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Everything posted by MrBill

  1. @Morris Hansen Disclaimer: i don't have this node server, but it should be there. Here's how to find it. First create a variable, integer should be fine. Set the decimal place for 1 while you're on this screen. (I know ironic, Integer variable with a decimal place.) Next navigate to the Then portion of your program. Select Variable in the Action Block. Then find your variable in the next drop-down. Change the operator to += Next press the "Play" button a couple of times until you get a Node drop-down as the next field. Find your Flume node. Change the last drop-down to the 24 hour value. Here's a screenshot using a different node server with the "play" button circled in red.
  2. email sales@universal-devices.com and ask!
  3. this is good, it means you know the IP address of the ISY. In the Finder window click Add. Enter the URL as follows: if it's a ISY994, use: http://IP.ADDR.OF.ISY/desc if it's a Polisy or eisy, use: http://IP.ADDR.OF.ISY:8080/desc of course you will be replacing IP.ADDR.OF.ISY with the actual numbers you found. -- if that doesn't get you in, do you have 2 routers and 2 DHCP servers working on your new EERO setup? if so, that means you have 2 networks and they can't pass traffic to each other.
  4. if you have Matter support in your eisy, you also have z-wave support.
  5. ISY994 is no longer supported. the current product is eisy, and also needed is a Zmatter dongle. https://www.universal-devices.com/store/ To directly answer your question tho, isy-994 does not support zigbee.
  6. @stevehoyt apparently I tend to over simplify things. If it was easy to implement surly UDI would have done so. I've participated in the threads begging for the magenta color in the admin consoles default theme (for insteon devices) to get changed to another color, instead I must change the font size to larger, it holds that size for a week or so before i must do it over.
  7. When the variable is only tracking one thing there's no need to use anything but an empty program and whether it's true or false. As many programs as you want can reference that flag. There was a spirited thread on this topic awhile back....
  8. You can't, if the line is present it is included.
  9. I guess you didn't read the migration instructions before asking this because restoring a backup on eisy is the central piece. Please read the instructions and then read them again, and finally read and follow each step as you are implementing i.e. there is more to it than simply and only restoring the backup, but yes and ISY-994 backup is the central piece for moving your devices and programs to eisy.
  10. Personally I would use 07/01/2023 12:00:01 AM to 07/05/2023 11:59:59 PM There is a couple of approaches for this... Have this program enable/disable the living room program. or have the living room program use this program as a vacation flag. in that case create this program as a program that has an IF, but leave THEN and ELSE blank, then have your living room program check to see if this program is True. vacation - [ID 01F8][Parent 0001] If From 12:00:00AM on 2023/07/01 To 11:59:59PM on 2023/07/05 Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ---------------- LivingRm - [ID 01F9][Parent 0001] If From Sunset To 10:30:00PM (same day) And Program 'vacation' is True Then Set 'LR Lamp 1#' On Else Set 'LR Lamp 1#' On
  11. If you're trying to figure out how to include a date in a schedule, uncheck "Daily"
  12. in case you don't have this: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  13. press the "play" button to be able to set a scene on percentage. Be-aware this acts weird for complex scenes, however is useful for the typical "3-way switch" type of scene.
  14. will never trigger Program Test1 to run at all. the only way the THEN and ELSE in that program will every run is if they are run by another program or manually run.
  15. As noted the link above shows how to do it, however the information in my posts in that thread is outdated. isy994.set_variable is deprecated, you must now use number.set_value. There's also a separate subforum for questions about interfacing Home Assistant with ISY/IoX.
  16. 4th... the salt water chlorine generator. I do this dance as well.
  17. A state variable, not integer variable, must be used in this case.
  18. Cloud gets the admin console (admin.jnlp) from a UD server (AWS). LAN downloads the file from the ISY itself. With a 994 the cloud option is faster because JAVA requires downloaded apps to be downloaded encrypted from an https source. The 994 can do that but it has a slow processor that might be kinda busy anyway so it takes longer than a modern web server to encrypt the file for transport, therefor the cloud option is faster for a 994. With the speed of eisy (or even polisy) there likely is no longer much difference in speed.
  19. You need a node server, not a network resource. Network Resources are 1 direction, where the ISY sends a command to something else. You're trying to collect values from the API... Network Resources can't do that.
  20. Other Insteon traffic is your issue. If other traffic happens during the link count the count will be inaccurate. known issue. "Other traffic" of course includes turning a device or scene on or off... but also can includes motion from Insteon motion sensors or any Insteon wireless traffic including heart beats and low battery. do link counts when no one else is home, stop programs using an false folder condition on the root folder, if you have motions avoid triggering them or cover them. there still could be heartbeat traffic from a battery device during the link count... if there is the count will be wrong. For this reason do more than one link count. the gist of the issue when doing a link count it is running down a list from top to bottom.... other traffic will make the process continue from the other traffic's position in the list of links.. in other words the pointer can jump forward in the list or back.
  21. You may want to ask support, it could be a known or unknown bug. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  22. Insteon's new i3 dimmer comes to mind. Cap the load wire and use it's status which should be 0-100. The problem is there's no way to know what "level" you've adjusted it too. I have no idea how to create a display that would update in real-time with that dial turning.
  23. MrBill

    Schlage Encode

    The Home Assistant integration leaves a lot to be desired. (A Home Assistant "integration" is essentially like a node server but all the terminology is different.) That library seems to have a lot more functionally than the Home Assistant integration is making use of. The same guy developed both the library and the HA integration that I'm using, I'm surprised there is not more functionality in the integration. Hope it works out!
  24. Not an expert, but I've had old devices and scene's get left behind in the Alexa App before. Phantom devices seem to get in the way. I would try deleting all Devices and Scenes using the Alexa app then tell here to "discover devices" again.
  25. The PLM needs to be powered on before IoX starts. The PLM address is only read during startup. Shutdown Polisy and then make sure the PLM is powered up and ready to communicate before booting up Polisy.
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