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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @Scott Korvek If you've attempted this several times and it still isn't updating you are probably best served by opening a support ticket with UDI and getting help that way. According to the wiki for this process it should be an automated process once the Polisy reboots. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Upgrading_to_PG3x The only other suggestion I would have is to use the Polisy IP address rather than the "polisy.local" url. Some routers might have an issue with "polisy.local" address. If you've been able to access the Polisy using that in the past then you should be okay, but if you've only ever used the IP address use that in the rest address and see if that triggers the flag correctly. If still not updating open a support ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  2. In addition to what @DennisC suggests above another option would be removing the 300 series board, upgrade to 5.3.4, then migrate the Insteon devices. You have 16 Z-Wave devices, not sure how many programs are using them. Would it be a huge task to start the Z-Wave fresh? Depending on how many Insteon devices and programs you have it might be easier to at least migrate the Insteon portion and start fresh with the Z-Wave on the Polisy. I'm not 100% certain if removing the z-wave 300 series board is necessary in this method if you're not going to be using the Z-Wave, but it might cause issues with your existing z-wave. Just don't migrate the z-wave portion since UDI never recommended anything higher than 5.0.16C for the 300 series z-wave.
  3. Yes, used 3 different computers. (2 locally and 1 physically remote location) Cleared java cache on all computers and downloaded fresh start.jnlp file. Not sure why some do while local, but it stems from when it first became an option with (then) ISY Launcher because the "cloud" version tended to load a little quicker than the local connection (no real proof that it did/didn't for me personally, but remember people commenting that way). Otherwise, the cloud option is only available when trying to connect to the IoX service while not on the same network. Some will use the (old) port forwarding method (not so safe), but most will use the UDI Portal connection method (using the UDI Portal credentials) to access the admin console while remote. Since it's been confirmed by UDI that there's an issue we just need to wait for the fix. Just a small bit of the Java console log: https://isy.universal-devices.com/iox/5.6.2/iox.jar https://isy.universal-devices.com/iox/5.6.2/ce.jar https://isy.universal-devices.com/iox/5.6.2/chart.jar Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.udi.insteon.client.InsteonOps.isControLinc(Unknown Source) at com.udi.insteon.client.InsteonOps.isInsteonController(Unknown Source) at com.universaldevices.client.ui.InsteonCellRenderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent(Unknown Source) at com.universaldevices.ui.driver.UDProductDriverCellRenderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI$NodeDimensionsHandler.getNodeDimensions(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache.getNodeDimensions(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.tree.FixedHeightLayoutCache.getBounds(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.tree.FixedHeightLayoutCache.getBounds(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache.getPreferredWidth(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.updateCachedPreferredSize(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout.layoutContainer(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.layout(Unknown Source)
  4. You're lucky then. Can confirm cloud option doesn't work even if local. Tested earlier (while remote using portal login) with java console logger and it gives a lot of errors of "unknown source". UDI acknowledged there being an issue (per @TheA2Z post above) and plan to fix in upcoming release. When admin console loads it just loads the "File" menu, and even those options don't come up cleanly. @kzboray Seems this is an issue with 5.6.2 since also impacting your Polisy on that version. It does look like some reported this earlier this month so it's something that's been an issue for this release.
  5. @naeblis So glad it was a "simple" fix! Glad you're back online and working. Good luck! Really glad that things seemed to go smoothly overall. Thanks for posting your experience!
  6. @TheA2Z @Athlon I was able to test the "cloud" option to connect to Admin Console today and couldn't even get it to load the entire menu option to get the help -> about option to compare firmware. It does appear there might be an issue with the cloud connection function. Hopefully with the support ticket(s) in this will get addressed quickly. I was able to get help -> about to come up by using the keyboard (alt + h -> a) and get the same mismatched time stamps as above. For the time being the local connection method seems to work just fine. But, you've got to be local for that to work. If needing to access things while remote it does appear that UD Mobile works while away. Depending on what you needed to adjust though you might, or might not be able to handle it with UD Mobile.
  7. @naeblis strange that everything was working then suddenly it doesn't seem to connect. It's possible that during the reboot something didn't load correctly. I'm sure you've probably tried to power cycle several times and it still isn't coming back up. It's possible it could have been in an update status depending on what you had been updating during your setup. It is possible to setup wireless connection, but you need to use UD Mobile with that (I believe), and I it's been a while since I tried it that I can't help with the direct steps to try. Read through the eisy User Guide in the wiki (https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide) and it should help you with the wi-fi setup. Ultimately, it might be best to start a support ticket just to be sure something else hasn't happened to the device: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets What brand/model router are you using? The only other steps I would suggest is to power cycle the router. Unplug the eisy (both power and network cable), then power cycle the router. Allow the router to fully boot up. Log into the router, if you have an IP reservation for the old ISY994 or the new eisy remove them (both). Then connect the network cable to the eisy and router then power up the eisy. If it reconnects to the router then you can setup IP reservation again from the router. Also, are you using any Insteon devices? You mentioned getting all your z-wave devices back online. Just wanted to make sure if you have Insteon devices that the PLM is connected via USB to the eisy. The network jack on the eisy is just that...a network connection, not the PLM/serial connector like it was with the ISY994.
