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Everything posted by LeeG
Steve, Set the MS to On Only mode. The MS must be linked to the devices responder devices which is okay because it gives the fastest responder. However, the MS is sending an Off command which is also going to the responders. Setting to On Only mode will suppress the Off command from the MS. At that point all Off activity will be the responsibility of ISY Programs. I could not tell from the screen shots posted. Each Controller of a Scene can have different responder characteristics. Be sure to click on the Motion Sensor as the Controller of the Scene. Then check the responder characteristics for the LampLinc. Lee
Did you clear the Java Cache on the remote machine and is there a difference in the Jave level between the local and remote machines.
nyrhody It could be CFLs, some CFLs are well known to cause communication problems. It is also easy to test (unless they are in a Cathedral ceiling) by replacing them with incandescent bulbs. If the CFLs are not accessible then disconnect the Red load wires on the two existing SwitchLincs. I did not go in that direction because you did not indicate problems controlling the two existing SwitchLincs on that circuit that are actually controlling the CFLs as loads. With two SwitchLincs working for 6 months on the same circuit it seems less likely a CFL noise problem and more likely the new SwitchLinc is not wired to unswitched 120V AC. Change the CFLs to incandescent. If that does not resolve the problem I would check the voltage going to the new SwitchLinc. Lee
If you have a voltage meter check the voltage on the Line (Black) wire and Neutral (White) wire on the new SwitchLinc. It sounds like the SwitchLinc is not supplied by unswitched 120V AC between the Line and Neutral connections.
It is not an absolute situation as I have no problem seeing Program Summary and Program Detail displays on 2.8.4.
Yes, 2.8.3 or above. I recommend using 2.8.4. There was a change in 2.8.3 unrelated to the MS that has caused some problems which was corrected in 2.8.4.
Follow this link for details on using the new ISY Set Options available in 2.8.3 and above. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=5184
Candide When you get the email indicating the MS has signaled Dark turn on the Event Viewer with Change Level 3. That way if the MS does go back to Light we will have the actual commands (if any) the motion sensor sent at the time. Lee
Candide Thanks for the update. Having mined the Log makes perfect sense. Assuming the Motion Sensor cycles the Dusk/Dawn indication look for something in the Log that happens approximately 3.5 minutes before it goes from Dusk to Dawn (MS signals an Off for Group 2). The Dusk (Night) message will change nearly every day as the sun angle lowers. This can put the sun in more direct contact with the MS but also can cause trees to block the sun earlier. If it is an Insteon device coming on affecting the ambient light around the MS it takes approx 3.5 minutes for the MS to issue the change in light level indication. They do this so the MS does not cycle every time a car drives by etc. Particularly being wireless and going to sleep shortly after each motion is sensed it is not likely a direct command to the MS as the RF circuitry is not on to receive any communication from the ISY or any other device for that matter. Lee
A Program is not terminated just because the If conditions have changed. A Program that runs because of a Status ON condition does not terminate just because the Status has changed to OFF. However, if/when the Program Waits the If conditions are reevaluated at the end of the Wait. For example, a Program that is conditioned on a specific device(s) Status will not run past the Wait should the condition(s) no longer be True when the Wait expires. That is why folks use the technique of having the Then clause in Program1 Run the Then clause of Program2. That way should the initial Status condition(s) change it does not prevent Program2 from continuing after Waits. The operational characteristic boggles the mind of this old programmer but when in Rome…. I preface with there are aspects of Programs I do not have a good understanding of yet. I do not think multiple copies of a Program will be initiated (per your question about a new thread). Once it starts the Program will not start from the beginning again until the currently running/waiting instance of the Program terminates. I am sure there are users with more experience with Program operation who can expand or correct anything I have said.
The InlineLinc w/sense turns On when the sense line is pulled to 120V AC and turns Off when the sense line drops to 0 V. This can be overridden by sending it a Fast On command. Once the InlineLinc receives the Fast On it should ignore the sense line and stay On until you turn it Off with an explicit Off command. When you detect that a specific Inlinelinc has signaled it has turned On due to motion, follow up with a Fast On command back to that inlinelinc telling it to ignore the sense line. All the timing to turn that inlinelinc Off is now the responsibility of the Program.
