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Just wanted to bump this up to the top. Anyone?
Is there a way to +1 to a variable using the rest command? I use the following to set the variable to 2 and everything works fine. /rest/vars/set/1/18/2 I'd like to be able to increment the variable using the rest command. My current workaround is to have a program in the ISY that increments the variable ($VariableName += 1) in the "Then" part of a program and to use the rest command to run the program (/rest/programs/<programID>/runThen). I'd like to skip the program part. I've tried /rest/vars/set/1/18/+1 but that doesn't work.
Yes, it runs false for values of 0.500 and greater. That is exactly how I've fixed the problem. I set a variable equal to 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today Inches first and then I run my other programs dependent upon that variable value rather than directly from the 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today Inches node value.
I did some testing by running (if) this program manually and changed the Rain Today is X.XXX Inches, 0.1" at a time. It ran true for all values between 0" - 0.499". RainL Copy Copy Copy - [ID 00F0][Parent 0069] If 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today is 0.000 Inches Then $RainTodayAmount = 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today Inches Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I then tried this program and it ran true. RainL Copy Copy Copy Copy - [ID 00F1][Parent 0069] If 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today is 0.000 Inches And 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today >= 0.250 Inches Then $RainTodayAmount = 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today Inches Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') But now I'm confused why this one ran false as the values used in this program were true in the first program above. RainLL Copy Copy - [ID 00EE][Parent 0069] If 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today >= 0.250 Inches And 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today < 0.400 Inches Then $RainTodayAmount = 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today Inches Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Yes, and vice versa. I tried both. One program that correctly runs false, changed only the values in the condition to equal the program that runs true and now that programs also runs true. I did it the other way also. For the program that incorrectly runs true, I changed only the values in the condition to equal the program that runs false and now it runs false. Maybe I'll start narrowing the range to see if I can figure out what the amount of rain fall it thinks is happening.
Interestingly I think I had this same issue when I was using the OpenWeatherMap node before I tarted using the DarkSky node. I only used the OpenWeatherMap node for 2 days before it was decided it wasn't working and someone stated they would pull it from the PolyGlot Cloud store so I didn't get a chance to look into it further.
There must be a bug somewhere because when I run (if) the program manually it runs true but yet the $RainAmountToday variable gets set to 0.000 That's just not possible. RainL - [ID 00D1][Parent 0119] If 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today >= 0.400 Inches And 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today < 0.550 Inches Then ScoreSet = 400 ScoreSubtract = 300 $RainToday = 1 $RainTodayAmount = 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today Inches Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
All seven programs are in a folder, the folder has a state variable set to "0" usually. At the specified time the folder state variable is set to "1" and all 7 programs called to run (if) then the folder state variable is set back to "0" again. There is nothing else calling this program, I've check using the find/search. The program last run is consistent with when it is called to run as well as the $RainTodayAmount variable has been set to 0.00 at that same program call time. The $RainTodayAmount variable I put in there just for testing so it doesn't have an automatic reset. I have been manually adjusting it to different values each day and see when it changes and what it changes too.
I don't have a program for 0" of rain so no. The seven programs I have are only if there IS rain I subtract some points from a variable. If there's no rain then I add points dependent upon that day's weather conditions.
Yes, all the seven programs with different rainfall ranges has this line at the end.
I've recently installed the DarkSky node for my new weather info as the climate module will be going away soon. It seems to be working fine. I have a series of programs that run late each night to check how much rain, if any there was that day. Depending on how much rain there was it adjusts a watering variable. Here's one of the programs (the one that is causing me trouble). RainL - [ID 00D1][Parent 0119] If 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today >= 0.400 Inches And 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today < 0.550 Inches Then ScoreSet = 400 ScoreSubtract = 300 $RainToday = 1 $RainTodayAmount = 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today Inches Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I have 7 programs exactly like this one but the range of rainfall is different for each. 0" - 0.1" another for 0.1" - 0.25" another for 0.25" - 0.4", etc. At a specific time at night I run (if) all 7 programs. There is no overlap in the conditions (see greater than equal to in example above) so only one of them should run true. For the past couple of nights this one program (example above) has run true even though there has been no rain. I even included the variable $RainTodayAmount just as a test to see what the ISY thinks the rain amount was. If this program runs true then the variable $RainTodayAmount should be between 0.4 and 0.55. I checked this morning and the variable is "0.00". I set the accuracy to 0.00. I tried deleting the program and recreating it from scratch. Same result. I searched all my other programs to make sure I wasn't calling this program from somewhere else...nothing. Why is this running true? If I run (if) it manually now it runs true even with the following weather info (see attached). ISY994i v.5.0.16
On your advice I started over and I did not do step 4. I have weather data but it doesn't say if it's online. The fact that it's got data makes me think it is online. But I don't have any forecast info. Looks like just today's info. What does "Rain 1/3hr" and "Snow 1/3hr" mean?
