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Everything posted by TJF1960
Hi Mitch, Not sure if this will help you out or not but I have all my programs that run when "Away" in a folder with an "If Program Alarm Away is True" so the folder only becomes true when the alarm is set for away. I will put an "If Folder Away is true" in the first line of all the programs I want to run right when the folder becomes true. The programs in the Away folder that do not have that line in them will not run until there is a change in their If statements. In other words if a program is in a folder that becomes true that program will not automatically run unless it is called upon or its If statement turn true while the folder is true. I also have a "Run when Home" folder that is used in the same way for all programs to be run while I am home. Tim
Hi Mitch, I verified on my system that the programs created for the “Armed (Away)†and “Armed (Stay)†and “Disarmed†do change state when the system arms and disarms. Presently I use the "Armed (Away)" program as the status for other programs and folders. You could also use the "Armed (Stay)" program as well. In the conditions of programs (or folders) I want to run when "Away" I add "If Program Armed (Away) is true," same with the folders. At the same time If I have programs or folders I want to run when the system is disarmed I add "If Program Away is False" to their conditions. Hope that is what you were looking for. Tim
I have 1 program which looks for the bathroom switch to be manually turned on or faded up between 3:00AM and sunrise at which time the ISY will write to the switch to program the 75% on level to it, after which the motion will turn the light on to 75% with each detection. Another program looks for the switch to be manually turned off or faded down during the same time period which means the ISY will then write to the switch programming the 30% on level back in. At one time I did have other variables which would automatically determine whether we were up early for good such as the coffee pot running and other motion sensor trips thru out the house but I settled on the more simplistic approach of just looking for the bathroom light switch manually being operated. At one time I did have a number of programs monitoring the level the switch was faded to which controlled flags, it worked pretty well but ultimately I scrapped them in favor of the more simplistic approach I use now. Say its daytime, the ISY has written to the SL so that the turn on level from the motion activation is 0%. I walk into the bathroom and the motion sends an on signal to the SL but because the on level is set for 0% the lights do not turn on. If I hit the switch for light it will turn on, I have of course complete manual control of the light. After I leave the motion sensor times out and sends an off which turns the SL off. The next time someone enters the bathroom, because the SL is still programmed for 0% on level, the SL will not turn on, so it has resumed its normal on level settings. The same situation occurs whether it is programmed for day, evening or night settings. Probably a dumb question... but how did you complete this trial and error? Did you have one person on a ladder holding it while testing... or did you find a way to temporarily mount the sensor? No, sadly I had no help. I used 1 small screw to mount the MS and test its position. It took about 5 tries and a small amount of spackle and touch up paint to find the right spot. Tim
When the Insteon motions first came out I thought it was a blessing. After playing with them for a while I thought they were a curse. No matter how great a product there will always be some function or functions it will not or cannot do that you wish it would. I agree with IndyMike, bathrooms are tough. Nothing worse than being in the shower and the lights turn off (especially when it happens to your spouse)! After trial and error I finally found the perfect location to mount the motion detector in our master bath area which would provide good coverage when walking in, standing at the sinks, taking a bath or shower and coming out of the bathroom or closet. I ended up mounting it on the ceiling near one wall. I at one time had probably close to 50 programs just for the master bath light, flags for current light brightness, times etc., and it all worked pretty well but not perfect. So after all that I decided to keep it simple. It seems the more complicated you make things the easier it is to foul up and I figured the whole point of automation is to make your life simpler! I have the motion linked to the dimmable lights and at various times of the day I have programs which adjust the scene levels. So during the day the lights do not turn on unless manually turned on. In the evening they turn on with motion to 75%. Night time the lights come on at 30%. Early morning hours if we are up and stay up the lights will turn on at 75%, otherwise they turn on at 30% till dawn. If we need more light we can hit the switch for full bright or any other level we chose and as long as there is motion in the bathroom the lights will stay at that brightness. Once the motion turns off they resume their previously programmed levels. This set up has worked very well for us especially with the motion coverage including the shower. Tim
