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Everything posted by elvisimprsntr

  1. My ISY is powered from the PLM, but all my networking/computing gear is on a UPS, including my main router and cable modem. Never had an issue with Insteon comm post power restore, since the ISY will reboot when the PLM is powered. http://www.amazon.com/APC-BGE70-Back-UPS-3-outlet-Uninterruptible/dp/B00KH07WRC Of course, my Elk and garage door also have battery backup.
  2. I simply purchased some clear buttons and printed labels on an inkjet. http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2401clb-6-or-8-button-change-kit-for-keypadlinc-clear.html
  3. Apparently you do not know the history of the company or its products. The CEO himself admits to original Doorbot product flaws. http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/29/doorbot-ring-home-security-doorbell/ You also apparently have not read reports of how insecure the Ring is. https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2016/01/27/iot-doorbell-gave-up-wi-fi-passwords-to-anybody-with-a-screwdriver/ Amazon stopped listing the original Doorbot after customer complaints. When I tried to use their original Doorbot and discovered what a POS it was, I returned it for a full refund. Their new Ring product might have addressed all the technical issues the original Doorbot had, but I refuse to own a product from a company who took KS funds, then reincorporated under a new company to avoid KS promises and product liability.
  4. Because it's the same inept people running Ring that ran Doorbot. Even Amazon pulled the Doorbot due to customer complaints.
  5. I bought one when the company was called Doorbot. The product back then was a POS and returned it for a full refund. I think the company reincorporated under a new name to get out from under the product liability and horrible reputation. Costco stocks the Ring locally. I refuse to own one.
  6. I had the ELK-930 wired up to an IOLinc for doorbell notification which worked OK, but I would occasionilly receive multiple notifications for each doorbell press. The Elk-930 was originally designed to work with solenoid driven chimes, which will cross the 900 mAmp detection threshold only once. Unfortunately, an electronic melody chime will cross the 900 mAmp threshold multiple times while the chime is playing. For other reasons, I was able to free up an Elk zone so I could wire the ELK-930 directly to an Elk-M1G non-alarm zone. (non-alarm, normally open, fast response). To eliminate duplicate notifications for a single doorbell press, I used an Elk output for the duration of the melody and added it to the Elk notification rule. WHENEVER Door Bell (Zn 15) BECOMES NOT SECURE AND Door Bell (Out 7) STATE IS OFF THEN TURN Door Bell (Out 7) ON FOR 15 SEC THEN SEND EMAIL... The added benefit is the electronic chime also supports wireless doorbell buttons, which I added one to my back door.
  7. I went wth the Kwikset 916 since all my other locks are Kwikset. It's an ANSI/BHMA grade 2 lock so I wasn't comfortable putting it on an exterior door, so it's installed in my garage interior door. All my other locks are ANSI/BHMA grade 1 http://www.amazon.com/Kwikset-Touchscreen-Electronic-Automation-Compatibility/dp/B00Q3N513E I was able to do without a repeater since the lock and ISY are 5 feet apart with direct line of sight. It's also the only zwave device I have.
  8. i would rather see the same capability in an iPad app without having to purchase their limited capability hardware.
  9. I went the free route when setting up my NVR. 1. Existing wireless IP cameras - free 2. Repurposed 6 year old PC - free 3. Kubuntu Linux - free 4. ZoneMinder NVR software - free 5. Installation - free 6. Monthly fee - free 7. Number of cameras - unlimited 8. Remote access - free via web 9. Optional mobile apps - $6 (zmView and zmNinja)
  10. Apple MFi license and hardware certification requirements are overbearing and cost prohibitive. Apple also insists on a custom MFi chip for authentication and encryption. The fact you can perform the same in software on hardware with sufficient CPU is irrelevant. Any legal entity trying to circumvent Apple MFi licensing and certification will get squashed. Put homebridge on a Raspberry Pi and call it a day.
  11. I would look for: 1. Power glitch. Is your ISY on a UPS? 2. What programmed events are you using to trigger opening the door. Post your programs. 3. Did you reboot any devices which write to ISY variables? For example updating iOS devices.
