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Everything posted by zerop

  1. I read in another thread about a feature I never knew existed. Comparing the links in a device to that in the ISY. I did this and found one link marked in the device as "Record Mismatch". Now what do I do?
  2. The paddle doesn't operate only the dimmer using the local control it also operates the scene that the paddle is in. It just happens to be the only device (itself) in the scene. I have only one program. The one that I posted above for the OP to use.
  3. Also, I'm not sure I agree with you on this (unless I misunderstood what you are trying to say). Say you have a 3-way light set-up in a scene. Both paddle switches are set as controllers. If you set each controller in the scene to an on level of 50% and hit the paddle on, on the switch that has the load, you don't get full lights (100%) then 50%. Isn't this the whole idea to using scenes? What the difference if you're using 1 switch or 2 in a 3-way set-up? You should get the same results.
  4. I don't have this problem at all. I hit the paddle and all I get is the 20% on level that the scene is set for. This switch is the only switch for the lights so it is obviously the load. It works perfectly for me.
  5. Yes, I saw you posted that but I thought the OP needed a bit more detail than what you provided on how to create the program. Edit to add: On second review of your suggested program in post # 9, it is also incorrect. You are adjusting the scene not the device in the scene. For yours to work the way the OP wants it should be like this: KT Ceiling If From Sunrise To 1:00:00AM (next day) Then In Scene 'KT / Scenes / KT Light' 'KT / Devices / KT Ceiling 50' Set 'KT / Devices / KT Ceiling 50' 50% (On Level) Else In Scene 'KT / Scenes / KT Light' 'KT / Devices / KT Ceiling 50' Set 'KT / Devices / KT Ceiling 50' 10% (On Level)
  6. I do exactly what you want to do but I do it with my closet lights. What you want to do has to be done using a scene. All you need to do is add your device "Master Bathroom Light" to its own scene as a controller (call the scene "Master Light Adjust" just as an example) then adjust the scene based on the time of day. Make sure when you select the scene to adjust, don't adjust the scene "Master Light Adjust" but instead adjust/select the actual device itself "Master Bathroom Light" as that is the controller. Example: New Program - [iD 0456][Parent 0001] If From Sunrise To 11:00:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Master Bathroom Light' Set 'Master Bathroom Light' 100% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master Bathroom Light' Set 'Master Bathroom Light' 40% (On Level) DO NOT DO THIS: New Program - [iD 0456][Parent 0001] If From Sunrise To 11:00:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Master Light Adjust' Set 'Master Bathroom Light' 100% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master Light Adjust' Set 'Master Bathroom Light' 40% (On Level)
  7. This is what v4.5.4 pull down looks like. No on level or ramp rate. You need to use a scene to get what you want. Give me a sec and I'll post what you need.
  8. zerop

    Program Limit

    Is there a way to see how much memory is being used by the programs or what the memory limit is? I presume it's not what is shown under the system status... Total, Reserved, Used, Bad and Free?
  9. zerop

    Daylight savings?

    No problem. I retrospect I guess I could have been a bit more descriptive by saying under the "Configuration -> System" tab. Oh well, you figured it out.
  10. zerop

    Program Limit

    This is great news! Thanks. I do have a (curiosity) question though. Why even put a limit on the number of programs in the beginning. Why don't you just let it be dictated by memory?
  11. zerop

    Daylight savings?

    Under the "System" tab.
  12. zerop

    Program Limit

    Hmmm...I've got 1,001 programs and at least 29 folders and at least another 20 sub-folders. Everything seems to be fine.
  13. zerop

    Program Limit

    What exactly do you mean by this? Do you mean if I had 1,000 programs I could only have 23 folders along with it? Are you saying the number of folders are included in that 1,023 count?
  14. zerop

    Program Limit

    If my way of counting them is correct then I have 1,004 programs. They all seem to work...I think. I can still create new ones as well. If I move to v5 I could probably get rid of half my programs but I'm waiting for it to be an official release.
  15. zerop

