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About Athlon

  • Birthday July 25

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  • Location
    : Uxbridge, MA
  • Interests
    Tech, Music

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Community Answers

  1. Updated my Polisy this morning. It went perfectly.
  2. Updated my Polisy without a hitch - thank you.
  3. All is well here now. I lost connection around 4am Eastern, but it's back now.
  4. You may be better off posting your Kasa question here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/313-kasa-tp-link/
  5. Yep - I did that about 6 months ago to save me from having to crawl under my desk extension.
  6. It's under Me/Kasa Lab as a Beta feature. (The 'Me' menu is in the lower right hand corner of the screen.) I saw it today by accident when updating the firmware on one of my devices. Coincidentally, about a week ago I switched to UD Mobile for my geofencing needs, as Alexa's geofencing (been using it for a few years) started giving me issues. So far so good with UD Mobile. I have not enabled or tried Kasa's version.
  7. Athlon

    Update Agave.

    You might be better off posting your question in the Agave forum: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/120-agave/ Having said that, I'm not sure it's being developed anymore. To try out UD Mobile. It's currently being developed by UDI and has support here on the forums and an extensive wiki section for setup and help. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/24-ud-mobile/ https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile
  8. Click on the link above - instructions are there as well. *** The latest updates for everything can be found here (subscribe to it): https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/339-current-release-announcements/
  9. Updated my Polisy to 5.7.0_5 - no issues.
  10. While upgrading my PG3x to 3.2.9 this morning, my IoX upgraded to 5.7.0_4 - both without issues on my Polisy.
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