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Everything posted by LeeG

  1. LeeG

    Linking within ISY

    Define a new Scene. Right click on the SLD and select Add to Scene. Set it as a Controller. Right click on the KPL button and select Add to Scene. Set it as a Controller. Click on OK. This definition will cross-link the SLD and the KPL button. When complete the SLD will be a Controller with the KPL button a Responder. The KPL button will be a Controller with the SLD as a Responder. The ISY has a pretty good User Guide that you can download. It provides more detail than I have posted. Also describes how to set the responder information such as bright level and ramp rate if appropriate to the responder.
  2. You are correct about expecting to see messages in the Event log when pressing the ToggleLinc toggle. Try pressing the togglelinc toggle a little longer in the On position. A few users have complained that togglelincs do not respond to On/Off presses as fast as paddles do. You can even hold it On for a few seconds. The worst that will happen is it sends a start dim sequence rather than a simple On. If nothing is sent after holding for a few seconds then the analysis is why the device is not sending anything, or the messages are not reaching the ISY PLM. Did you physically move the togglelinc since the last time it worked correctly. Runs Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table to display the link records in the togglelinc. This will establish that the ISY PLM can communicate with the togglelinc and that the required link records are still present in the togglelinc. Have the Event Viewer level 3 active when you do this in case the ISY PLM cannot communicate with the togglelinc. Cannot trigger a Program until messages show in the Event Viewer when the toggle is pressed.
  3. How are you factory resetting the ISY?
  4. LeeG

