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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. Can you use "Last Run Time" instead of "Wait" in your programs?
  2. I will be looking forward to more information and the additions to the ISY as well. I do not have the EzFlora yet but it is on my list, soon! Thanks Alan for the great information. Tim
  3. TJF1960

    Print Programs

    Is there a way to print a complete list of all programs?
  4. Hi Darrell, Thank you for taking the time to post such a great example. I have read and re-read this post and will continue to do so. There are great techniques shown here that can be used in many different program applications. As a relative newcomer to ISY and Insteon I really appreciate example programs such as this and others like it. I have learned so much more by following the forums and the wiki than I would have without them. By the way, might I suggest this post would be a great addition to the wiki? I hope that, as time permits, more in-depth program examples can be added and shared on both the forum and wiki. Thanks again for a great job. Tim
  5. Hi Michel, Thanks for the reply, one more thing. If you press File > Restore devices from the top of the administration console and you don’t enter setup on MS’s, will the ISY restore all devices it can and bypass devices not in setup mode? Or will it stop when it cant restore one of the devices? Thanks, Tim
  6. Hi Rand, Thanks for the reply. Would you suggest, or do you ever air-gap many of your devices or pull the batteries on the motion sensors while linking KPL’s which typically take longer to program, and seem to be finicky sometimes? Tim
  7. During a linking session with the ISY which was linking 2 KPL’s and an appliancelinc, one of my motion sensors (2420m) tripped which turned a couple of scenes on. After the ISY was done linking I noticed one of the KPL’s wasn’t operating the appliancelinc properly (and it was this KPL that was being programmed when the motion tripped). So I removed the 3 devices from the scene, then recreated the scene. While the ISY was programming the devices I made sure none of the motion detectors tripped. Would it be a good idea to prevent the motion detectors and other wireless devices from transmitting during device programming? Actually taking it a step further would it be a good idea to prevent all data transmission while devices are being programmed? Thanks, Tim
  8. I have some questions regarding the restore function for a 6 button KPL. Do you manually restore each node, or by restoring one do all 5 get restored? If the load is controlled by a motion sensor (2420) do you have to enter setup mode on the MS before restoring? Thanks, Tim
  9. How about this. Program "No Run Dates" If From 12:00:00AM on 2009/07/22 To 11:59:00PM on 2009/07/22 Or From 12:00:00AM on 2009/07/29 To 11:59:00PM on 2009/07/29 Or From 12:00:00AM on 2009/08/05 To 11:59:00PM on 2009/08/05 Or From 12:00:00AM on 2009/09/16 To 11:59:00PM on 2009/09/16 Or From 12:00:00AM on 2009/12/25 To 11:59:00PM on 2009/12/25 Or From 12:00:00AM on 2010/02/25 To 11:59:00PM on 2010/02/25 Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Then the folder with the programs you dont want to run on those specific dates. Folder "Special Dates" Folder Conditions for 'Special Dates' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Program 'No Run Dates' is False Then Allow the programs in this folder to run.
  10. You will still need an x10 transceiver or something similar (like the EZX10RF from http://www.simplehomenet.com/cats.asp?id=10) to receive the transmission from the x10 motion sensor. The transceiver will then transmit the data on the power line where your plm/ISY will recognize it. I have not used the EZX10RF so I cannot comment on how well it works with ISY, perhaps someone who uses one can comment.
  11. Very nice catch, Thank you. I have corrected it.
  12. I know it would be a pain, and may void warranty, but you could wrap the sensor in black electrical tape, although the ISY console would show the Dusk/Dawn as On. But it would eliminate the unneeded transmissions. Or perhaps you could figure out the resistance needed to switch to dawn and install that value resistor in place of the sensor. Then the ISY would show it as Off.
  13. Seems to me if a program disables itself, it will require either manually enabling it or another program to enable it before it can run again.
  14. I have had this happen a couple of times also.
  15. Hi Michel, I have had problems with the Find/Replace step in the past. I just realized why. When I have had to replace a device I would use the Replace function to replace the device. Then I would Remove the old device before I used the Find/Replace. At that point the device was listed as “unspecified device†in the programs and Find/Replace wouldn’t work at that point, for me anyway. So in the future I should Link, Replace With (device), Find/Replace (programs)(then check for status updates from the device in the console), then Remove (device). Do I have it right now? Thanks again for your help. Tim
  16. Would this be the proper way to replace an existing device with a new one? I searched the wiki and didn’t really find much on the Find/Replace option. 1. Link the new device to ISY. 2. If the device being replaced is in a scene(s) then add the new device to the scene(s). 3. If the device is in a program(s) then use Find/Replace in the Program Details tab to replace the listed device (the one being replaced) with the new device in the program(s). 4. Remove the old device from all scenes. 5. Remove the old device from the ISY. If this is the correct method, is there anything I missed, or anything I should look for afterwards? If it’s not the correct method or anyone has any comments or suggestions please respond. Thank you, Tim
  17. The older Icon switches were the same way, relay had no air gap switch while the dimmers did. All the new Icons I have received in the last 2 months have air gap switches for the relay switches now. Its a nice feature, I am glad they are shipping that way now. Tim
  18. TJF1960

