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Everything posted by elvisimprsntr

  1. Door lock control on a cloud based internet service? Have you read the Amazon TOS? Make sure you post on FB the next time you go on vacation and place the Echo next to a window. Thanks.
  2. And when the ISY locks up, all the programs are useless, which occurs more often than I like. A KPL and scenes are faster and more reliable.
  3. I go back to my previous post. Buy a 6 or 8 button keypadlinc in dimmer or relay form. Here endeth the lesson.
  4. And no one questioned the wisdom of moving the kids to the basement? Is it a walk out or has emergency egress?
  5. 2 and 4 are not possible if light 1 is hardwired to switch 1. What you want is a 6/8 button keypad link and use scenes instead of programs.
  6. I am also considering adding Bali motorized shades on a few windows, which apparently integrate with Somfy controls. Does the ISY support the Somfy Z-Wave bridge? http://www.blindsgalore.com/WindowProduct.asp?id=255716
  7. You assume brains (or $) and common sense always go together. The fact there are so many threads asking how to autonomously close a GD is evidence of that.
  8. Keep doing what you are doing. One post from me will get lost in a long thread. Quoting and commenting on my post helps the cause, possibly saving a life. Thanks for caring [emoji868]
  9. Read this before you automate a GD http://www.cepro.com/article/potential_legal_liabilities_for_integrating_garage_doors_with_home_automati%22%5Dhttp://www.cepro.com/article/potential_legal_liabilities_for_integrating_garage_doors_with_home_automati
  10. More than 10 years ago, I looked at trying to add on my to builder installed Napco GEM security panel. At the time Napco did not have any add on devices to connect it to a LAN, mobile apps for remote control, etc. Even if they did I had to be a licensed dealer or professional installer to order, or have it professionally installed. That's when I decided to replace the system with an Elk M1G and added the ISY, both of which work well together out of the box. No need to run middleware on another computer. I was able to reuse all the sensors and wire runs for the new keypads. Best decision I made and I have never looked back.
  11. I apply the KISS principal. 10 PM cool house down to make it comfortable to sleep 6 AM cool house down before you leave for work Raise temp when not at home As a result my AC never turns on during day.
  12. http://www.netrafic.com/blog/email-to-cell/ Verizon 10-digit phone number@vtext.com 10-digit phone number@vzwpix.com (MMS) Example: 1234567890@vtext.com
  13. I'll let Darwin sort it out from now on. I'm out! ✌️
  14. Here we go again! Remotely and/or autonomously closing a garage door with complete disregard of possible code violations and risk of injury/death. I hope you all have good liability insurance. Just read the following. http://www.cepro.com/article/potential_legal_liabilities_for_integrating_garage_doors_with_home_automati
  15. Make sure you read the following before you decide to do something like this. http://www.cepro.com/article/potential_legal_liabilities_for_integrating_garage_doors_with_home_automati"]http://www.cepro.com/article/potential_legal_liabilities_for_integrating_garage_doors_with_home_automati
  16. Another example why I don't use the IOLInc for GD control. I've found the IOLinc is not reliable enough and had too many of them fail for no apparent reason. I use an Elk output and zone input with my chamberlain GD motor. I hope you are not going to autonomously or blindly closing the garage door. I encourage you to read the following. http://www.cepro.com/article/potential_legal_liabilities_for_integrating_garage_doors_with_home_automati
  17. As long as it's with a camera to make sure the door is clear. A good article on the liabilities of automating a garage door. http://www.cepro.com/article/potential_legal_liabilities_for_integrating_garage_doors_with_home_automati
  18. Precisely why I don't use an IOLinc for GD control. Not reliable enough. I had too many of them fail in too many different ways for unexplained reasons. I use an Elk relay output and zone input for door closed mag switch. Also seems like an accident waiting to happen. If the door will open un-commanded after power failure, can it close too? Don't get me started about the dangers of blindly closing a garage door
  19. As @Teken has indicated, multi path is the most likely issue. Keep the Echo away from hard flat surfaces which will reflect sound waves. There is a reason the Echo tall, mic at the top, and the speaker is at the bottom.
  20. I specifically send a garage door left open text message 1 hour before DND window. Problem solved.
  21. The 100m iPhone fund was managed by VC firm Kleiner Perkins. They are in the business of making $. They are not a charitable organization. Neither is Amazon. Quote from site. The Alexa Fund provides up to $100 million in venture capital funding to fuel voice technology innovation.Hopefully, that ends the dispute.
  22. Because most of those products put form before function, sexy packaging, with a colorful brochure and slick video marketing. Here is one example of a crappy device. ISY puts function before form. It's an ugly box meant to be tucked away in a corner or hidden in a cabinet. It just works.
  23. Quote from the link you provided: "The Alexa Fund has made investments in a variety of companies including:" Key word "investments." Doesn't say "grant." Same word is used in multiple places on site. Also "Funding – Have you raised institutional funding?" Meaning if you have already raised institutional funding, we can't make the lions share of return or take control.
  24. Likely a defensive play by Amazon now that Apple is rumored to be entering the market. Also the VCs are blood suckers. They want control and profits from a company. UDI would be best to avoid VCs.
  25. Do you need to know every time a door is opened? If these are frequently used doors, all the notifications would drive me nuts. Also consider your actions based on low battery. For example, I wait for my first smoke to start chirping, then replace the 9v batteries in all the smokes, since I know the others will chirp soon.
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