - but I could have SWORN when I was using this I had my theater lights on A1 and A2, and my driveway lights on B1 and B2 and I was able to control them through my Harmony remote without flipping the house code on the IR543. If I had time I'd set it up again to verify.... but mine definitely says just IR543 on the bottom.
  4. To be honest, I think a beta ISY-99 would probably be more stable than an X10 solution. Keep in mind that the ISY-99 is pretty much an ISY-26 Part II - pretty much the same firmware, but with the addition of IR support. And IR control for me has been rock solid. Yes, that sounds right. You select the house code via a dial on the unit. The device has built-in hard buttons you can use to send unit codes 1-8. However, the IR port will accept unit codes 1-16. I'm not sure if you can use an IR remote to send house codes other than what's currently selected. So you may be right about the 16 code limit. However, I'm pretty sure I've used it in the past with various house codes on a single remote/IR543. My Harmony 880 has the IR543 in its database. If it's important to you, you may want to look into how bright/dim commands would work. That could be an issue.
  5. Hey Jim - I'm using my Harmony 880 with the ISY-99's IR, and love it. Very responsive, very reliable, very flexible. If you're considering moving up to the ISY-99, you might want to check and see if UDI still has any beta units left for sale. Otherwise, I think the only shipping IR interface would be the X10 IR543. I actually have one up for sale on Cocoontech. If you can get a consistent powerline X10 signal to your PLM/ISY-26, it should work well - but with a second or 2 delay compared with a native Insteon solution.
  6. How about the free Excel viewer: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=EN
  7. After you set the rate through the ISY, go to the switch and physcally soft reset it (pull the airgap for 5 seconds, then softly push it back in - do not hold).
  8. I have no problem using programs to determine the status when I need to. But, if it would not take much effort, and have no downsides, I'm all for having the ISY keep track internally.
  9. I have a 650+ light pre-lit tree (bah humbug) with incandescent mini lights. My Kill-A-Watt says it's using 255 watts. I'm controlling it with an Icon On/Off adapter rated at 480 watts.
  10. Makes sense to me.
  11. I can confirm that this is possible with the beta ISY-99i/IR PRO. The control commands are FADE UP and FADE DOWN.
  12. Good point. Everyone's preference will be different, and I think it depends on how and how often you use these scenes. You could easily change my "cleanup" code to something like this if you prefer Mark's suggestion: If ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is Off And Status 'KitchenMain1' is Off And Status 'KitchenTable1' is Off ) And Status 'KitchenControls1G' is not Off Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfastStatus' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Do whatever works best for you and your family. The beauty of the ISY is that you can do all these crazy things, and customize it exactly to your liking!
  13. aLf - Check out my thread here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... ight=#4109 Let me know if you still have any questions.
  14. Good find! I've never noticed that before, but just tried and was able to duplicate your issue.
  15. This is what I prefer when I setup 'scenes' on my KPL. My scene buttons are lit when activated, but the indicator light will go off if any members of my scene are adjusted at all. If the indicator light is not on, I'll know that the scene is no longer set.
  16. MikeB

    Codename 99.9

    Updated the review with a couple small screenshots demonstrating IR in the ISY's interface.
  17. MikeB

    Codename 99.9

    Please check out my review of the upcoming ISY-99i from UDI: http://www.techav.com/udi/isy99i.htm
  18. MikeB

    Status Display

    I know where you're coming from, because when I first moved to the ISY it seemed kind of "unnatural" to create something called a "scene" just to link 2 switches. But, that's the correct way to do it, and there's nothing inefficient about it. It also makes things incredibly simple when you get into areas where you have 4 or 5 switches all cross-linked.
  19. MikeB

    Status Display

    Definitely make sure you create your links on the ISY. If you link 2 devices together, but not to the PLM, they will only inform themselves of any status changes. The PLM will not know you've turned them on or off unless the devices are also linked to the PLM. Creating links within the ISY ensures that the proper links are created between both the switches AND the PLM.
  20. IndyMike - Thanks for the reply! X10 or Insteon, reducing powerline traffic is important in my opinion. With your suggestion, I ditched my "fix" program and now have (like your examples) simply CONTROL, STATUS ON, and STATUS OFF programs. Seems good so far. Here is an example for my 1st floor, where I have 2 status lights (master bed & foyer): FLOOR 1 CONTROL If Control 'FoyerControls1G' is switched Off Or Control 'MasterBedControls1G' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1Off' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 1 STATUS ON If ( Status 'Bathroom1stLaundry1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom1stMirror1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom1stVent1' is not Off Or Status 'FoyerMain1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenBar1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenSink1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off Or Status 'LivingRoomControls1A' is not Off Or Status 'LivingRoomMain1' is not Off Or Status 'PlayRoomMain1' is not Off ) And ( Status 'MasterBedControls1G' is Off Or Status 'FoyerControls1G' is Off ) Then Wait 1 second Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 1 STATUS OFF If ( Status 'Bathroom1stLaundry1' is Off And Status 'Bathroom1stMirror1' is Off And Status 'Bathroom1stVent1' is Off And Status 'FoyerMain1' is Off And Status 'KitchenBar1' is Off And Status 'KitchenMain1' is Off And Status 'KitchenSink1' is Off And Status 'KitchenTable1' is Off And Status 'LivingRoomControls1A' is Off And Status 'LivingRoomMain1' is Off And Status 'PlayRoomMain1' is Off ) And ( Status 'MasterBedControls1G' is not Off Or Status 'FoyerControls1G' is not Off ) Then Wait 1 second Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  21. MikeB

    Thank you!

    Well-said. I'm also glad to be part of the fam!
  22. Just an update to this. I decided to add an "off" trigger so that if my KPL secondary button is pressed OFF, it will also turn all lights associated with the scene off. Here's sample code from my kitchen. This trigger activates my scene when a KPL secondary is pressed. If Control 'KitchenControls1G' is switched On Then Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfast' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') "KitchenControls1G is a KPL secondary button. "KitchenBreakfast" is a scene that sets my kitchen lights to the appropriate levels. Here is the trigger that turns everything in the scene off: If Control 'KitchenControls1G' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfast' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is my "cleanup" code that will turn the KPL secondary button off if any light set by the scene changes in any way: If ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is not 90% Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not 50% Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off ) And Status 'KitchenControls1G' is not Off Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenBreakfastStatus' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The scene "KitchenBreakfastStatus" contains only the KPL secondary "KitchenControlsG". I go through all this trouble because I want my scene-controlling KPL secondaries to accurately depict if my scene is set. If it is not precisely set (someone dims a light slightly more, or changes anything else part of the scene), I want my KPL secondary to show 'off'. I'm curious what everyone else is doing with their 'scenes', so please chime in!
  23. Cool - thanks guys!
  24. OK, thanks guys.... I figured I could do the 2 program workaround, but I was trying to avoid it. I was just thrown off because you can have a relay turn OFF when a scene is turned ON from the ISY-26, so I figured the same could be done with a KPL secondary.
  25. MikeB

    Outside timer

    Awesome tips. Thanks guys!
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