Candide Remember when Jumper 5 is installed the pot that was being used to set the Dusk/Dawn transition point (Dark) is no longer being used. The number specified in the Darkness Sensitivity field will be the controlling factor. Specifying a value that is not Dark enough could cause the MS to cycle between Night and Day if the Night indication is turning on some outside lights that are increasing the light level around the MS or the general lighting in the area does not stay Dark enough. BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 0% Sat 2010/10/09 06:53:08 AM System – MORNING BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 100% Sat 2010/10/09 06:26:21 PM System – FIRST DARK BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 0% Sat 2010/10/09 06:41:18 PM System – BACK TO LIGHT BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status Query Sat 2010/10/09 07:26:32 PM System BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 0% Sat 2010/10/09 07:30:57 PM System – 2nd LIGHT BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 100% Sat 2010/10/09 08:27:29 PM System – 2nd DARK BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 06:53:21 AM System – MORNING BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 06:24:52 PM System – FIRST DARK BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 06:37:37 PM System – BACK TO LIGHT BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 06:42:42 PM System – 2ND DARK BD-Sensor / BD-Dusk/Dawn Status Query Sun 2010/10/10 09:54:50 PM System Was this Log with Jumper 5 removed or in place? There is no motion indicated in the Log. Lee
Candide Sorry, Group 1 messages in the Event Viewer represent Motion On/Off. Group 2 messages represent Dusk On/Off. You can see the high level result in the Log. Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor / Motion Sensor - 2-Dusk/Dawn Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 08:34:36 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 08:45:59 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 08:46:29 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 08:51:02 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 08:51:11 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 08:52:09 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 08:52:11 PM System Log Scene:Scene3 On 255 Sun 2010/10/10 08:58:01 PM Program Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor / Motion Sensor - 2-Dusk/Dawn Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 09:01:47 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 09:02:10 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 09:02:39 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 09:06:37 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 09:07:07 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 100% Sun 2010/10/10 09:15:18 PM System Log Motion Sensor - 2-Sensor Status 0% Sun 2010/10/10 09:15:48 PM System Log If the Log shows something different on your system then the Event Viewer messages should explain why. Not needed if the Logs are similar. Lee
Just tested Night Only mode. My V2 Motion Sensor sends multiple Dark messages for Group 2 just as it does for motion using Group 1. Running 2.8.4. Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.02 C7 11 02 LTONRR (02) Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [ 13 F2 57 2] DON 2 Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [ 13 F2 57 2] ST 255 Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.02 C7 11 02 LTONRR (02) Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : Duplicate: ignored Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.02 C7 11 02 LTONRR (02): Process Message: failed Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 12.9F.E4 41 11 02 LTONRR (02) Sun 10/10/2010 09:01:47 PM : [standard-Cleanup][13.F2.57-->ISY/PLM Group=2] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.01 C7 11 01 LTONRR (01) Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [ 13 F2 57 1] DON 1 Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [ 13 F2 57 1] ST 255 Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.01 C7 11 01 LTONRR (01) Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : Duplicate: ignored Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.01 C7 11 01 LTONRR (01): Process Message: failed Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:09 PM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:10 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 12.9F.E4 41 11 01 LTONRR (01) Sun 10/10/2010 09:02:10 PM : [standard-Cleanup][13.F2.57-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Except for the Motion Sensor Sensitivity which is controlled by Jumper 1 in all cases, each Jumper function can be controlled through software/firmware when Jumper 5 is installed. Whether you use the Jumpers/Pots and do it manually or software/firmware is user choice. Personally I think it is much easier to do it with the ISY than do it manually. As far as LED intensity (Jumper 2) software/firmware can set the LED brightness across a range. The Jumper 2 is only Enabled or Disabled The following link will get to a detailed explanation. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=5184 I suggest running the Event Viewer in Change level 3 and see what the Motion Sensor is sending at the transition from Dark to Light. All the V2 Motion Sensors I have tested send multiple On/Off commands with motion. Not sure about Dark Only commands.
Follow this link for information on Jumpers and options when using ISY to control Motion Sensor function. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=5184
That is correct. An ON command will be sent regardless of the status of each responder.