    Program Limit

    Anyone....? Michel....?
  16. zerop

    Program Limit

    According to the specs the ISY994i Pro has a limit of 1,000 programs. Has anyone reached that limit? What happens? Are you just not able to create new programs? Or can you create new programs but only 1,000 of them will execute? I ask because I think I have 1,004 programs (not totally sure if my counting method is accurate). I didn't actually count I copied to clipboard all programs and pasted it into Excel. I then searched/counted how many cells have "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" as it looks like that line is before every program after you paste it into Excel.
  17. But I can't control my TV via the ISY. Power on, volume up/down, etc. unless you can tell me how to do this with an LG smart TV? I use Anymote to control my TV and Sonos sound bar
  18. What is this emulator you speak of? I would like to be able to use Alexa and the Anymote skills to control my TV without having to say, "Alexa, tell Anymote to....{specific command}" for every command. I'd like to just be able to say, "Alexa.....{specific command}"
  19. zerop

    Inverter Noise?

    I am thinking about getting a 12V 4Kw inverter with 120V/240V output and a small battery bank to power all the circuits on my sub-panel during a power outage. The inverter has a built in charger and the 240V AC input to the inverter/charger would come from a breaker on my main panel. The output of the inverter/charger would go to a manual transfer switch on the sub-panel. I have a concern of the inverter/charger creating noise on my system and then having Insteon communication issues. I’m not worried about comm issues when the power is out and I’m running everything on the sub-panel on the inverter/batteries as this would be a short period of time and very rare. If my Insteon system didn’t work during this time, fine. My concern is the 99.9% of all the other time when the inverter is connected to the main panel in standby or when it is using the utility power from the main panel to charge the batteries. Could this configuration cause noise in my system? If so, is there a way to filter it? I read another post where someone used several XP Pro XPF 20A inline filters in series and parallel to get a 40A filter on each 120V leg of a 240V system (the inverter requires 240V input to charge the batteries). Anyone have any thoughts or input on this?
  20. Yes, this can be done. I spent a long time figuring it out. I've figured out a portion of it and the Foscam CGI user manual just doesn't explain it all. I've figured it out for my model FI9821E. What model Foscam cameras do you have?
  21. Wouldn't this work for you? Have this running constantly. Having it check the wind speed however often as you'd like. WindSpeedCheck - [ID 03C3][Parent 0052][Not Enabled] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Repeat Every 5 minutes $WindSpeedLast = $WindSpeed Run Program 'WindSpeed1' (If) Run Program 'WindSpeed2' (If) Continue from WindSpeed3 through WindSpeed15....... Run Program 'CheckWindSpeedDifference' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') You'd need 15 programs like this WindSpeed1 - [ID 03C2][Parent 0052][Not Enabled] If Module 'Climate' Wind Speed is 1 mph Then $WindSpeed = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Second Program WindSpeed2 - [ID 03C4][Parent 0052][Not Enabled] If Module 'Climate' Wind Speed is 2 mph Then $WindSpeed = 2 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') And finally the notification program CheckWindSpeedDifference - [ID 03C5][Parent 0052][Not Enabled] If $WindSpeed >= $WindSpeedLast Then Send Notification to 'ISY Alert E-Mail' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  22. zerop

    Keypad linc

    Yeah, these would be in high traffic areas and I've got enough OCD in me as well for that to bother. We'll see. Maybe they'll work, that is if diggler wouldn't mind spending $0.50 (or whatever a stamp costs now-a-days) and an envelop, but if not, not the end of the world.
  23. zerop

    Keypad linc

    Hmmm, didn't think about that. Mine are newer, <1 year. If that one was manufactured in '99 maybe it won't work.
  24. zerop

    Keypad linc

    If you're going to throw away that dead KPL, would you be willing to pop off the large "On" and "Off" buttons, putting them in an envelope and mailing them to me? I'm in need of new large buttons and don't want the ones labeled "All On" and "All Off" that came in the 50 button replacement kit I bought.
  25. I recently bought a new 6 button keypad and ran into this same issue. I found (as oberkc mentioned above) the on level was set to 0. cCick on the device in the admin console and select "LED Brightness". Change the "On Level" to 15. Strange thing is my other (older) 6 button keypads didn't need this. My older keypad (v.44) has its on level set at 0 (default from factory) and the buttons light up just fine. My new one (v.45) needs the on level set to something other than 0 for the buttons to light up. The new one came from the factory with the on level set to 0. This seems dumb. One would think the factory default on level would be 15 and you would have to change it to 0 if you didn't want the buttons to light up. I would think more people would want the buttons to light up than not.
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