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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. v1.0.6 Fixed renaming nodes on the fly on 03/09/2025
  2. Fixed renaming nodes on the fly in v1.0.6
  3. @EricBarish, Are you running non production or production? What version? Please copy and paste your json exactly as it appears in PG3x. Are those the only two that do not change or are there others that do change but just these two do not? Edit: Also, please PM me your log from WebControl832 from PG3x. -Tim
  4. @Panda88, logs PM'ed to you. Thanks in advance! -Tim
  5. v1.0.5 Fixed UoM ending subset 02/18/2025
  6. My apologies. 832 was my third plugin, 8 was the second. Since 832 operates completely different than 8 I didn't want to publish over 8 and force anyone that was happy with 8 to redo their whole setup. I am glad you got both instances up and running. -Tim
  7. Hi @dbwarner5, Are you running WebControl8 or WEbControl832 from the beta store. I just installed 1.0.4 from beta (webcontrol832) then went to production, the slot with the beta was available to install from production. If you verify and you still don't have the option, try installing the beta upgrade then go to production and see if its an option. Right now beta and production are at the same level 1.0.4
  8. Same here. But it still wont, at least as of last weekend Thanks for adding.
  9. Thank you for the help. I will not have time until this coming weekend. But I will post results. Thanks again! -Tim
  10. I can't believe I did not include that info, my apologies. I am on 5.9.1, You are correct, Yolink v1.4.15 Sorry, -Tim
  11. I will look at it tonight. My apologies. -Tim
  12. I had a notification that v1.0.15 was available, Clicked upgrade on node page. When Yolink restarted it displayed 1.0.15 for a second then reverted back to 1.0.4 which was the version I was on before updating. Let me know if you need logs. -Tim
  13. Fixed mapped values for OP nodes in v1.0.4
  14. No, I run two instances of AudioPlayer, both are stopped along with YouTube. All other plugins are running fine. I need to get home and look at the logs. Thank you for letting me know yours is working! -Tim
  15. Has anyone else had an issue with AudioPlayer and YouTube plugins not restarting after the big update? I am away so I don't have access to the logs. Tried restarting and also reinstalling but still is stopped. -Tim
  16. Not annoying at all. Simple fix to a few programs. I appreciate you and your contributions. This plugin has always been rock solid, and I thank you! -Tim
  17. @Goose66, Ah, so anyone, like me, who used alarm restored to indicate disarmed would need to switch over to partition disarmed then. Is that correct? Thanks! -Tim
  18. Hi @Goose66, I updated to 3.1.19. I noticed, as per this thread, that partition disarmed has been added. Previously I was using Alarm Restored. Are those both driven from the same driver? Or is there some minor difference between the two? -Tim
  19. I have two Vue on my main panel to offer 32 sensors each for my 32 breakers. The two Vue's are linked together on the same account in the Vue app. It works great for me. 😀
  20. WEBCONTROL832 PLUGIN SETUP GUIDE ** (Note, if you are upgrading from the Non-Production Store version to Production Store version, follow the steps at the bottom of this page). *** Before installing ANY Plugin (nodeserver) ALWAYS do a complete backup of PGx3 and IoX beforehand. (I always do another right after installation for good measure). The WebControl832 Plugin connects to a WebControl8 or WebControl32 device, polling its data and updating your IoX system with the following information: 1. Node Server Status: Displays "Connected," "Not Connected," or "Failed." 2. Heartbeat: Alternates between 1 and -1 when connected, updating with each shortPoll. Displays 0 when disconnected. 