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Everything posted by zerop
Yes, I was trying to send REST commands. I figured this out, thanks! I also found out (for anyone else wondering) the @ in my password did not make a difference. I got it to work. I found this on the wiki that helped a lot. Not sure how I didn't find this before posting my question. Thanks for the help though. http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i_Series_INSTEON:Networking:Tasker
I'm trying to use Tasker to send an HTTP Post command but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm triggering the task manually in Tasker so it is running, so it's not a Tasker issue. I'm using the following format for the HTTP Post command http://username:password@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyyy/3?0262zzzzzz0F11FF=I=3 I am on my network locally so I am using my internal IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) and port (yyyy) and the Insteon device ID zzzzzz but it doesn't seem to work. I'm wondering if it isn't working because my password has an "@" in it. Is the command getting screwed up because it sees the @ in my password and is looking for the IP address directly after that when in reality there is more of my password after that initial @? Another question I have is can you send a HTTP Post command to trigger a program rather than a device? How about to trigger a state variable? If so what is the command to do this? Tasker version: 4.7u1m ISY 994i/Pro firmware: 4.2.18
I've just started having the same problem with my Insteon thermostats as well. Both are 2441TH. They work fine locally, and the ISY seems to be able to control them fine but they just don't seem to update their status in the ISY properly. To the point where sometimes I open Mobilinc on my Android phone and it shows "---" for the current temperature, and "--" for the Fan and System. I just tried a "restore device" for both of them in the ISY. We'll see if that helps. I too have at least 5 dual band devices within 10 feet and my PLM is about 15 feet away.
I don't want anything to happen it they are false. Thanks for the input. My biggest question/concern was wondering if it made a difference that two programs were checking status instead of one (i.e. processing power of the ISY) If it were only these two programs, no big deal but as I approach 300 programs or so having more and more programs checking status may put an undue load on the ISY processor and simplifying some programming may be better.
I currently have the following two programs. All variables are integer variables. And for what I need it has to be "Status 'Thermostat' is On" and can not be "Control 'Thermostat' is Switched On". CoolDiscrepancy If Status 'Thermostats' is On And $Temperature <= $Outside Then $Discrepancy += 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') CoolCount If Status 'Thermostat' is On Then $CoolOn += 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Another way I thought of doing this is the following CoolCount If Status 'Thermostat' is On Then $CoolOn += 1 Run Program 'CoolDiscrepancy' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') CoolDiscrepency If $Temperature <= $Outside Then $Discrepancy += 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Is there a benefit in having the ISY only having to wait for the change of status of a device for one program instead of two? Does it make much difference in which way I implement this? Is there a better way to do it, maybe with just one program?
I presume what you're asking is with the following setup below, will the light turn off at 10:00pm on Monday or will it just stay on? Edit to add: I don't know the answer but I'm curious too so I thought I'd help those who might know, understand a bit better what you're asking. =================================================================================== On Today - [ID 01B1][Parent 0001] Folder Conditions for 'On Today' If On Sun From 12:00:00AM To 11:59:00PM (same day) Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LightOn - [ID 01DE][Parent 01B1] If On Sun Time is 6:00:00PM Then Set 'Light' On Wait 28 hours Set 'Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Where do you get the icons to show the lights on and off? Did you make them or is there an icon pack I can download from Google Play?
How many of you use Tasker to trigger things in your ISY? I have Tasker turn on and off our "Away" program when we come and go from the house and I have it turn on and off the "Sleep" program at night when we go to bed. What are you doing with Tasker and your ISY?
Bert, I'm in the same situation as you. This is why I didn't bother with the Irrigation Module and just use the Climate Module and daily temperatures to determine watering schedules for each my my different zones.
