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Everything posted by paulw

  1. Thanks Lee.
  2. 3.1.17 Looked like it was adding but never appeared on the tree. Tried a second time and get "node not added - failed restoring device" Any thoughts?
  3. Have had mine for several years. Once had a lockup where it had to be factory reset. Works great.
  4. Lee, You hit it on the head! I would have never gone there, one to remember. Thanks again.
  5. Lee, Thanks, will give it a try tonight. Was my thinking wrong that the dual-band should have resolved any line communication issues?
  6. I have an older Lamplinc which is part of a scene which has gone flaky in not lighting when the isy turns the scene on. A KL which is part of the scene can control it without any issues. I replaced it with a LL (dual-band) expecting that would resolve any communication issues as it is within 20 feet of an access point, and another LL(DB) which, also happens to be part of the same scene. No luck, same issue. If I use the isy to turn on the LL it will function fine, but will not as part of the scene. Any thoughts? Log below shows both the scene and single on/off commands. Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:16 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.28 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00) Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:16 PM : [ 12 BB EE 3] ST 255 Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:16 PM : [ 12 BB EE 4] ST 255 Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:16 PM : [ 14 3E 75 1] ST 89 Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:16 PM : [ 18 8C 3F 1] ST 102 Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:25 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.28 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:25 PM : [ 12 BB EE 3] ST 0 Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:25 PM : [ 12 BB EE 4] ST 0 Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:25 PM : [ 14 3E 75 1] ST 0 Tue 04/24/2012 07:24:25 PM : [ 18 8C 3F 1] ST 0 Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:01 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.3E.75 0F 11 56 06 LTONRR (56) Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:02 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.3E.75 12.9F.46 23 11 56 LTONRR (56) Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:02 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][14.3E.75-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0 Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:02 PM : [ 14 3E 75 1] ST 86 Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:07 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.3E.75 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:07 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.3E.75 12.9F.46 2B 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:07 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][14.3E.75-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Tue 04/24/2012 07:25:07 PM : [ 14 3E 75 1] ST 0
  7. paulw

    Security System

    If it is one of the Vista series, you can use the isy to turn the system on and off, and send info as to status to the isy. However, it will take some knowledge on programming the Vista, and a 3rd party product to send info to and from the isy.
  8. To my understanding the 2450 will only handle one input. If you want to track more than one activity ie arming, alarm, you will need something with more than one. I will look for a vista 20 programming manual to give you some pointers, if it is like the 40 it can be a bit convoluted. All you are doing is associating a house and unit code (or relay) to different panel activities, then on the isy programming those codes to do what you will.
  9. I have done it with a vista 40. Had the x10 transformer already in use from when I used x10. I have since used it with the isy for arming and disarming. As long as you have good communication between the panel transformer and the isy you will be fine. In my case I had given away my coupler/repeater so I had to move circuits around to keep them both on the same leg. The other option is that you could add the relay module to the panel and one of the simplehomenet modules which would allow you to keep everything insteon. Using x10 with the panel has worked out fine for me. However, if I had not already had the x10 capability I would have probably gone the relay route. Either way, you will either have to get into the setup for the vista 20 and make the programming changes for the x10 codes, or the relay activity.
  10. Lee, Interesting, I did the PLM reset, and restored. Ran in minutes. The ISY is now responding to other devices which it did not do before. However, I still see no traffic in the event viewer. Update: Did a reset of the isy, all seems well! Again, Thank you for your help!!!
  11. Suggest a factory reset first?
  12. Lee, No luck. Any words of caution on a modem restore? Have never done one.
  13. Had a power failure last night, a few quick flickers before it went out long enough for the generator to kick in. The isy is functioning on it's scheduled programs and only showing traffic it is generating, but nothing from any other devices. Modem restore to resolve?
  14. Possibly I am looking in all the wrong places, but have not found anything definitive.
  15. Michael, All is well. I was able to stay with 443. Turned out to be some type of issue with an air card which was on the client computer. Thanks for all your help.
  16. Some progress. I'm able to remotely get past the router, installed the certificate and eliminated that error. Now it just sits there spinning it's wheel getting no response. (looking for a response from the ddns site, ddns service is via no-ip.com) FYI ISY-99 13.1.17 https port = 443 ISY set to port 443, accessing via https://ddns.name.xxx
  17. Verizon can be a royal pain, and their support usually much worse. I'm just going to set it in bridge mode to a real router and be on with life. Will let you know if I have any other issues after doing that. Paul
  18. Michael, Greetings, I appear on on that count. Just tried yougotsignal.com which reported both 443 and 8443 are open ports at my address. Paul
  19. Sort of swallows you right up! Finding their commercial dsl at work is not the same as residential here at home!!! Anyone have any success in getting through to the isy from a Verizon Westell 7500? Generated certificate. Set the isy for port 8443 (suspect verizon has 443 blocked) Tried the 7500 forwarding 443 > 8443, and also 8443 > 8443 with the isy as the target. No joy. Tried actual dynamic address:8443 no joy. Tried no-ip host name set to redirect port 80 to 8443, no joy. No problem with internal ip:8443. Am I missing something?
  20. Mine is the old 2412s. However, like I said the Lamplinc which is sandwiched in, has an extremely light load.
  21. I have a PLM plugged into a Lamplinc, plugged into a Filterlinc. Been that way for a couple of years without any issues. The Filterlinc feeds my computer, the Lamplinc has a very light load of only a window candle.
  22. Lee, Many thanks again! My last resort was going to be a power down. It did the trick.
  23. I’m running 2.8.16. I inadvertently clicked an icon (no idea which one) and got a “linking in progress†screen with three options and a “Finish†button. Tried to close the screen via “X†but nothing, never pushed “Finishâ€. Appeared to be locked there with no way out. Closed down explorer and tried to go back into the isy. I keep getting a “Discovering nodes; retry†error, goes away in a couple of seconds, the “linking in progress†screen flashes up and then it goes to a blank explorer screen. There appears to be no traffic on the network, just a power light on the isy, no flickering on any modules. Anyone with any thoughts?
  24. FYI, have had no issues with a Kohler whole house generator (non inverter). It does provide a delayed start for the AC, and I use the isy to shut down the electric water heater after a power failure.
  25. Michael, Thanks.
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