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Everything posted by zerop

  1. zerop

    Run Out of Memory

    Too much to tell you all the details but I've got a 2-zone HVAC system, 2 whole house fans, a garage fan, 2 hot water recirculation pumps, all the lights in the house, inside and outside cameras, door and window sensors and a dozen CAO wireless tag temperature sensors all integrated together along with blue iris for the cameras (used as motion sensors too) as well as being integrated into my and my wife's cell phones using Tasker and finally all of it used in conjunction with several Amazon Echo Dots around the house.
  2. zerop

    Run Out of Memory

    System memory? Total: 1015MB Reserved: 101MB Used: 87MB Bad: 0MB Free: 826MB But system memory is different than the memory used to load the programs.
  3. zerop

    Run Out of Memory

    PLM Links = 468
  4. zerop

    Run Out of Memory

    I'm fairly certain that is a different memory than what is used for loading the programs.
  5. zerop

    Run Out of Memory

    Well, after a long time wondering what exactly the limitations of my ISY994i Pro actually is (even after posing the question here and no on really knowing) I've finally found it. I made my 1,245th program, hit save and found it highlighted in yellow. In the program Summary tab it stated "Not Loaded" and "Out of Memory". Current system: 1,244 programs 371 Variables (342 integer, 29 state) 340 Network Resources 410 Custom Notifications 77 Devices (all Insteon with the exception of three Z-Wave)
  6. If you create a scene called "Master Bath Light" and add only that one light/device (let's call it "Light Bulb") into the scene ("Light Bulb" has to be added as a Controller). Create a program from say 11pm to 6am (next day) Then: In Scene 'Light Bulb' Set 'Light Bulb' 12% (On Level) Else: In Scene 'Light Bulb' Set 'Light Bulb' 90% (On Level) This is what you DON'T want to do: Then: In Scene 'Master Bath Light' Set 'Light Bulb' 12% (On Level) Else: In Scene 'Master Bath Light' Set 'Light Bulb' 90% (On Level)
  7. zerop

    What's In A Backup?

    Do I need to re-link all my devices?
  8. So, I've talked to tech support and turns out I have to do a restore from a backup due to a corrupt file. What exactly is in a backup? Does it include all of the network resources I've made? All my customized notifications? What about all of my scenes, are they preserved as well? What about the folder structure of my devices? If all of that is restored do I have to go through the process of linking all of my devices again to the ISY after the restore? Does a restore essentially factory reset the ISY and then reload all the programs and everything else?
  9. 4.7.3 firmware and UI. Yes, already did a reboot.
  10. When I click on the tab Customizations under Emails/Notifications under the Configuration setting, nothing loads. I have maybe 300 already setup but I can't add, delete or modify them as nothing shows up, even after I hit Reload as well. I have so many because I use them to send information to a web page as a way of logging ISY actions. Then if I go to a program that uses one of these notifications it shows up as [Entry xxx] rather than calling out the notification name. The notifications still work, I just can't get to the notifications to edit any of them. Anyone else ever have this issue? Thoughts on what I can do to access the notifications?
  11. How about using these two programs? New Program1 - [ID 006D][Parent 0001] If Status 'Thermostat' is Calling for Heat And Status 'Thermostat' >= 73° (Heat Setpoint) Then Run Program 'New Program2' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') New Program2 - [ID 01B3][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Disable Program 'New Program1' Wait 17 minutes Set 'Thermostat' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Enable Program 'New Program1' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Why are you having it wait 17 minutes before adjusting the temperature back to what it should be?
  12. zerop

    How Many Programs?

    Thanks for that. It shows Static = 262,144 used, Heap = 1,060,864 free, Total = 1,323,008 So, even with over 1,100 programs it looks like I'm not doing too bad. It does take a good 2-3 minutes to load the programs tab of the admin console though. After the info listed above there are columns of other numbers, what do they mean? Size: Total, Current Free, Current Used, High Used 600: 1034, 748, 286, 286 197: 4, 2, 2, 2 106: 270, 270, 0, 2 etc. There are 21 rows of numbers.
  13. zerop

    How Many Programs?

    Another year or so has past since I posted this and I'm now up to 1,163 programs (never mind folders and scenes). I have my ISY doing many different tasks. There is supposed to be a 1,000 program limit to the ISY. I remember reading somewhere that that is no longer the case but the limit has something to do with memory. Does anyone know? I foresee a few more things to add and am wondering when I'll reach the limit of the ISY and what will happen when I do.
  14. The transformer is not plug-in but it shouldn't be hard or too expensive to add a plug to the end of the bare wires that are provided.
  15. Correct, only power on/off needed.
  16. I'm planning on installing three motorized HVAC dampers. They come with a 120V to 24VDC transformer. I'm considering two options to power them. Option 1: Use an In-LineLinc for each one. Option 2: Use one OutletLinc for two of them and a second OutletLinc for the 3rd (ending up with a spare outlet with nothing on it) These will be normally open dampers and all I want is for them to be open or closed, nothing in between (e.g. don't need dimmable In-LineLinc or OutletLinc) I'm thinking of going with Option 2 solely for cost. Three In-LineLinc's would cost ~$180 where two OutletLinc's would be ~$100 (that and I think I have a spare one laying around somewhere already). Thoughts or input? Am I missing something? Thanks!
  17. zerop

    How Many Programs?

    How do you all get away with so few programs? Am I just doing a lot with my ISY or am I doing it wrong?
  18. I started a thread with this topic over 2 years ago but it's archived and I can't keep it going. Two years ago I was questioning if 195 programs was a lot. Today I have 813 programs, 274 network resources and 195 variables. How about you?
  19. zerop

    Foscam Recording

    So, I have recently purchased some new Foscam PoE cameras model FI9901EP. I have setup several network resources to control my other Foscam cameras (model FI9821EP) and everything has been working fine. I tried using the same network resources for my new model cameras and it doesn't work. Is there a new CGI user manual with different commands for the newer Foscam cameras?
  20. You want this: Dimmer Test - [ID 0004][Parent 0001] If From 10:38:00AM To 11:30:00AM (same day) Then In Scene 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 100% (On Level)
  21. See my post here for what you're looking for: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/20484-adjust-local-on-level/?p=197386 You may need to read through a bit more of the thread to totally understand everything. Let me know if you still can't get it figured out.
  22. Is no one going to comment on his two programs? Is it me or do they not seem to make sense? Your "Shed Trigger" program runs the "If" of your "Shed Timer" program but there is nothing in the "If" portion of your "Shed Timer" program so I would presume nothing would happen (or it would always run false/else?). Also, in your "Shed Timer" program why do you have a 5 minute wait at the end of the "Then" portion?
  23. Ah, I see. Maybe you should have written something like this then. The issue that I am having is after pressing button 2 to activate the movie scene and then turning the scene off, subsequent presses of button 1 only turn the lights on to 20%, however presses of the paddle switches to on turn the level to 75% as they are supposed to.
  24. If you've turned on the movie scene using button 2 as you state above wouldn't button 1 be lit up then as it is a responder in that scene? Pressing it would turn the movie scene off along with button 1 obviously. It seems like you are stating that after pressing button 2 to turn the movie scene on, button 1 is off and when you press it you're surprised the lights don't go to 75%. I don't see how button 1 would be off.
  25. Could you expand on some of this a bit more...? If I right click on a device and "restore device" what are you talking about scenes for? Do you mean if there is a wireless device in a scene in which the device I'm trying to restore is also a part of that scene then I have to put that wireless device into linking mode? Also, what is this 0101 icon you speak of?
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