Here are my programs. I'm sure there are much nicer ways to write them but with my limited coding skills, this is what you/I get. Let me know if there are things in here that aren't easily understood why I did them and I'll try to explain (if I can remember now). Checks tomorrow's forecast to see if there is going to be rain, if so then sets variable "RainDelay" to stop watering next morning if it was planned. RainCheck - [ID 0116][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:55:00PM And Module 'Climate' Rain Tomorrow >= 0.15 " Then $RainDelay = 1 $RainDelay Init To 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') These sets of programs check how much rain there was this day and scores appropriately (subtracts a value from variable "Score"). Also sets variable RainToady to 1 so today's temperature readings are not scored. RainH - [ID 010E][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:35:00PM And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today >= 0.75 " And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today < 0.9 " Then $ScoreGrass -= 50 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass $RainToday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') RainHH - [ID 0111][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:35:00PM And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today >= 0.9 " And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today <= 1 " Then $ScoreGrass -= 60 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass $RainToday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') RainHHH - [ID 010F][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:35:00PM And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today > 1 " Then $ScoreGrass = 0 $ScoreGrass Init To 0 $RainToday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') RainL - [ID 010C][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:35:00PM And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today >= 0.45 " And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today < 0.6 " Then $ScoreGrass -= 30 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass $RainToday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') RainLL - [ID 010B][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:35:00PM And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today >= 0.3 " And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today < 0.45 " Then $ScoreGrass -= 20 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass $RainToday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') RainLLL - [ID 010A][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:35:00PM And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today >= 0.15 " And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today < 0.3 " Then $ScoreGrass -= 10 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass $RainToday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') RainM - [ID 010D][Parent 01BF] If Time is 11:35:00PM And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today >= 0.6 " And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today < 0.75 " Then $ScoreGrass -= 40 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass $RainToday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program checks if it is ok to turn the sprinklers on. "ColdDelayGrass" is a check to see if the outside temperature is <40 degrees, if so then watering the grass won't happen until later in the morning. CheckWater_Grass - [ID 0112][Parent 0120] If Time is 5:00:00AM And $ScoreGrass >= 70 And $ColdDelayGrass is 0 And $RainDelay is 0 Then Run Program 'Water_Grass' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is an evening cleanup and reset of variables. Reset - [ID 0109][Parent 0120] If Time is 11:45:00PM Then $RainToday = 0 $RainToday Init To 0 $RainDelay = 0 $RainDelay Init To 0 $ColdDelayGrass = 0 $ColdDelayGrass Init To 0 $ColdDelayOther = 0 $ColdDelayOther Init To 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program is another cleanup of a variable. Resets it to 0 is it is a negative value. ScoreCleanup_Grass - [ID 0110][Parent 0120] If Time is 11:50:00PM And $ScoreGrass < 0 Then $ScoreGrass = 0 $ScoreGrass Init To 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program to water the grass. Is initiated from the "CheckWater_Grass" program (above). Water_Grass - [ID 0113][Parent 0120] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then $Watering = 1 Set 'Sprinklers / Back / 6BackGrass' On Wait 25 minutes Set 'Sprinklers / Front / 4FrontGrass' On Wait 20 minutes Set 'Sprinklers / Back / 6BackGrass' On Wait 25 minutes Set 'Sprinklers / Front / 7SidewalkGrass' On Wait 10 minutes Set 'Sprinklers / Front / 7SidewalkGrass' Off Wait 10 minutes Set 'Sprinklers / Back / 6BackGrass' On Wait 25 minutes Set 'Sprinklers / Back / 6BackGrass' Off $ScoreGrass = 0 $ScoreGrass Init To 0 $Watering = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is the program to check the temperature outside and set the variable "ColdDelayGrass" if it is too cold to water. Watering will be done later in the morning if it is too cold. ColdCheck_Grass - [ID 0114][Parent 01C0] If Time is 4:59:00AM And Module 'Climate' Temperature < 40 °F Then $ColdDelayGrass = 1 $ColdDelayGrass Init To 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is the program that will water the grass later in the morning (or evening) if it was too cold to run earlier. ColdDelayRun_Grass - [ID 0115][Parent 01C0] If ( Time is 9:00:00AM Or Time is 8:00:00PM ) And Module 'Climate' Temperature >= 40 °F And $ColdDelayGrass is 1 And $ScoreGrass >= 70 And $RainDelay is 0 Then Run Program 'Water_Grass' (Then Path) $ColdDelayGrass = 0 $ColdDelayGrass Init To 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') These sets of programs score the variable "ScoreGrass" dependent upon the high temperature of the day (adds values to variable "ScoreGrass"). This is the same variable that values are subtracted from when it rains. TempH - [ID 0106][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 85 °F And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 90 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 23 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') TempHH - [ID 0107][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 90 °F And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 95 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 28 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action) TempHHH - [ID 0108][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 95 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 35 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') TempL - [ID 0104][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 75 °F And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 80 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 14 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') TempLL - [ID 0103][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 70 °F And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 75 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 12 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') TempLLL - [ID 0102][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 65 °F And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 70 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 10 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') TempLLLL - [ID 0101][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 65 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 7 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') TempM - [ID 0105][Parent 01C0] If Time is 11:40:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 80 °F And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 84 °F And $RainToday is 0 Then $ScoreGrass += 18 $ScoreGrass Init To $ScoreGrass Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') That's is. Sorry if I've posted way too much.
I had searched through posts about several peoples EZFlora watering programs when I wanted to set up my own but in the end didn’t find anyone that had done anything that I wanted. So I borrowed ideas from some of the posts I found and added to it. Now that I’ve got it up and running and pretty well tested I thought I’d share it with you. I won’t post the details as if no one cares then I’d save myself a lot of time in writing. However if you’re interested let me know and I can try to explain how I did it. Premise: Do not water X numbers of days a week but rather water dependent upon temperature. Several days of weather over 90 degrees, water 3 times a week, weather under 65 degrees, water only once a week or less and delay watering X number of days dependent upon rainfall. Overview: Every day at the end of the day a program looks at the high temperature for the day (weather module) and increments (adds to) a variable “Score” with a value dependent upon how hot that day was, the hotter the day, the higher the value added to “Score”. After this variable reaches a set limit the sprinklers run the next day. At the end of each day another program checks to see if there is rain in the forecast for the next day (again, weather module), if so, then if watering is supposed to take place the next day it is put on hold for one day. Also at the end of each day another program checks to see how much it rained that day (yet again, weather module). Dependent on the amount of rainfall the same variable “Score” is negatively incremented dependent upon the amount of rain that day. The more rain received, the more is subtracted from the “Score” variable. That’s the basic premise of it. Has someone done this approach already and I just didn’t find it in a search?
