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Everything posted by MrBill

  1. @zorax2 the pictured scene has 5 Controllers the ISY itself which is what you are showing in your screenshot. You have the root of the scene selected in the left column. As @BamBamF16 mentions move what is selected in the LEFT column to then screenshot the scene again. The jist is this.... the scene can behave differently based on which CONTROLLER (red nodes) activated the scene. Example that's easier to digest than your scene: Enter the kitchen on one end and press ON on a scene controller and the scene is set one way, however enter the kitchen on the other end and press a different controller ON and the scene behaves differently. It's a powerful feature, but hard to figure out the first time you encounter it. Edit to add: Mobile and ISY programs and admin console control the scene as programed at the root level.
  2. Larry gave you the answer to the question you asked, but the next question is why do you need it in a variable? what are you doing with it at that point? Valid reasons to do that might be a "Save" temp, to restore the thermostat later.... or if you want to manipulate the temp later. However if you're just wanting to display the temp or include it in the notification that can be done without the overhead of a variable.
  3. Devices talk back... Scenes don't. Send ON to a device, the device responds to the sender. Send ON to a Scene, responders turn on but don't generate traffic. Device: Scene: I think the original design consideration (way back almost 20 years ago) was that acknowledgement of signal received was the thing X10 users wanted the most, therefor device ACKnowledge receipt of a signal. However due to the relatively slow speed of wireline transmission it's not practical to do that for more than 1:1 communication. Consider I have a scene use as "downstairs-All Off"... it has 40+ responders, if all 40 responders had to acknowledge it would take way to long and jamb up the network.
  4. tagging @shbatm on this discussion because it involves Home Assistant, even tho you've manually reproduced and indicated the issue is on the IOX/ISY side.
  5. known issue. there's at least a dozen threads with the same question. You don't have bad space, it's a bug that's been around since Polisy was released.
  6. double check that device label! D and 0 are commonly misread from the label, as are 8 and B
  7. No, but there is a thread for Zigbee Device support requests... Basic zigbee switches might work, but there will be many devices that must be "supported" before they work.
  8. (disclaimer: I didn't carefully read everything said after I saw the issue, but I did skim it and didn't see anyone really pointing this out directly.) It's much easier to use 3 or 4 scene's, one each for Low, Medium, High and optionally one for off, although you can really do off with any of the first 3 scenes). Once you've converted to the multi-scene method, then your programs, Home Assistant, etc can all turn on or off the appropriate scene and the buttons will stay in synch, rather than using all the helper programs you have to update buttons status afterwards.
  9. Since your original issue appears solved, you might want to start a new topic in the UD Mobile section of the forum for better exposure.
  10. Does the white match the white button that smarthome used to print? also the font? I have several places around the house I need to replace a single button because it's function changed. I would likely order an 8 button configuration but I wouldn't be using the buttons in that configuration, when they arrived i would use them piecemeal.
  11. @PapaBear actually I linked in on Saturday in this thread.
  12. Watch out for hard o read addresses on the device. B/8 and D/0 are hard to differentiate. there's another current thread with the seemingly same problem with a motion, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
  13. The admin console has program search available after right clicking a program name. it doesn't matter where in the tree you click from, the search will always start at the top of the tree. Its easier to use the various drop downs for objects such as variables/nodes/scenes. When using RAW text keep in mind case counts.
  14. I wonder if @kclenden might get an email from this mention and hopefully log in. He’s the best at reading and interpreting logs and link issues of anyone that’s ever participated here.
  15. Question 1: wired is always the best, plug it in. question 2: either there’s line noise blocking the signal, or something went wrong with the device. Try a factory reset of the device, then click the device in the admin console, right click and choose “Restore Device”. That’s a starting point.
  16. What firmware version? and which ISY.... 994, polisy or eisy... I ask because someone in another thread is having troubling reinstalling an MSII on eisy after an upgrade....
  17. the ISY portal node server is for geofences using occupancy. Not sure how to remove a PG2 node server once PG2 is gone... maybe @bpwwer can advise.
  18. for the SEER rating generally pick the highest number you can find. As for the heat pump question, it depends greatly on what your climate is, and what the price of natural gas is (or if you even have natural gas available). it's pretty hard to predict if a heat pump is smart without more information. My Electric company advertises that you'll save money with a heat pump, but what they mean is if you have an All Electric home and no natural gas available, then you will heat for less if you use a heat pump. On the other hand, my gas company suggests if you have a heat pump with gas furnace backup you can save money on energy if you select a higher cut-over temp because in our area it's less expensive to heat with gas than run a heat pump. I did switch from conventional AC to heat pump this year, primarily because the Heat Pump had a higher SEER for the price paid than the conventional AC. There was an installation issue tho. We had conventional AC which has a 2 conductor low voltage control cable between the furnace and the outdoor unit. The new heat pump required more conductors (5 if i recall, its also 2 stage). Anyway the path from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit has a finished space in between. There was literally no way for them to replace the 2 conductor low voltage control cable with a new cable. They weren't very helpful, and suggested things i would not approve like wire on the outside of the house running a huge difference. I found a solution for them, but it took them a few extra hours to route the cable.
  19. For ISY portal log into the portal. Select Tool > Occupancy Node Server > Configuration and press the remove button. For the other one, I can't guess. I started to say perhaps it's running in PG2, but the name preface "ST-" didn't get prepended until PG3. Do you have another instance of PG3 running?
  20. I think the notification node server is now automatically installed. Not 100% certain of that tho.
  21. @Diesel I clearly misunderstood the problem. sorry.
  22. @Diesel If I understand your complaint correctly, the undesired behavior is that when send "on" to the scene from Home Assistant all the associated scene control buttons on a keypad turn on. If that's the case, what happens to those buttons when the scene is turned on at the root level from the admin console? The answer to that question will tell us if the scene is set up correctly. If it behaves the same way as it does with Home Assistant the problem is that the ISY/IoX scene is not working correctly, whether that be from incorrect scene setup or bad links. If that the case then we continue to troubleshoot on the ISY side. If on the other hand the Root level of the scene correctly does the job, and Home Assistant is doing something else then we need to take another direction and likely wait for some ideas from @shbatm
  23. @Diesel What happens if you click the root of the scene and then press the on button near the bottom of the right hand pane? Does it work correctly? or does it behave like turning the scene on from HA does?
  24. MrBill

    MY ISY994 Died

    @fman47 Do you already have the Polisy? If you purchased it awhile ago then you want to migrate to Polisy (more steps than just loading the backup). if you don't have the Polisy it's no longer for sale and you will be purchasing eisy. (Polisy was available for a relatively short period of time before a supply chain issue derailed its production, after which the 994 replacement became eisy) .
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