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Everything posted by jkraus

  1. Not a big deal, but is there a way to type in the ramp rate and level vs. the sliders? Joe
  2. jkraus

    timer idea

    Can anyone think of a way that you could program a "wait" period dependent upon how many times a controller's on button is pressed. More specifically, lets say you hit a RL key on and it is set to turn on your pool pump for 15 min, but each time during that 15 mins you hit the on key again 15 mins MORE would be added to the wait period before it shuts off. Not absolutely needed, but for fun I do have an application for it. Thx Joe
  3. does the MS send on commands each time it sees movement i.e would a program as below keep light on as long as movement every 10 seconds or does it just send a "first on" and an "off" after no moment for 1 min, but no other "ons"? If Control '11.A0.A5-Sensor' is switched On And Status 'KPL A' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #1' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #5' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #6' is Off Then Set 'Garage Lite' On Wait 10 seconds Set 'Garage Lite' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. Is this the best way to write a program to turn on and off a motion sensor controlled light but only when that light is not already on via an RL or KPL? is there another way since if I add this light to another scene or add another controller to the scene I need to go back and add them to this program. No other way to write it independent of what is controlling "garage lite" ? If Control '11.A0.A5-Sensor' is switched On And Status 'KPL A' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #1' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #5' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #6' is Off Then Set 'Garage Lite' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') off: If Control '11.A0.A5-Sensor' is switched Off And Status 'KPL A' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #1' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #5' is Off And Status 'RL Backyard #6' is Off Then Set 'Garage Lite' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. OK, but if trying to unlink a Remotelinc for example, it will ask me to put the remotelinc into linking mode (which of course is impossible if lost or broken) so one would just ignore the request? The remove/unlinking would still occur? Thx Joe
  6. Suppose an Remotelinc or a toggledimmer electrically fail, how do you then "unlink" it from the ISY? Joe
  7. jkraus

    First Failure

    In Playing with the diagnostic tools they all seem to function fine( including scene test) EXCEPT the Show the Device links table, I start it with the defaults and it goes for a while then "fails", but again all of the other test work so I don't think its a connection issue Joe
  8. jkraus

    First Failure

    I have been learning Inseteon and ISY from the great support here and have had many "user error" that the team here has helped me with. But last night I had my first confirmed failure in that a lamplinc that is part of an evening scene scehduled by the ISY did not turn off at the right time last night. All of the rest of the lights in the scene did, and turning on then off the scene via a keypad did indeed turn off that lamplinc, so it was not a setup issue. So while it is "only" one instance so far I have only been using it a couple of weeks so it does beg the question about reliability. Anyone have an anecdotal feel for that ? 99&...98%? Just wondering about user opinions. How about the diagnostic tools which I don't all comprehend yet. Will any of those give us any indications? Joe
  9. Got it! Thx
  10. Never Mind, I now see one of the Scenes is "My Lighting", that would be the "Global" One
  11. Oh, I see, you set a query for a Scene. I though there was a global Query mode
  12. wow, I must be dense, I do not even see that in my action pull down menus (ver 2.7)
  13. I see. But now I cannot even find the pull down menu to write a query program, can you give me specific details? I do nto even see a "set Scene" command. BTW your posting time stamp looks like it did not get the Daylight Savings update Thx Joe
  14. ok I think I found the problem. My "query" program was somehow set to query at 11:18 pm and then "set My Lighting on" Why do I need a query program (purpose) and what is the correct format? Joe
  15. Thanks Michel If you read my original post, I am not sure it was even related to the RL. Just all of the keypad slaves came on, not sure how, but as I was also working with ISL programing at the time, I will attribute it to some user error at this time, not to worry, just wondering if anyone has seen such kind of erratic behavior of KPls. Alos, after power failure do the light default to "on"? Thx Joe
  16. Thanks Michel, This surprises me, but to make sure I understand If I put in same scene KPL key #1 and RL key #1 (both as controllers) with light X", then hit RL "all on", all of the Keypad lights linked to KPL #2-#8 would also come on? I always assumed that "all on" on the RL would turn on all of the lights linked to the RL, not all of the lights that were linked to a controller that was linked to the RL Thx Joe
  17. Yesterday evening all of my lights controlled by the KP in the kitchen came on. I was in the office, and I had been doing something earlier with my ISY (trying to program my motion sensor), so I did not see when it happened, but all of the lights were on when I came out. I do have an RL, but some of the KP buttons are not controlled by an RL, so inadvertently hitting the "all lights on" does not seem to explain it. Now since I was doing some programming with the ISY, at this point I will attribute it to "user error" even though I cannot think what I might have done, but just curious if anyone has seen this. This is a new install for me and still learning, but do KPs go crazy like this once in a while? I hope not. Thx Joe
  18. jkraus

    motion sensor

    this site is so useful, I hope I don't overextend my welcome for free advice! What is the suggestion for a program that has to be a common issue with motions sensors. I have a "garage lite" that is controlled by a KP key, and I want to be able to also have it controlled by a motion sensor. I want the motion sensor to turn on garage lite and turn it off only if the KP has not initially turned on garage lite In other words I do not want the motion sensor time out controlling the Off command it the lite has been turned on by the keypad in addition if the motions sensor turns on the garage lite, and want to override with command on from the keypad, what is the right way I know it has to be simple and common, so any suggestions? Thanks in advance Joe
  19. Great job guys, I truly do appreciate your passion for success, "customer service" is just a plain understatement..... now if I can just get my motion sensor working, ................well, that's another topic Thanks again! Joe
  20. OK for All: Got a nice call from Darrell From UD today and he suggested when I link and RL to wait for the time out of the RL (i.e. when LED quits blinking) instead of waiting until all 6 keys are showing up and then hitting a key like I have been doing before. He thought that may be corrupting the linc. Well I tried tonight just a few mins ago and all worked well. Before I am 100% convinced, give me a few hours or a day, but it does not seem to exhibit the strange issues I had before, so I think we may have it here. Am I the only one not waiting until the time out? Seems this issue would have come up before. Nevertheless, thanks for all the attention, we may have it fixed (fingers crossed)! Joe
  21. in trying to "debug", there should not be an issue with a RL key and a KP key being in the same scene should there? Is it more appropriate to create a duplicate scene for each controller (I did not think so , but trying to debug)
  22. Thanks Rand, Do you have any suggestions (as tough to find time to call when at home)? Basically when I link an RL, most of the keys work, sometimes one does not. Do an RL restore and they all work, but add any of the keys to scenes and that key or another key will stop working. Now on second RL, so doubt it is an RL failure (but of course possible) Joe
  23. Mike, when you say to contact you , do you mean to have me open a tech ticket as I do not see a phone # listed? Joe
  24. Hi Mike "Automatic" Mode Thanks, I will try to find some tiem during normal biz hours. Are you open on Saturday? Thx Joe
  25. now key 4 stopped working...I GIVE UP!
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