  8. @naeblis welcome to the forums. I'll assume that "no longer showing online" means from the Portal when logged in. Are you able to access the device locally with admin console from a computer? Make sure that you can connect to the device locally. It's possible during the moving around or power cycling that it activated the wireless setup and didn't reconnect via the wired connection. Unlikely since I think when a network cable is connected the wireless is disabled, but could still have been bumped inadvertently to initiate the wireless setup. Check from your router if you see the mac address for the eisy as a connected device. Lastly, double check that the portal registration isn't pending in the admin console. Configuration tab -> Portals That should show "Online" and "Registered"
  9. @TheA2Z @Athlon not sure how much Michel might actually be watching the forums currently so best way to report this as possible bug is through a support ticket. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ Certainly the advised method to report bugs so they can be tracked and fixed internally is through support tickets. Be sure you attach screen shots of UI/FW information to your ticket.
  10. @KHouse I've had good success with using this website to make sure Alexa is learning devices correctly: https://alexa.amazon.com/spa/index.html You can login there and then click on "Smart Home" -> "Devices" and see what it's seeing or has listed. You will need the UD Skill "ISY Optimized for Smart Home V3" installed on your Alexa account. Wiki might have further help for you to troubleshoot if you don't get it sorted out quickly. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration_V3#Instructions_for_New_Users
  11. There should have been a sheet if instructions included in the envelope. I know there was back when it was first being shipped out. But, you're right...if not in there it's difficult to find. There was a link available to them when the product was released and first shipped for the ZMatter board that referenced the colors. It's still in the wiki, but I think only under the Polisy entry and more for the internal board for the Polisy. https://www.universal-devices.com/docs/ZMatter-Assembly- Instructions.pdf
  12. HAHA! Which is what I suggested on Monday! Before this topic got derailed and seriously in the weeds. Though some really interesting options of what works for their situation.
  13. @JTsao Haven't seen many others report this. It might be that you need to get a IoX and PG3x log and open a support ticket and have it reviewed in detail. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  14. Do you have the eisy registered with ISY Portal? You don't have to have a "subscription", but the device should be registered with the portal. Have you just been rebooting via the Admin console? If you can access the device try pressing the button 5 times to reboot. Otherwise, press it 6 times to shutdown (power light will go red) then pull the power for 10-20 seconds then plug it back in and allow several minutes (as many as 5) for the system to be fully functional.
  15. @dougos2 Looks like might be a "known" issue with this brand/manufacturer. Here are a couple of old posts to review: PS: Since these posts are archived the only way to find them is with Google Site Search. These don't show up when searching via the forums search tool.
  16. @dougos2 Could you add some additional system details to try to help? What's your ISY994 Firmware? What is your UI for Admin Console (Help -> About) What series Z-Wave do you have? (Use this post to help determine your series controller) Do you have any other Z-Wave devices that report status correctly? I'm not familiar with the smart plug, but it's possible it is a newer 500 or 700 series device that isn't correctly sending information to the ISY994 z-wave module you have. Perhaps others with more z-wave experience can chime in, but additional information on your setup could be helpful.
  17. Probably nothing to fit your need mentioned in the forums (as you said link shared by @lilyoyo1 didn't fit your need). So the best bet would be to open a support ticket directly with UDI and get information directly from them (if it's available). https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Honestly, I don't get the worry/concern. It's all internal so no traffic is leaving your network. Hope you get the answers to your questions.
  18. Good luck with that! Nobody makes them like they used to. I've not had a (quality?) router last longer than 4 or 5 years without running into issues (mostly overheating or ISP service changes the router couldn't handle). Not to mention not getting firmware upgrades any more even when security holes are found/reported. Hope your research yields something that works for your need!
  19. It's found in the wiki in the Polisy User Guide. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Upgrading_to_PG3x
  20. So what's your suggestion? Because nothing I've seen comes close to covering ALL the points you mention. Got to live with what's available. Honestly, with U-verse DSL a router from 2010 would probably work well enough, but seems OP has exceeded a number of connected devices for most "home"/consumer grade routers even offered today. That's always been a big "gotcha" when adding wifi "smart" devices. Without really knowing more from the OP suggestions are just speculations and what might work for our own use.
  21. Geddy

    ISY994i Issues

    @Valveman when next in Admin Console please confirm UI and Firmware match. That can be found in the menu option Help -> About In your first post you did not match. Need to confirm you do now that you've fixed your Java issue. Do you have access to any Windows computer to attempt to connect to the ISY with IoX Launcher?
