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    Owen Sound Ontario CANADA

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  1. Hi there! Great to hear from someone! I have a feeling there's a few of us in this boat. I have one Yale lock and 4 Kwikset. All have worked great on the ISY994. My EISY is (Seriously) STILL taped up in the shipping box (they might have sent me a birdfeeder for all I know LoL). I'm reluctant to dig in until I know my path forward. I wish someone from UDI @bmercier ?? at least would confirm or deny my thoughts in this post. So are you back to your ISY994 right now? Are you saying you can flip your PLM back and forth? (sounds dangerous to me). Waiting (im)PATIENTLY... @bmercier
  2. VERY helpful advice @Geddy, thanks! (My eISY is still taped in the box... I only have 15 maybe 20 zwave, but ya, locks and programs... not looking forward to it LoL.). (Glad I didn't just hack into it. So my thoughts are... -Backup ISY now -Get the PROGRAMS as you mentioned -Get a list of all Zwave nodes (eg ZW017_1) -Delete all Zwave devices -Backup Zwave (so zero in ISY backup) -Backup ISY (so backup w/o Zwave) -Upgrade ISY to latest version -Backup ISY (With latest firmware, and zero zwave) -Power down ISY -Set up eISY, and move my serial PLM over to it -Restore ISY backup onto eISY -Get all non-zWave stuff going/tested -Plug the ZMATTER-USB in -Redo all zWave from scratch Any hints, or things I've missed? Many Thanks!
  3. Well YA LoL... Joke 🤣 😛
  4. I'd like a blood curdling scream over all the Google nest devices, because now other people in the house don't have to do it LOL...
  5. Received my eISY today... I see where it says Zwave500 but i have old card. How do i migrate ISY994 to EISY (using pre-era Zwave?) (Does the attached tell for sure??)
  6. So I have my EISY coming! What (loose steps ok) are the steps to integrate to my YoLink MouseTrap (Called TrapEEzEE at TrapEEzEE.com). Really it's a speakerhub with vibration sensor and trap/adapter. (And I also have about 20 YoLink wet sensors/Temp/RH,DoorOpenClose, etc to do) Thanks! (If anyone wants one, feel free to use my SAVE10 coupon that was in their intro email) (screenshot attached)
  7. So i ordered my EISY! They had a direct usb-to-PLM cable specifically for EISY so no DB9 or USB dongle! Also, I just went straight to the expensive zMatter-USB (zwave) dongle, to save time (hopefully) in the end... So I'll post new questions related to this under EISY now (like how to integrate to YoLink)... Thanks all!
  8. I thought of zwave a ways back, but didn't go near far enough. Often hard to get 100feet... LoRa on YoLink can reach 1,234ft so that is a game changer! Agree, great for hard to reach places.
  9. Thanks, ya i understand
  10. Nice... So did it work as is, or did you have to re-pin it or break any pins off to make it work??
  11. Ah! that makes more sense to me!
  12. So are you saying that the eISY now has a DB9 connector?
  13. Thanks... we'll see what other say...
  14. I couldn't find the 700 series, but I found an 800 long range zWave 800... Would that work? I couldn't find the 700 series, but I found an 800 long range zWave 800... Would that work?
  15. From what I see, I could use my current PLM's (I have a spare one), using a simple (Canada) serial-USB$40 cable, but the price of the Z-Matter USB adaptor that I'm looking at is $200 kind of a choker... Another half the price of Eisy itself $400. Is there a cheaper Zwave only adapter to use?
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