3. NetBIOS Name: The name assigned to your WebControl device in its network configuration. 4. Date and Time: The current date and time reported by the WebControl device. 5. IP Address: The IP address assigned to the WebControl device. 6. Firmware Version: The firmware version installed on the WebControl device. POLLING CONFIGURATION • shortPoll: Updates only nodes with changed values since the last poll. Default: 10 seconds. • longPoll: Forces an update of all node values. Default: 10 minutes. ________________________________________ CUSTOM PARAMETERS Configure the following parameters to match your WebControl device settings: • IP_Address: The IP address of the WebControl device. • Port: The WebControl's network port (default: 80). • Username: The WebControl login username (default: admin). • Password: The WebControl login password (default: password). • Json_Nodes_Names: A single-line JSON string specifying which nodes to create and their custom names. See examples below. • Custom_Name: A custom name for the WebControl device (default: WebControl832). ________________________________________ NODE CREATION This plugin only creates the Controller Node by default. Additional nodes must be specified in the Json_Nodes_Names parameter. This ensures that only the nodes you need are created, reducing resource usage. JSON String Format: The JSON string uses a key-value structure: • Key: The node type (e.g., aip1 for Analog Input 1). • Value: The custom name for the node. For example, to create a node for Analog Input 1 and name it "My Analog Input," use: {"aip1": "My Analog Input"} To create multiple nodes (e.g., one Analog Input, one Output, and two Temp Sensors): {"aip1": "Analog Input 1", "op1": "Output 1", "ts1": "Temp Sensor 1", "ts8": "Temp Sensor 8"} ________________________________________ AVAILABLE JSON KEYS Below are the keys and their corresponding WebControl node types: WEBCONTROL 8 • aip1 to aip3: Analog Inputs 1 to 3 • counter: Counter • fcounter: Frequency Counter • hs1: Humidity Sensor • ip1 to ip8: Inputs 1 to 8 • op1 to op8: Outputs 1 to 8 • ts1 to ts8: Temperature Sensors 1 to 8 • var1 to var8: Variables 1 to 8 WEBCONTROL 32 • aip1 to aip8: Analog Inputs 1 to 8 • cnt1 to cnt3: Counters 1 to 3 • hs1: Humidity Sensor • ip1 to ip16: Inputs 1 to 16 • op1 to op16: Outputs 1 to 16 • ts1 to ts16: Temperature Sensors 1 to 16 • var1 to var16: Variables 1 to 16 ________________________________________ EXAMPLE JSON STRINGS WEBCONTROL 8 Here’s a complete JSON string for creating all possible nodes on a WebControl 8 board: {"aip1": "Analog Input 1", "aip2": "Analog Input 2", "aip3": "Analog Input 3", "counter": "Counter", "fcounter": "Frequency Counter", "hs1": "Humidity Sensor", "ip1": "Input 1", "ip2": "Input 2", "ip3": "Input 3", "ip4": "Input 4", "ip5": "Input 5", "ip6": "Input 6", "ip7": "Input 7", "ip8": "Input 8", "op1": "Output 1", "op2": "Output 2", "op3": "Output 3", "op4": "Output 4", "op5": "Output 5", "op6": "Output 6", "op7": "Output 7", "op8": "Output 8", "ts1": "Temp Sensor 1", "ts2": "Temp Sensor 2", "ts3": "Temp Sensor 3", "ts4": "Temp Sensor 4", "ts5": "Temp Sensor 5", "ts6": "Temp Sensor 6", "ts7": "Temp Sensor 7", "ts8": "Temp Sensor 8", "var1": "Variable 1", "var2": "Variable 2", "var3": "Variable 3", "var4": "Variable 4", "var5": "Variable 5", "var6": "Variable 6", "var7": "Variable 7", "var8": "Variable 8"} WEBCONTROL 32 Here’s a complete JSON string for creating all possible nodes on a WebControl 32 board: {"aip1": "Analog Input 1", "aip2": "Analog Input 2", "aip3": "Analog Input 3", "aip4": "Analog Input 4", "aip5": "Analog Input 5", "aip6": "Analog Input 6", "aip7": "Analog Input 7", "aip8": "Analog Input 8", "cnt1": "Counter 1", "cnt2": "Counter 2", "cnt3": "Counter 3", "hs1": "Humidity Sensor", "ip1": "Input 1", "ip2": "Input 2", "ip3": "Input 3", "ip4": "Input 4", "ip5": "Input 5", "ip6": "Input 6", "ip7": "Input 