    On Level?

    Great to hear you got it working. One last thing, you can also adjust the ramp rate for the device in the same program(s) as the on level.
  19. TJF1960

    On Level?

    One last thing, I noticed the program you posted had start time of 5:00AM. Was the program created and saved before that time, or after creating and saving did you "Run If" in the program summary tab? Otherwise the program wouldn’t run until that time came around.
  20. TJF1960

    On Level?

    Wow. I am baffled as well. My ISY version is 2.7.5, I don’t know if earlier versions worked the same or not. The dimmer switches are v.37 again, not sure if earlier versions worked the same. The only other thing I can think of is the selection of the device from the drop down menu in “Adjust Scene.†The devices (with the little device icons) are listed towards the top of the drop down menu while all the scenes (with the little scene icons) are listed towards the bottom. You selected the device icon for the dimmer, not the scene icon, right?
  21. TJF1960

    On Level?

    Hello Traditore, I think I may know why it didn’t work for you. I had the hardest time figuring out how to use this feature a couple of weeks ago. But once I did the 4 devices I set up utilizing the “adjust scene†have been working flawlessly. I realized after your last post that I failed to mention that the device has to be in a scene (even if it is the only device in the scene) and it has to be set up as a controller not a responder in that scene. The second point I failed to emphasize is that you have to select the device not the scene the device is in from the drop down menu in the “Adjust Scene†section of the program. I just set up a new dimmer, linked it to the ISY, created a scene with the dimmer as the only device (linked as a controller when asked) then set up the program selecting the device, not the scene, and setting the on level. Here are the 3 programs I just tested and each one adjusted the on level of the new device (locally applied) properly and at the specified times: If From 12:42:00PM To 12:44:00PM (same day) Then In Scene '' Set '' 50% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If From 12:47:00PM To 12:49:00PM (same day) Then In Scene '' Set '' 1% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If From 12:49:00PM To 12:51:00PM (same day) Then In Scene '' Set '' 100% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Once I set it all up as described it worked perfectly. When you get the time I hope you will try it again. I think it will work great for your application. I am sorry I wasn’t more explicit on the 2 key points (they say the mind is the first thing to go!!). Tim
  22. TJF1960

    On Level?

