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About LFMc

  • Birthday May 28

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    Dallas, TX USA

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  1. @Geddy Thanks, local DL worked. 😊 Now I'm having lots of insteon "failed to communicate" and various other related errors and nothing seems to be talking to the ISY. Sounds like a bad plm 😞. Only got 7 years out of this one. Running the PLM links table comes up blank. Glad I bought a spare back in 2019! Thanks for the help. -Leon
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. Java cache cleared twice, no joy. Rebooted router, no change. I can't download anything as I have no Internet on my lan right now. Java is now throwing the error: unable to load resource: https://ISY.universal-devices.com/launcher/ISY.jnlp followed by a lot of file names saying unknown source. Everything was fine before power outage and now no Internet.
  3. I have an ISY 994i, I lost power for 3 days due to a major storm and still don't have Internet, but power is back up. Lots of minor issues with ISY system I'm trying to fix, but I cannot get ISY finder to work to launch admin. When running start.jnlp I get "application error, unable to launch the application." In details it says: java.net.uknownhostexception: ISY.universal-devices.com. I have to assume it's trying to connect through the Internet. UDAjax and ud mobile both connect to my ISY. I didn't think UD Admin was Internet dependant. Any suggestions?
  4. As a future FYI for anyone researching this topic for an answer, Javi said it may be a bug in the app and will be possibly corrected in the next update.
  5. Hi Dennis, restoring the backup puts everything back the way it was after the sync I suppose. But it leaves me with the same 25 unused values as before. I guess this is a work around if nothing else works. I am not sure, but "cancel" may be the same thing in the end with out the hassle of restoration. Thanks,
  6. Javi, Hi Javi, Is what I quoted myself above not what you are asking me to do? If not, I am not sure what you are asking. Every time I click "delete unused values" it blows away all of my variable icons and folders. I either have to manually add all the variable icons back in or restore the backup. <edit> Just to be very clear, I am not technically getting any "error" messages, just the notification show in the first post about "unused values". I am guessing that the sync is thinking the variable displaying icons are "unused values". Thanks,
  7. Hi Javi, Thanks for the quick reply. I am not sure how to validate the "heavy load" on the ISY. Is there a way to see CPU utilization on an ISY while I run the sync? I have no related issues otherwise. Yes, it has been rebooted regularly (almost daily) and is still doing this over a couple of week period. It is 100% repeatable. Also, I have a new phone as of about 2 months ago, so the process is very quick, especially compared to my old phone. But I have almost always gotten these messages for the last several months or more when syncing, even on the old phone. The only difference is I have never (that I remember) told it to delete the unused values. Thanks,
  8. Hi all, I have to occasionally sync UD mobile (1.1.51) to my ISY 5.3. Upon doing so, after the sync completes, I get the following warning. If I answer "remove unused values", then it will remove many icons I have created that report on various variables. It even removes a couple of folders that display integer values on them, dumping their contents into my favorites main folder. Of course I do a backup and can restore them, but I am back to where I started. The only safe thing I can do is "cancel". Once I even manually rebuilt all the missing icons only to lose them again on the next sync. I have repeated this issue multiple times after updating my UD Mobile app (twice I have updated it to a newer version). Any thoughts?
  9. I did a soft reset on the Energy Dashboard/My Electricity and the system reconnected to the meter and data is flowing again. Big thanks to UD support.
  10. Might a soft reset in the Dashboard/My Electricity console be an answer? Will the soft reset change any of the ID information that the Utility needs to reinstall the monitoring? Will it in any way mess with any of the programming or AMI NEM PG2 node set up? I am open to other suggestions too.
  11. This^ is what I was looking for. My old phone stopped upgrading at android 10, so I could do a partial swipe to go to notification settings. New phone is Android 13 and I wasn't aware of the long button press. So doing that I was able to limit the notifications for subscription settings. Thanks for the quick feed back.
  12. I run my admin console almost constantly. BUT, I notice two issues. 1. If I have any type of network interruption, the AC locks up and I have to go to task manager to kill the java app. 2. Recently, I have turned back on sleep mode and when I wake up the PC later, I find the Admin console is in some weird state, sort of functional, but not really. If I create a new program, it doesn't work completely until I restart the Admin console. If I need to review the variable tables, I have to hit refresh variables before the data is correct. So, for me, it seems if I want the AC to continuously work, I have to make sure my PC doesn't sleep or lose connection.
  13. I upgraded my Android phone to a new phone and with that I got new updated apps, including UD Mobile. It was version 1.1.45. Right away I started getting these Subscription Settings notifications multiple times a day. I understand what the setting does, but I can't find a way to stop them. (minor inconvenience I know, lol). So I updated my UD Mobile app a few weeks later to 1.1.51 and there has been no relief. My time out is set to 120 (minutes I assume) and I tried changing it to a higher number, but no noticeable change in the notifications. Am I missing something? Other than that, I love the UD app. Thanks for the support and upgrades on it.
  14. Oncor updated my meter which knocked off my two HAN devices (Smartenit ZOE Range Extender and ISY ZS). I notified them and they acknowledged that I am grandfathered in, it should not have happened and have assigned me an engineer to rectify the situation. He has been extremely responsive. Currently, we can get the Smartenit ZOE-RE to join the meter with no problem. But, the ISY keeps trying over and over to rejoin with no success and I have located it about 3 feet from the meter to be sure. They have removed and added it several times and I've sent them all my info so they can verify it. Is there anything else I can do from my My Electricity Dashboard to possibly get the ISY to join? My ISY and dashboard are currently on version 5.3.0. Of course I have rebooted many times, but no joy. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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