You might try checking the battery. I had a motion do the same thing on me, turned out the battery was real low. Tim
Hi Michel, Can you offer more info on orchestrator? Is it availaible to us and what will it do? PG&E just installed a smart meter on our house last thursday. Any info you can provide would be great, Thanks, Tim
Firmware 2.7.15 (Code Freeze) is Now Available
TJF1960 replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Previous Releases
I can confirm junkycosmos' findings. Only zone 1 timeout reverts back to its previous time, in my case 10 minutes because I had used the SHN utility to set the timeouts a while back. Zones 2-8 will retain the new time out settings. I however do not get the progress bar when changing the time out for any zone, but the timeout window stays open for about 1-2 seconds longer for zones 2-8 than it does for zone 1 after changing the timeout and pressing ok. Tim -
Hi Rand, I am running McAfee and I disabled the antivirus and firewall, the ISY is connected to a port on the router directly, no wireless. Out of all the firmware upgrades I have done with the ISY, the last one was the first problem. The router is the dlink dir855 if that means anything. Thanks, Tim
Hello, I have 2 questions: 1. After having to delete all programs from ISY and re-importing them I noticed that most of them (not all) were disabled (the Enable check box was not checked). Is this common or could it be linked to question 2? 2. I tried to do a restore on the ISY after #1 above and it failed (something about socket error, sorry I didn’t write down the exact error). I rebooted the ISY and then was able to restore. I had the same problem when upgrading to 2.7.14? Could this be an indication of something failing, or is it a good idea, and perhaps necessary to reboot occasionally? Thanks, Tim
Ha Ha, how about: If Control 'Outdoor / Garage Keypad-Pizza Delivery' is Switched On Then Send Notification to 'Mountain Mike's Pizza' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Tim
Is the pizza here yet? Tim
bktong, Yeah, it thru me for a loop too because I also was used to the 1.0, but I must say I do like the refinements they made in the 2.0 version. Tim
Hi kingwr, It has been my experience that the program would remain true when viewed in the program summary page when the folder turns false. Tim
Rev 2.0 Yes. I just found the quote from the wiki for Rev 1.0 "Darkness Sensitivity - The higher the value, the darker it needs to be for the unit to see night. Default = 35. Range = 0 - 255" at http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Linking_a_Motion_Sensor And I would set my Rev 1.0 motions to 255 for the darkest possible level before d/d trip. Good question, oversite maybe when they modified the original schematics and pcb's to add the adjusment pots or they decided it made more sense to have it operate this way, or just to confuse people...... Tim
Hi bktong, I just pulled the ms from the garage to verify. I have mine set to 5 which lets the garage get fairly dark before the d/d trips. Any number setting higher will alow the d/d trip at a higher light amount (0 = always Off, 1 = darkest before trip, 254 = Lightest before trip, 255 = always on). I seem to recall the d/d set points were backwards between v1.0 and v2.0, seems to me the higher the number the less light was required to trip. But with the v1.0 its just the opposite. Also, unless you are testing the d/d trip levels as per the instructions after every adjustment you must wait for the motion sens time out, then wait another 4-5 minutes before testing the d/d because the d/d will not trip or reset until after no motion is sensed + the time out + wait time for the d/d. Tim
Sorry just re-read your original post. Not sure if you are using the ISY to make the adjustments for light to dark or if you are using the pots. If you are using the ISY you have to have jumper 5 on both pins. But since you mentioned the only jumper on both pins is jumper 3 then you must be using the pots. I never experimented with the pots, only using the ISY and I did get a good low light level using the ISY as the adjuster. If memory serves I set the d/d trip level at between 5-20 to obtain a low light condition before it turned on. Tim
What is the ms version, and does it have the adjustment pot's? If it does not have the adjustment pots then it is not as adjustable as the newer version with the pots. The newer version will allow more of a lower light trip point than the older verions. Another bonus of the newer version is that if you do not want the d/d to ever trip you can set the sensitivity to 0 or 255. Tim
How old are they, what rev? Do they have adjustment pot.'s for dusk/dawn and time out? If so is jumper 5 on both pins? Tim
For what its worth it, the newest MS with the adjustment pot.'s for d/d and timeout (v2.0 or 2.1 can’t remember which) do not evaluate the d/d now until after the no motion / timeout period, which is nice.