  22. WHAT? So you do have 2 routers? I thought you were just giving additional information in the first post that had no impact on the (real) situation. Your issue is networking if you're plugging a router into a router. Or do you mean that your eero is connected to a MODEM? Please try to clearly explain your network path. i.e.: Modem -> Router #1 -> eero (unusual method, but what you describe in your reply) Expected connection: Modem -> eero -> ISY994 If you're plugging the eero into another router then you have two competing networks (two different devices trying to hand out DHCP to connected devices). You need to set the eero into access point mode (if that's an option - I'm not sure how this is done as the last time I attempted to use an eero it didn't play well with Comcast so I sent it back and haven't ever tried that brand again). @DennisC has a lot of useful information above. If your network is a new setup it seems that you've caused yourself some unexpected network issues that need to get sorted out before you attempt further troubleshooting of the ISY connection. The only other option would be to turn off wifi on the mac and connect with a network cable to the same eero device to access the ISY994. You should be able to find the IP address from the connected device page. You said you see it, "shows "ISY994-EMS" as a wired connection". Somehow in whatever you're looking at it should show you the IP of the connected device. If not that's a shortcoming of the UI for the eero.
  23. It depends what your budget is, the size of space to cover, and what devices you are running. You seem to mention that the current device is fine, but you're at the limit of number of devices it can support. Most home devices will be somewhat limiting until you get into the higher cost devices (that then include the multiple antenna and game functions that you don't want/need). Having just setup a new Netgear device for a friend I cannot suggest that brand any longer. It has too many shortcomings nearly requiring the phone app and cloud login for setup. Netgear has also removed remote admin access to rely on an app to connect to the router while remote. App access is too basic for more advanced setup to be done remotely. You don't need Wi-Fi 6 if you don't have any devices that use that technology. If you're in an apartment you don't need 2500 sq ft coverage, since your speeds aren't so fast you don't need 1gbps options. I would suggest UniFi Dream Router. It's currently showing out of stock, but I think it comes and goes quite a bit. There was a way to follow stock updates on Reddit last year when I snagged mine. I forget how it worked now since I only used it once. It offers you a look into the Unifi settings of being almost overly complicated while giving you full speed ability for what you currently have (the Dream Router is capped at about 600mbps so don't get it if you're going to 1gbps service in the near future). It's simple because it is the all-in-one option from Unifi so it's simple to setup just like a Netgear, Linksys, or TP-Link, but has more abilities...sometimes too much for a typical home user. If you are a Costco member I would suggest buying from there (for their return policy). Notes: Netgear - always was a good brand to suggest, but recent changes have dumbed down the app for remote admin abilities TP-Link - cheap option, but they never support their hardware beyond one or two firmware upgrades and even "high end" systems seem to only last a couple of years Linksys - haven't tried this brand in a few years, but old school builds were strong Asus - some here really like this brand, but they also don't appear to update firmware beyond 18-24 months of release so only buy new equipment. eero - does not play well with comcast internet (last time I tried it at least). But you're on Uverse so does not apply If you do go for a mesh system (for larger spaces/coverage) make sure you get at least a tri-band system. That way one band is a dedicated backhaul for increased speeds on the whole mesh network.
  24. @smokegrub does your MAC have any way to use hard wire to connect to the same eero device that the ISY is connected to? It sounds like even though the eero is a mesh system it's not allowing wireless devices to talk to wired devices. Are you able to successfully ping the ip of the ISY? Since you're on macOS also if you can ping the ISY then try downloading admin.jnlp (http://##.##.##.##/admin.jnlp [where ## is replaced with the IP if the ISY]) from the isy directly. Seems that macOS sometimes doesn't like the start.jnlp method of connecting to the ISY. As @landolfi suggest perhaps add the ISY manually by clicking add then using the http://##.##.##.##/desc (again, using the known IP of the ISY994).
  25. Well since op didn’t come back to link it I went searching….here is the post from @MrBill that I assume @philgood is referencing. No mention of scenes, but agreed that if controlling the fan directly then any scenes it might be in could be out of sync, but that’s typical for anytime you change one device directly. It’s also why I mentioned above that I do have programs that will sync the keypad buttons depending on what speed the fan is set to. (Keypads and Fanlinc have always created lengthy discussions. One a while back lead to an updated wiki topic to try to help.) Nothing is showing “running” in your screenshots above. It shows a slight green on the edge of the program to show that it last status was TRUE. You can see if it is “running” in the summary tab. It should just show “last run time” and “status = true”. It was true because you triggered the THEN. It has no if to trigger so anytime you directly call on the THEN it will be true. The off is red because you triggered the ELSE so was false. When a program is actively running the whole icon will be green. I still reason that adding the fanlinc motor as the fan category and being able to control it without programs is much simpler and cleaner. If you do use/need to have it in scenes then that’s a whole different aspect that isn’t being considered in the OP. if Alexa isn’t finding the fan spoken (as you indicate) I would make it a shorter name. Sometimes there is issues with “long” or multi-word spoken names. Keep them short! Another option might be using Groups in the Alexa app. I’ve not tried this and haven’t had great success in the past, but it might allow you to just reference the fan in the room you are in.
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