I wasn't trying to determine anything iother than the backup worked/was created. Is there a way to test the backup or confirm it is good and not corrupted or something? My files were empty. Nothing in them.
Currently running 4.2.18 on my ISY994i/IR Pro. Thinking about upgrading to 4.2.30 so I did a backup of my ISY by going to "File" and "Backup ISY". I saved the file and did not rename it. It made a .zip file with the name "ISY Backup v4.2.18 with today's date". I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. Now, with Windows you can double click on a .zip file to see what's in it without extracting it. When I do this I see there is another .zip file called "uuid.00.21.b9.02.13.15.zip". When I double click on that file to see what's in it, it is empty. When I extract the original .zip file "ISY Backup v4.2.18...." I get a folder with another .zip file in it "uuid.00.21.b9.02.13.15.zip". When I try to extract that second .zip file I get an error that says Windows can't complete the extraction because the compressed (zipped) folder is invalid. I do not have any type of .zip file software installed. I am just using the Windows default. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be able to see what's in the backup? This is the first time I've ever tried backing up my ISY so I'm not sure if there is a problem or if this is what's meant to happen.
Why is there a completely different website for this? Isn't that the idea of the "Product Requests" section of this forum?
Really!?! How do you do this search? Edit to add: Oh wait, do you mean by using the "Find"? Ahh, I never really tried that.
Should this be a product request? Is this already possible and I just don't know about it? When I click on a device in the admin console it shows me all of its memberships (Controller for X and Responder to Y). Is there something like this for programs? Where one program is called for in another, such as in Program X it calls to Run (Then) Program Y. With as many programs as I have now and several of them are called for in multiple programs it would be nice to easily find which other programs call for Program X, especially if I make a change to Program X.
Just out of curiosity, how many programs do you have on your ISY? I've got 190. Is this a lot, a little, about average? I'm curious. **24 integer variables and 2 state variables**
Maybe you could provide your setup for this because I can't seem to get it to work. The door sensor is a controller in a scene (it has to be to turn lights on when it opens). I can adjust the "scene" using a program such as on level for different lights in the scene but I can't adjust the on levels that the controller of the scene (the door sensor) turns on when activated.
I did not know this. Thanks, I'll give it a try!
I don't think you can do this with this type of sensor as you can only adjust the scene when it is in linking mode which has to be done manually.
Programs are always a little sower than scenes. If I'm not mistaken scenes communicate directly between device to device, no ISY required. With programs the device has to communicate with the ISY, the ISY has to go through all the programs waiting to trigger, trigger the correct program, send a command to the second device ( the hallway lights) to turn on. The back and forth communication and code execution in the ISY creates more of a lag than a scene alone. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here. I have a dual band device within 3 feet of the door sensor and another 5 dual band dimmers within 10 feet as well. I have the ramp rate set to 0.1 sec (the lowest it can be). The door sensor is in a wood door frame. It gets good communication as it turns on other lights as well which works fine.
Did a quick search and couldn't find a discussion on this exact topic. It's a bit of a preference and I'd like to hear your thoughts. Scene versus Program.... I have a hidden door sensor in the door that leads into the garage (or into the house hallway in the other direction). I want the hallway lights to turn on when entering the house from the garage. The downside is that with a scene the lights ALWAYS turn on. I would like them not to turn on during the day (the hallway is light enough I don't need them). I want it to turn on only during later in the day/ night time hours. I can do two things. Scene: Let the door sensor ALWAYS turn the lights on and then use a program to turn them off during the lighter parts of the day. Program: Will let me be very specific on when the hallway lights turn on. Sometimes they will turn on when the door is opened and sometimes they won't. Program sounds better but I really like the almost instantaneous on I get from using scenes versus using programs. There's a 2-3 second delay when using programs which is a BIT long when entering the house and it is totally dark. What are your thoughts/preferences. It seems a bit weird for lights to turn on and then off during the day (when using a scene).
That is not what user "stusviews" said above (if I understood his post correctly).
Ok, how about this? My goal is to have the outside lights turn on from sunset until 6:30pm. That is until sunset becomes after 6:30 pm then the lights just shouldn't turn on. In other words the lights would turn on and be on for a less and less amount of time each day until sunset becomes later than 6:30pm. Variable Sunset is an integer and is set to 0 at sunrise (see program 3). --------------------------------------- PROGRAM 1 (Sunset): If From Sunset To Sunset + 2 hours (same day) Then $Sunset += 1 Run Program 'LightsOn' (If) Else $Sunset = 0 --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- PROGRAM 2 (LightsOn): If From Sunset To 6:30:00PM (same day) And $Sunset is 1 Then Set 'OutsideLights' On Else Set 'OutsideLights' Off --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- PROGRAM 3 (SunsetReset): If From 6:30:00PM To Sunrise (next day) Then $Sunset += 1 Else $Sunset = 0 ---------------------------------------