Hello, I need help getting OpenWeatherMap up and running as the Climate Module will no longer work soon. I've found a number of topics on the subject but many of them are for Raspberry Pi's and others are not very detailed. At least not that I could find. Could someone point me to a step-by-step thread or move this question to the appropriate place or something? Is OpenWeatherMap the best/easiest one to use as I see there are several weather options? Thanks! Here's what I've been able to figure out. I went through this process once and was able to get weather data on my ISY with 2 days of forecast data but there were some items that didn't seem to work properly so aftger some fiddling I deleted and uninstalled everything and started over. Now I can't get back to what I had before. 1. I made an account on OpenWeatherMap.org and I have an API Key 2. I went to https://polyglot.isy.io and went to the store and installed OpenWeatherMap into available slot #1 (this is my first time doing anything with nodes) 3. I configured it for my location (used zip code), I provided the API key from my OpenWeatherMap.org registration/account, I set the numbers of forecast days to 2 and saved my changes. 4. I rebooted my ISY (running v.5.0.16 Firmware and UI) and went to "Node Serves" in the drop down menu Selected "OpenWeatherMap" and "Add All Nodes" I have some weather data but I only seem to have current data, no forecast. Also, under "NodeSever Online" it is blank. Is it online? Another field that's blank is the "Gust Speed". Do I need to configure the node server in the ISY interface? If I go to the "Node Servers" drop down and select "Configure" and select "OpenWeatherMap" that is in the [01] slot I get the following (see screen shot below). Do I need to make any changes there or just leave it as it as that was loaded/made for me? I tried changing the User ID and password to that of my OpenWeatherMap account and it didn't seem to help anything. And what does the "Logging Level" - Off mean? Please Help!!
This is what I was hoping for and I just didn't know how to access it. But alas....oh well.
Thanks Michel, however, in doing it that way, the outlet would get turned on the moment the power was restored and would then turn off after the ISY booted up and ran that program. I'm trying to avoid that first power on. I take it the answer to my question is no.
Hello, Is it possible to have an Outletlinc always go to the "off" state after restoring from a power outage even if it was "on" before the outage? Is there a way to set that? Thanks!
This program would do the exact same thing as this program Programs with a time frame aren't "active" and then "not active" in the sense that you're thinking (I think). At 4am the program will run once. It will adjust the setting in the light switch so that when the light switch is turned on the light will only go to 20% on. If there is nothing in the "else" part of the program then the light switch is never adjusted back so that when the light switch is turned on the light will go to 100% on. If there is nothing in the "else" the light switch will always be turned on to 20%. In the second example program, the program will run a second time at 6am but it will do nothing. Hence, in my program I have in the "else" part something setting the on level of the light back to 100% after 6am. A program with a time frame like this will only run twice (unless it is called/run by another program or if you have a state variable also added in the "if" section and the state variable changes values). It will run the "then" part at the start of the time frame and the "else" part at the end of the time frame.
I need the "else" line to set the on level back to 100% outside of those hours. If there is no "else" line then the light will never go on to 100%.
The "else" line in the last two screen shots had a mistake in them. The "then" line should set it to 20% and the "else" line should show setting it back to 100%. See the first screen shot for my actual program.
If you look at my previous posts in this thread on how to accomplish this, it is for using firmware version 4. I've since upgraded to v5 and here is how to do it in v5. You don't use "Adjust Scene" but instead use "Your Device". Here's how to do it (use "on level"). DON'T use "On" like this (subtle difference). Here are all your options such as changing ramp rates too.
Yes, you have to create the scene in v4.
In the interest of helping out anyone else in the future here's the message I sent. You have to create the scene for it to work but it isn't used in the program. All you do is put that one device/light into a scene all by itself as a controller. You use the "adjust scene" in the program but you don't actually adjust the scene you "adjust" the device in the scene. This is the scene This is the correct programming. This is the WRONG programming.
See this tread.
I do have a couple hundred program doing nothing but getting my two thermostat temperatures into variables. This could be solved moving to v5. Example of one of my series of programs that gets used quite often: When the AC turns on and it's 3 degrees cooler outside than inside (checking temperature using the wireless tags), Alexa states it's cooler outside. If the back door is opened within three minutes the AC is turned off and the house fans are turned on.