Hi kingwr, My question on this subject would be whether existing programs already written and implemented would have to be re-written once any of the code were to be changed as you suggest? While it may make writing programs easier and would require fewer programs, how would this impact current users who have been at this for a while and have hundreds (and hundreds) of programs already written? Tim
Hi gfridland, After a reboot the ISY considers any programs using the motion/dusk-dawn and low batt status conditions as false. I had a similar issue with using any status based on the Insteon motion sensors whether it was the motion or dusk/dawn and also with Triggerlinc’s. I found the solution in the Wiki. I created two programs for each function I wanted preserved in the event of a reboot. One program which monitors the status of the event (say dusk/dawn) and another program which when the ISY reboots will turn the first program back to true if its status was true before the reboot. Program: Garage D/D Status If Control 'Garage MS Dusk/Dawn Sensor' is switched On And Control 'Garage MS Dusk/Dawn Sensor' is not switched Off Then Set Program 'D/D Status Reboot' To Run At Startup Else Set Program 'D/D Status Reboot' To Not Run At Startup Program: Garage D/D Status Reboot If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'Garage D/D Status' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Use the first program (Garage D/D Status) in any if statements in other programs where the status or control of the dusk/dawn sensor was used. Now those programs will run based on the status of the new program instead of directly by the sensor. If the ISY reboots the Garage D/D Status program will return to its original state before the reboot. Tim
Not quite sure. I checked my SL dimmers which are v.36 and I still have the all of the on level selections. I wonder if the v.38 are fully supported in 2.7.12? Michel will have to answer that one.
Firmware 2.7.12 BETA is Now Available
TJF1960 replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Previous Releases
Hi Michel, My ISY hung after installing 2.7.12 with the power,tx,rx leds lit solid. Unplugged the plm for 10 seconds plugged it back in and after a bit the same leds were again lit solid. Unplugged the plm for another 10 seconds this time it finished booting and seemed ok. I had disabled the firewall and anitvirus programs (McAfee). I also noticed IE window didnt closed down like it has in the past. I reinstalled the new update, again the IE window didnt close fully but the ISY updated and rebooted and seems to be fine. This is the very first time I have ever had a problem installing an update (I don't know if it means anything or not). The other thing I noticed, which is great, after installing 2.7.12 and accessing the admin console thru http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.12/admin.jnlp- Java application is that for the first time since this has been available I don't get the message window opening saying "An optional update is available. Do you want to update the application?" I have opened it numerous times today and it opens right up. Thanks, Tim -
Firmware 2.7.11 ALPHA Is Now Available
TJF1960 replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Previous Releases
I hate to jump on the bandwagon, although its not a real big deal, but I have had the update download message pop up pretty much since this method of opening the admin console was available. In Java I tried increasing the size but it was set to max (1000). Also tried to update but it is running the current version. And when I clear the cache the desktop icon disappears. After reinstalling it continues to display the update download available message. I am running XP pro vers. 3 Thanks, Tim -
You could take your 2 programs and place them in a folder, set the condition of the folder to something like If "Leave is on" then the programs in this folder will run. Create a new folder with a condition like If "Leave is off" ...... Inside this folder have a program like If Status "Leave" is on and from Sunset to Sunrise (next day) Then Set "Kitchen Lamp" 30% Else Set "Kitchen Lamp" Off Tim