7", "ip8": "Input 8", "ip9": "Input 9", "ip10": "Input 10", "ip11": "Input 11", "ip12": "Input 12", "ip13": "Input 13", "ip14": "Input 14", "ip15": "Input 15", "ip16": "Input 16", "op1": "Output 1", "op2": "Output 2", "op3": "Output 3", "op4": "Output 4", "op5": "Output 5", "op6": "Output 6", "op7": "Output 7", "op8": "Output 8", "op9": "Output 9", "op10": "Output 10", "op11": "Output 11", "op12": "Output 12", "op13": "Output 13", "op14": "Output 14", "op15": "Output 15", "op16": "Output 16", "ts1": "Temp Sensor 1", "ts2": "Temp Sensor 2", "ts3": "Temp Sensor 3", "ts4": "Temp Sensor 4", "ts5": "Temp Sensor 5", "ts6": "Temp Sensor 6", "ts7": "Temp Sensor 7", "ts8": "Temp Sensor 8", "ts9": "Temp Sensor 9", "ts10": "Temp Sensor 10", "ts11": "Temp Sensor 11", "ts12": "Temp Sensor 12", "ts13": "Temp Sensor 13", "ts14": "Temp Sensor 14", "ts15": "Temp Sensor 15", "ts16": "Temp Sensor 16", "var1": "Variable 1", "var2": "Variable 2", "var3": "Variable 3", "var4": "Variable 4", "var5": "Variable 5", "var6": "Variable 6", "var7": "Variable 7", "var8": "Variable 8", "var9": "Variable 9", "var10": "Variable 10", "var11": "Variable 11", "var12": "Variable 12", "var13": "Variable 13", "var14": "Variable 14", "var15": "Variable 15", "var16": "Variable 16"} ________________________________________ After updating all custom parameters, click Save. The controller node (NetBIOS name, date/time, IP address, and firmware version) will update during the next longPoll. Additional nodes will begin updating shortly after saving or restarting the plugin. ________________________________________ ** If you have the Non-Production version installed and would like to upgrade to the Production version, Follow the steps below. 1) Backup PGx3 and IoX completely. 2) Go to the PGx3 Production store and find WebControl832 and select. 3) On the install page, verify your beta version and slot number is listed. Then select install. 4) On the pop up page you will see a box labeled Reinstall Here for each instance of the plugin you have installed. 5) Select Reinstall Here button and wait 30 seconds for the plugin to update and start up again. Do this for every instance. 6) Backup PGx3 and IoX completely for good measure. 12/31/2024 Production start version v1.0.3 Change Log: v1.0.4 Fixed mapped values for OP nodes 02/16/2025 v1.0.5 Fixed UoM ending subset 02/18/2025 v1.0.6 Fixed renaming nodes on the fly on 03/09/2025
  21. Hey Eric, Cool! I figured hs would work but not having a way to test, you really helped me out. Thanks for confirming. I can confirm AIP, OP, TS and Var are working on my end as well so you should be good to go. Appreciate your time and patience. Happy Holidays!
  22. Hey Eric, Give v1.0.3 a try. Please let me know. Thanks! -Tim
  23. Got it. Thank you! I will let you know in a day or two, just as soon as I can. -Tim
  24. I am so sorry for the issues you are having. I do not have a humidity sensor to test off of. It is being created based on similar config as temp sensors. I will have more to go on once I see your logs. IP values were working correctly however in my current set up involving 3 WC boards, none use IP. I will hook up my 4th board for testing those values. In the mean time, do me a favor. in the plugin for WebControl832 in PGx, set the plugin logging for "info" then stop the plugin, wait a few seconds and restart it. Give me about 5 minutes of data then turn the logging back to where it was, download the package and PM me. Also, please supply in the same email your json. I will look into this, again I apologize. -Tim
  25. Wow. Never have seen that before! The bottom half should be all that is displayed. I would delete the plugin and reinstall. Its almost like there was left over artifacts between original install and update. Try a delete and reinstall and let me know. -Tim
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