  12. Now that you are a disciple, spread the good word. If we can save at least one life from a horrible tragedy, our reward will be knowing we helped. [emoji120]
  13. This is one of those examples. Never ever automatically close a garage door, regardless of what stop sensors are installed. There is a documented case where a small child fell, laying under the beam height, was crushed under the weight of the door which failed to reverse direction. The parents sued the Uncle, the manufacturer Sears, and the contractor who installed the garage door. Also take the situation where you park/stop your vehicle half way in the garage, with the beam under the vehicle. Even if the door will reverse direction, I'm sure it will still damage the vehicle. If I leave the garage door open, I send myself a notification. Then I confirm the door is clear with a live camera feed BEFORE manually closing the door. The rolling current date/time superimposed on the camera feed, by the camera itself and not a NVR, confirms the image is not stale. For manufacturers who provide the capability to automatically close a garage door, I suggest you read the fine print in the limited liability section. I also suggest you talk to your insurance company. I'm sure they will use it as an excuse to raise your rates or drop you altogether. My conscience is clear. Is yours?
  14. Finally someone else with common sense! This has been one of my biggest arguments when I see people asking how to automatically close ones garage door, tap into their fire protection system, or people on RPi forums using their Rube Goldberg contraption to control their furnace or high voltage lighting. People will brush it off even after I post articles of fires, deaths, and homeowners getting sued. If nothing else, I have a clear conscience for warning people. Money and common sense doesn't always go together. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
  15. You need to configure the KPL options to non button toggle on for A and non button toggle off for B.
  16. Based on your symptoms, I suspect you assigned a static IP. Change your new router to use the old subnet, or connect your old router. The other option would be to change the subnet mask in your new router to, which will allow you to connect to the ISY. Any network scanner will then find the ISY IP address.
  17. @felickz Did you assign a static IP in the ISY?
  18. One of the other things I discovered is you also should update the GF variable initial value in your programs to the current state to prevent programs from executing when the ISY reboots an your MLHD updates the GF variable. My garage door seemed to open randomly until I did that.
  19. When civil unrest gets to a certain point, I will setup a PIR motion tracking sentry. http://m.instructables.com/id/Autonomous-Paintball-Sentry-Gun/
  20. @ryanmead83 Depends on your specific use of HA. Personally I use it as part of a 4 layered home protection. Deter, detect, delay, defend. Well actually 3 layers. The last layer doesn't require HA.
  21. Personally I have no trouble hearing the buzzer on my W/D. If yours doesn't have one there is amazing device I found may work well. It's called a smartphone with a timer. Sorry I could not resist. Seems like a solution in search of a problem.
  22. For anyone interested in controlling a ZM camera mode based on an ISY event while the ZM API is still a WIP, I figured out how to control the camera mode using ISY network resources with HTTP POST. I have ZM built in authentication enabled, thus needed to generate a cookie I could reuse in the ISY. curl -d "username=username&password=password&action=login&view=console" -c zm.cookie Then you can examine HTTP headers sent by the curl command to reverse engineer what needs to populated in the ISY. curl -v -d "view=none&action=function&mid=1&newFunction=Modect&newEnabled=1" -b zm.cookie * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Trying * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > POST /zm/index.php HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.38.0 > Host: > Accept: */* > Cookie: zmSkin=classic; ZMSESSID=************************* > Content-Length: 63 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Below is what the ISY network resource module HTTP looks like. POST /zm/index.php HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 63 User-Agent: curl/7.38.0 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: */* Cookie: zmSkin=classic; ZMSESSID=************************** view=none&action=function&mid=1&newFunction=Modect&newEnabled=1 Let me know if there is a better method. Elvis.
  23. Thanks for the update. If it is anything like the Harmony Link, even though the ISY controller is not added to its own activity screen, you can manually edit one of the other devices activity screens and add an ISY IR code button. The down side is you can't rename the ISY IR code buttons to something useful, even thru the MyHarmony site. I suspect one can add/fix an existing IR code, but that assumes you have an existing remote to TX the ISY IR codes.
  24. And I have a 4 yo Harmony Link which I can one tap touch "Watch Movie" which sets up all my AV equipment and turns down the ISY lights. I ran Cat5 in the walls between my theater and living room to extend the IR blaster between rooms for the added bonus of one Link for two rooms. Link - $99 in 2011 Misc wire and keystone jacks - $20
  25. http://www.insteon.com/support-knowledgebase/2015/7/31/control-insteon-devices-from-your-logitech-harmony-hub Based on my interpretation it appears the Harmony Hub communicates to the Insteon Hub thru SH cloud services. For the ISY to enjoy the same capabilities, UDI would have to lift their no cloud based dependency position and of course work with Logitech to define the API. I do know UDI is working on their own portal, so maybe they are softening. Update: Harmony does not work with all models of the Insteon Hub. Scroll to bottom. https://support.myharmony.com/en/harmony-experience-with-insteon
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