    ISY log

    The following is the link to the error message information .... http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... tem_Errors
  5. Simply Remove each device one at a time. Does not take long. Then add each device back with the default option that ignores (and removes) all active links when the device is added to the ISY. You can Factory reset each device to clear all the links and restore the device to all the Factory defaults if concerned over more than active links. You would do this after Removing the device and before adding it back to the ISY.
  6. The If Control "ToggleLinc name" is On should work. Make sure the Program is Enabled and run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer and set Change level: to 3. Press the toggle On and see what event viewer messages are generated.
  7. The Set button procedure described in the Access Point Quick Start Guide is mandatory to insure that the Access Points are being powered from opposite 120V legs. The process does NOT actually link the Access Points to each other as when you link one Insteon device to another. When device to device communication is reliable but PLM to device communication is not, a suspect is the power supply of the PC/UPS that is often powered from the same circuit as the PLM plug point. A simple test to determine if this is a problem is to plug the PLM into a good 3 wire extension cord and plug the extension cord into circuit away from the PC/UPS. If this improves PLM to device communication, installing a Smarthome FilterLinc between the PC/UPS and outlet usually resolves the problem. Power supplies in PCs and particularly UPS devices are so good at removing noise on the powerline that they tend to attenuate (reduce) the level of the Insteon powerline signal to the point of being unreliable.
  8. Suggest you install 2.8.1 Beta. The Event Trace shows the form of the ALDB command used to access the link database (because the device reports I2) has a value of 02 in the cmd2 value. That value is used with an IRLinc to access IR code information but should be 00 when accessing the actual link database in non IRLinc. Thu 08/26/2010 03:54:27 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 15.2B.DB 1F 2F 02 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (02)
  9. When you start the Event Viewer click on Change level and set to level 3. The posted trace says a problem exists but no detail. Level 3 will show the actual commands issued and what failed. On the surface it looks like a powerline communication problem. Assuming the ISY is not having trouble communicating with the existing devices such as being able to manually control existing devices the PLM should be okay. Do you have a pair of Dual Band devices such as Access Points coupling the 120V legs.
  10. The I/O Linc relay can be opened or closed with an On command. The Off command will have the opposite effect. I don't have an I/O Linc so I don't know if this is an option that can be set through the ISY. When doing the links with the Set button the I/O Linc relay is set to the state you want it to respond to an On command, then the link is done. I suspect the relay was in the opposite state you want it to be in when the link was established. The I/O Linc user guide (which can be accessed online from the I/O Linc sales page) describes the process of establishing the relay state first. Look under the topic "Linking an INSTEON Controller to Control the I/O Linc Output Relay".
  11. You did fine so far. A Scene can have multiple Controllers with each Controller being able to establish different responder settings. Left click on the Scene name and that will show each responder with their respective settings. Based on the link records I think you will find the I/O Linc set to 0%. Left click on the RemoteLinc button 4 Controller entry under the Scene name. It should be in red. You should see each responder with potentially different settings then were presented when you clicked on the Scene name. The ISY allows you to define different responder settings for each Controller. Clicking on the Scene name shows the responder settings for when the Scene is controlled from the Admin Console or with a Program. Clicking on the RemoteLinc button 4 Controller entry shows the Responder settings for when the RemoteLinc button is the Controller.
  12. The responder link record for the ISY Scene has byte 6 set to 00 which would turn the device Off with a Scene On command (assuming the I/O Linc supports it). 0FD8 : A2 13 0F.9F.2E 00 1F 00 The responder link record for the RemoteLinc button 4 has byte 6 set to FF which is Full On. 0FC0 : A2 04 12.EB.FF FF 1F 00 How did you establish the Scene with RemoteLinc button 4 as the Controller and the I/O Linc as the Responder. It appears the settings for the RemoteLinc Controller are set to 100% for the I/O Linc Responder.
  13. mdyod Actually the link record you displayed may be the responder link record for the ISY itself, not a representation of the link record in the I/O Linc. If the Scene display shows the I/O Linc at 0% then use Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table to display the link record in the I/O Linc. With two I/O Lincs behaving the same way I am inclined to believe the I/O Linc does not have the function to turn Off in response to an On command. The link record in the I/O Linc itself is the definitive piece of information. If the byte 6 is 00 then the I/O Linc does not have the function to turn Off in response to an On command. Lee
  14. Thanks. The following is the only Group 4 (button 4) link in the display. You should verify that 13.EB.FF is the Remotelinc Insteon address to insure we are looking at the right entry. A2 04 13.EB.FF FF 1F 00 The red FF is byte 6, FULL bright level (On), the responder will go to when the On command is received from the RemoteLinc. This value must be 00 for the I/O Linc to turn Off in response to the On command from the RemoteLinc. Recheck the Scene responder settings. This indicates the I/O Linc is set to 100% On rather than Off. Also the display is of the ISY Link Table, not the Device Link table. They should be the same and since this entry shows Ff rather than the required 00 it is safe to assume for now that the device contains the same link record. However, in the future display the Device Link records.
  15. This is an example of a working responder link record that turns the device Off when an On command is issued. The byte 6 value is 00 which is the key to an On command turning a device Off. 0FE8 : A2 14 12.9F.E4 00 1F 00
  16. A link record is 8 bytes long. There are only 7 bytes posted. Sorry but I think you will have to do the display again and post the full 8 bytes. Is 13.EB.FF the RemoteLinc Insteon address.