    Another possible way to have the light to come on at 40% (or what ever level) locally applied during a certain time period in the day or night is to use the “Adjust Scene†option in the program. I have used this method in a number of different areas and it has worked great. As an example: Program: MB Sink Lites 40% If From 10:00:00PM To 6:45:00AM (next day) Then In Scene 'MB Bath Sink Lites' Set 'MB Bath Sink Lites' 40% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The “Adjust Scene†selection is found by pressing “Action†button, then in the drop down menu select “Adjust Scene.†Select the device you want to adjust the “Local On†level for. Next select the device again and select what on level you want for the device. You can even change “Ramp Rate†in the same fashion. If you want the lights to revert back to 100% (or whatever level, ramp rate) the rest of the time just create another program such as Program: MB Sink Lights 80% If From 6:45:00AM To 10:00:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'MB Bath Sink Lites' Set 'MB Bath Sink Lites' 80% (On Level) In Scene 'MB Bath Sink Lites' Set 'MB Bath Sink Lites' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Another nice feature is say the lights are on at 40% (or 80%), another tap of the switch and the lights will turn on to 100%. Another tap and they are back to 40% (or 80%). Tim
  23. Michael, Great Job. I am looking forward to more of these! Thanks again, Tim
  24. Hi Rich, I started out using the X10 motion sensors, then bought an Insteon motion detector to check it out. After playing with it and testing it, I was sold. I have since replaced them all and added even more Insteon motion sensors and have had very good results. I use one in the driveway, entry hall, family room (which also covers the kitchen area), bathrooms, work room, garage and soon in the back yard and side yard. I use mine, of course to turn lights on and off, but also to test for occupancy for other programs. For instance if there is no motion for a certain period of time in the family room and the lights or ceiling fans are on, they will turn off. Under the cabinet lights in the kitchen will turn on to 30% at night, but turn off if no motion is detected for 30 minutes, but the minute motion is detected the lights will turn on to 30%. Yes, the Insteon motion detector can be programmed so that it will only send on commands, which is done by a jumper setting. Other jumper settings include: motion sensor sensitivity, LED status indicator disable and night only mode. Thru the ISY you can also program the on time and the LED status indicator brightness level and the ambient light level for night motion activation. Tim
  25. I originally posted this in “Questions and Answers and it was suggest I post in “How to and Tutorials†so here it is. In my garage I have a light controlled by a Icon 2876SB in wall relay switch and a 2420M motion sensor. I wanted the light to turn on as soon as there was motion in the garage and only at night. I didn’t want the 1-2 second delay caused by the motion triggering a program in ISY and then the program turning on the in wall switch. I also wanted the ISY to see any motion night or day for other programs, like occupancy or the addition of a chime module or cameras and such. I found by setting up the components as detailed below that I was able to accomplish the above. 1) MS Jumper 1 (Sensitivity) and Jumper 2 (Disable LED) can be set to whatever you prefer. Jumper 3 (Night Only Mode) is set off. Jumper 4 (On-Only Mode) set to off as well, however I believe it would still work fine you would just have to have a program to turn off the light after a predetermined time. 2) If the device to ultimately be linked with a MS is a Dimmer (like the Icon 2876DB or the KPL 2486D then add the device as normal. Unfortunately, right now, in step 4, only dimmer type devices are selectable, no relay type devices are listed. I am told this is a bug in version 2.7.5 (I am not sure about earlier versions) and will be fixed. So, for now, if the device is a switch (relay style like the Icon 2876SB or the KPL 2486S) then when adding the device into ISY enter the device address then select the part number of the “Dimmer†counterpart. For instance if installing a 2876S in wall relay switch then enter the 2876DB as the part number so ISY thinks the new device is a dimmer. This way the ISY is tricked into thinking the device is a dimmer. Or if installing the 2486S KPL relay style then select the 2486D dimmer instead. 3) Create a new Scene in ISY with the MS (which will be added as a “Controller) and the new device using the normal procedures, except that the device being added to the scene needs to be added as a “Controller†not a “responderâ€. Proper results will not be obtained if the device is added as a responder. 4) Create a new program in ISY specifying what ever conditions are needed. Under actions, select Adjust Scene. In the drop down menu for “In Scene†select the MS in the scene (not the MS Scene, but just the MS in the scene). In the drop down menu for “Set†select the new device just added to the new scene. For the “On Level†select any level if the device is truly a dimmer, or select 0 or 100% if the device is really a relay type switch. When the new program(s) is/are run and become true the on level for the MS will automatically change to the desired level in the program(s). Here is an example of 2 programs I am currently using: If Program 'Time Sunrise-10 to Sunset+10' is True Then In Scene 'Garage MS-Sensor' Set 'Garage KPL 1 Lite' 0% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') (The above program becomes true at 10 minutes to Sunrise and becomes false at 10 minutes after sunset. So during the day when the motion sensor is activated the garage light will not turn on). If Program 'Time Sunset+10 to Sunrise-10' is True Then In Scene 'Garage MS-Sensor' Set 'Garage KPL 1 Lite' 100% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') (The above program becomes true at 10 minutes after Sunset and false at 10 minutes before sunrise. So during the night when the motion sensor is activated the garage light will turn on). So now when motion is detected in the garage at night the motion detector will turn the light on immediately and will stay on for as long as there is motion. And during the day the ISY is able to run other programs based on motion in the garage as well. So far I have used this set up in the garage and master bathroom and it has worked flawlessly. In the master bathroom I am actually using a real dimmer, so I was able to have the lights turn on with motion to 75% after dusk, then at 10:00pm they would only turn on to 30% with motion. But with a tap of the wall switch they would turn on full brightness if we want, turning off when motion has stopped. Then from sunrise to sunset they will not turn on. But again, the ISY knows when there is motion in the bathroom, night or day and the lights at night turn on immediately when triggered by the MS. Since I am still new to the ISY and Insteon I would appreciate any comments or suggestions or problems that may arise with this setup. Thank you all for your help, and I hope this helps others. Tim
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