SteveSBE For controlling the Motion Sensor from the ISY set Jumper 5. That is the only jumper needed. Jumper 1 might be necessary for Motion Sensor sensitivity as that is not controllable from software (ISY). Be sure to follow the Set button or motion detection procedure described in the Quick Start guide after setting Jumper 5. Lee
SteveSBE 1. If Occupancy Sense is not checked the Motion Sensor is strictly for detecting motion. The first motion detected sends an ON command and when the Timeout has expired, say 5 minutes later, an OFF command is sent. One ON command and one OFF command. The Timeout value is reset to the full Timeout value for any additional motion detected but no additional ON commands are sent. When Occupancy Sense is checked it is functioning as an Occupancy Sensor and sends ON commands for every motion that is detected regardless of whether the Timeout value has expired. In this mode one is able to identify that someone is still moving in the detection area during the Timeout interval. 2.The two devices do not have to be linked for the Program to work. You do not need a Scene to have the Program work. Under the motion sensor - Sensor node do you see this change to ON when motion is detected and OFF when the Timeout value has elapsed. If not invoke Tools |Diagnostics | Event Viewer and select Change level and set to level 3. Do you see entries being generated when motion is detected. The Motion Sensor could be in Night Only mode and it is not dark enough to send motion indications. Lee
If Occupancy Sense is not checked the Motion Sensor is strictly for detecting motion. The first motion detected sends an ON command and when the Timeout has expired, say 5 minutes later, an OFF command is sent. One ON command and one OFF command. The Timeout value is reset to the full Timeout value for any additional motion detected but no additional ON commands are sent. When Occupancy Sense is checked it is functioning as an Occupancy Sensor and sends ON commands for every motion that is detected regardless of whether the Timeout value has expired. In this mode one is able to identify that someone is still moving in the detection area during the Timeout interval. I have seen complaints on the Smarthome forum that this capability could not be set with jumpers but do not remember the scenario that could not be achieved without this feature.
When Jumper 5 is in place all the options and settings are done through programmatic settings. I don’t think the other jumpers matter once Jumper 5 is in place. Be sure to follow the Quick Start guide instructions for the Set button or motion detection sequence for the MS to be aware of Jumper 5. (Occupancy) Sensing Mode: when checked an On command is sent for every motion detected. When unchecked an On command is sent only after the Timeout value has expired. On Only Mode: On commands only are sent when checked. When unchecked an Off command is sent when the Timeout value has expired. Night Mode: signals motion all the time when checked. When unchecked sends motion commands only when Dark. Darkness Sensitivity controls how dark is Dark. The lower the number the darker it has to get to be in Night Mode. LED Brightness controls the brightness of the LED that indicates motion. I don’t think this setting affects the LED brightness when put into linking mode. Timeout (minutes) specifies the Timeout time between the last motion sensed and the Off command. Note that Jumper 5 is only available on V2 Motion Sensors.
So the KPL that was not working is consistently working after updating it under 2.8.2 in Device Reported mode even when you go back to Automatic mode? I was anticipating having to Remove the KPL and add it back under 2.8.2 using Automatic mode to get it to use the I2 command consistently.
Michel, That makes three of us that see the I2 Extended Set being used with the v36 KPL. Illiusion is running 2.7.15 (I was 2.8.2, now 2.8.3 and I think TJF1960 is 2.8.2). Illusions post showed no attempt to use the Extended Set which made me think something on 2.7.15 or as you say perhaps the option the KPL was originally added under. Looking forward to a new Event Trace to see what is actually happening now. Lee
The Set Options update to control the programmatic settings of the Motion Sensor on 2.8.3 worked perfectly. I was able to switch between Night Only mode and Always On mode using the new Set Options. 2.8.3 install worked with no issues.
Michel, It was not working before because the I2 Extended Set command was not being used in Illusions environment. When he changed the link management option away from Automatic then the I2 Extended Set was used. Although it did continue to work after changing back to Automatic I suspect it has regressed back to not using the I2 Extended Set command. The v36 KPL I have always uses the I2 Extended Set in Automatic mode so there is something unusual going on with Illusion setup. I am on 2.8.2 and Illusion is on 2.7.15. Illusion, Can you turn on Event Viewer Change level 3 and run a Set Options on the KPL that is not working now. I suspect the Event Viewer will not show any I2 Extended Set commands. That is what the Event Viewer trace you posted showed before, no I2 Extended Set command usage. Lee