  17. Display the link records in the I/O Linc (this is an I/O Linc and not an in-line Linc). You are looking for a record that starts with an A2 in byte 1, has an 04 in byte 2 (for button 4 on RL), has the Insteon address of the RemoteLinc in bytes 3,4,5, and has either a FF or 00 in byte 6. If there is a 00 then the link record is correct and the I/O Linc does not support being turned Off by an On command. If there is something other than a 00 in byte 6 the link record does not have the correct value. EIDT: example of responder link record 0FB8 : A2 04 12.9F.E4 FF 1F 00 A2 : responder link record 04 : Group/Button number of Controller button 12.9F.E4 : Insteon address of Controller FF : bright level responder should go to; FF full bright; 00 Off 1F : ramp rate 00 : output unit number The FF or 00 In byte 6 is the key to what the responder is told to do.
  18. Multiple controllers must be defined as controllers of the scene. Defining one as a Controller and the other as a Responder insures the devices will get out of sync. The ISY will automatically generate all the cross-links necessary to keep the devices in sync when the controllers are defined as controllers. No need to add them as responders. ISY does this automatically.
  19. I had the same question when I moved to the ISY. The ISY makes the actual Scene definition easier. Simple add both devices as Controllers. The ISY assumes the two devices are also Responders and writes the necessary link records to cross-link the devices. If the ISY will allow the LampLinc to be defined as a Controller (open question) then operating the SwitchLinc On/Off will turn On/Off the LampLinc and manually operating the LampLinc On/Off will turn the SwitchLinc On/Off. Just as if you had defined 4 link records as the ISY writes them automatically. If the ISY will not allow the LampLinc to be added to the Scene as a Controller they only way I know to make it work is to Remove the Lamplinc device definition from the ISY and add it back as a SwitchLinc. A SwitchLinc functions as a Controller and a Responder. The newer LampLincs function as a Controller and a Reponder.
  20. When defining the Scene simply make the SwitchLinc a Controller and the LampLinc a Controller. The cross-linking happens automatically without adding either device as a Responder. The ISY may not allow the LampLinc to be specified as a Controller. Please post back whether you are able to define the LampLinc a Controller in the Scene. With this being the second time this question has come up it will likely come up again. Thanks
  21. To keep two Insteon devices in sync they need to be Controllers of the Scene. They are cross linked as responders so no Responder definition is required. Not sure the ISY will allow that with a LampLinc as that device is normally considered a Responder only. LampLincs that were produced in the last few years do function as a Controller as well as a Responder. When this question came up a few weeks ago I don't the results were posted back. If ISY will not allow the LampLinc to be a controller I think you can Remove the LampLinc device definition and add it back specifying it as a SwitchLinc Dimmer. If a newer LampLinc they function the same and use the same command codes. It is not a perfect solution to incorrectly define a device as something it is not but I believe it will work in this case . I don't think you can edit/change the Controller/Responder definition. The type of link record is different between a Controller and Responder. Likely have to remove the device from the scene and then add it back.
  22. Apostolakisl Of course you do not need to turn the AC Off locally but the OP wants to know if that does happen. A human will always find a way to screw it up if a way exists. Some of us even have fun trying. The LampLinc was updated years ago to provide that capability. So far none of the relay devices looked at provide the equivalent function. Lee
  23. Smartlabs changed the way the device responds when set to the maximum ramp rate. They were fielding calls from customers that the device was not turning On when in fact it was turning On, just VERY slowly. So they changed the way the device reacts when the maximum ramp rate value is set. From memory the device now reacts with a 1 or 2 second ramp rate when the ramp rate is defined as the maximum value. The ramp rate value stored in the responder device link record runs from 0x1F which is the fastest ramp rate down to 0x00 which was the slowest ramp rate. Now a 0x00 ramp rate causes something in the 1-2 second range. Simply bring the ramp rate down a notch. The actual visual difference between ramping a lamp up over 8 minutes versus over 9 minutes is hardly noticeable. EDIT: this is the link to the Smarthome forum entry where they document the change to the 9 minute ramp rate.... http://www.smarthome.com/forum/topic.as ... ,ramp,rate
  24. hbsh01 It is always the Amps that are important. The issue with incandescent bulbs is that the initial current draw (Amps) of a cold light bulb filament is “much†higher than would be expected when doing a calculation based on Watts alone. The formula is volts * amps = watts. Once the bulb filament is hot the current draw (Amps) drops off substantially. The problem is the relay has to be capable of handling the cold filament current draw as the relay contact is closing on a set of cold filaments. That is why the incandescent Watts seems so much less than what one would expect for a relay that can handle 15 Amps. The incandescent rating is always stated in Watts as light bulbs are sold based on their Wattage, not the current (Amps) they will draw when cold. The ApplianceLinc should have no trouble turning On/Off the AC. In your environment the problem is the ApplianceLinc does not have the capability to notify a controller when the local load is turned On or Off at the ApplianceLinc. Not that the ApplianceLinc cannot handle the current draw of the AC compressor. Looking at the circuit breaker is one way to tell. The plug for a 240V appliance looks very different from a standard 120V plug. Also every appliance will have a label somewhere that identifies the voltage and current (amps) requirements of the appliance. Lee
  25. bocarob, What EZIOxx device are you using for hot water heater control. How did you control the EZIOxx, a Program using Insteon Direct commands or was it with a Scene. Do you have any Event Log at level 3 of the activity. There is a known problem at 2.8.1 where manual control through the Admin Console does not reflect the status of an Output node even though the node actually did turn On. A Query of the EZIOxx node corrects the Admin Console display. This should be resolved in 2.8.2. I'd be happy to work with you on the problem if you want to look into it. Or perhaps provide enough detail for me to recreate it here. Lee
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