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Walt N

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I'm in the process of trying to get my meter set up with PGE as well. Should I be using a 24 or 32 byte Install Code? (I note that there was an earlier part of the thread that said one needs to use 24 byte codes which is what I'm using. ).

What's the best way to figure out how far each side it is getting in the pairing process?

I continue to only get "Scan Complete | Node: null | Channel: null | Power: Null".

My ISY-994Izs is about 2 feet from my meter.

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My ISY is listed as well, and the install code matches what I have in the ISY. I tried once to pair the ISY with PG&E but it timed out. The web page says I have 3 attempts remaining.


I didn't have time to give it another shot, so I'll do it tomorrow. If it continues to fail, I too will call PG&E.



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I'm having the same problem as Frank...Everything worked fine for about a month and now dashboard says "Established" and "All OK" but the time is "unsynchronized" and I'm no longer getting data from the meter. When I log in to the HAN page on my PGE account my ISY now has a red light to the left and the hover text is "unreachable device". If anyone successfully resolves this issue please post it so I can fix mine too...

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Hello PC830,


This means that the meter does not allow ISY to rejoin. Unfortunately, the only way to rectify this is to re-commission ISY in the meter and thus have to go back through PG&E.


With kind regards,



Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately I was not able to re-commission through the HAN dashboard or by calling PGE. I was escalated to a Supervisor who told me that once registered with a unique MAC address they do not allow that MAC to ever be provisioned again. She said the only option was to contact the manufacturer and ask them about changing the MAC address of the device and then provision that new MAC through the HAN Dashboard. I told her this did not make any sense since being able to change a MAC defeats the whole purpose of MACs in the first place but she insisted that is the only option as they will not delete from their system the MAC of a device that has already been provisioned and the system does not allow a device to be provisioned more than once, unless the MAC changes.

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Hi nlaredo,


Thanks. You do indeed have an SEP module. If you wish, you can setup a call with PG&E tech support and let me know the time so that we can get to the bottom of this issue. Currently, there are two cases:

ISY cannot find the meter (out of range) OR

The meter is not advertising itself


Have you tried selecting ALL channels?


With kind regards,


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I was just on the phone with PGE trying to get my ISY-994izs paired. From their end they see the meter able to talk to the the ISY-994izs confirming (according to PGE) that the EUID and the (24 byte) Install Code are correct.

But though the ISY is scanning on all channels it never seems to pair with the meter and simple has a network status of Scanning Complete|Node:Null |Channel: Null| Power: Null. I rebooted the ISY and PGE tried pairing again, but that didn't help. My ISY-994izs is about 2 feet from the meter.


Any suggestions of what I should try next?




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Hi Michel,

Binoculars where? :-) I don't see any binocular icon anywhere (P.S. I'm running Java under safari on my Macbook Air).


by the way,

Here is the status I get back from ...rest/zb (





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i am on the line with pg&e now and they say the device is not pairing, like two others they tried this week.


this is how i have it now, and i see no pan either:


https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-b5Ep ... G_0031.JPG



Literally less than a foot away. They also confirm that my meter has seen the euid of the isy, but unfortunately when they tried to pair it, it wouldn't.


How can I arrange for you to be on the line with me when I call PG&E? They said that their representatives can't dial out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going through the Provisions Process (first attempt to pair was 3/19/14).

I thought it would post my experiences.

Also, I am confused with some of what I read and what I was told by PGE HANs support personnel.


1) PGE customer support (TJ support supervisor, Sacramento, ph:877-743-4357) didn't want to even try to pair to the ISY because it is not on their validated devices list. I convinced him to try as I told him; the UD ISY was tested/validated with 22 PGE meters and UD customer support was behind their ZS device. I've read the PG&E HANs web pages, 994iZS Quick Start Guide and reviewed this thread.


2) I see previous posts using a 32 or 24 digit "Install Code". Yet TJ asked me for a 16 digit install code?

PGE has no standard for the "Install Code" is it different for each Smart Meter type? My meter is a Landis+Gyr Focus AXR-SD.


3) The PGE support (TJ) use the EUID (MAC for PGE), Install Code (16 digit) and we tried to pair the Smart Meter with my ISY but an Extended PAN ID did not appear in the "Available PANs" window. So the pairing stopped after several attempts when I could go no further. Is there a way to test the Zigbee communication network with another device to confirm it is working/transmitting. Between my ISY and Smart Meter are 3-layers of stucco/wire and the meter box is facing away from the ISY so that may be causing problems with signal strength. However my 2.4GHz DSS cordless phone works just fine at the meter location and distance has not solved the pairing problem for nlaredo.


4) My ISY is running

firmware: 994i OADR 4.1.2

firmware Update 4/3/14: OADR v 4.1.17and

UI: 4.1.3

UI update 4/3/14: 4.1.2

My is a 994i/IR Pro upgraded with the ZS High Powered ZigBee Smart Grid Radio daughter board.


5) Problem: "Dashboard-My Electricity-Provision the meter" Installation Code pull down menu provides a 16 digit code when the 12 digit is selected and provides an 24 digit code when the 16 bit is selected! Also the Install Code generated in the Dashboard did not show/transfer to the "Administrative Console-Config.-Electricity-AMI-AMI Meter Settings-Install Code" field. Is that the experience of others?


Answer is: the 16 digit "Install Code" is actually 20 digits long = 16 digit + 4 CRC digits. I'm unsure why the Dashboard Install Code value didn't transfer to the Admin Console the first time but it did once the 16 digit code selected.


6) EUID is all 00000's? What happened to the EUID that was displayed when we were trying to pair the Meter/ISY? Did the ZS module firmware get corrupted or is the daughter board bad. I anticipate I'm done until I get the missing EUID fixed.


Answer: it seems my ZS dongle (upgrade to 994i/IR PRO) died so I'm getting a new one and I anticipate that should solve the all 00000's EUID problem

Answer Update 4/3/14: Ok with a replacement ZS Dongle the EUID is back to normal and I'm waiting for the opportunity to call PGE (all work and no play - that is, I spent so much time troubleshooting my computer's degraded RAID and the ISY Admin Console & ZS Dongle running I need to say focused on my house remodel/refurbishment project for a few days


Updates to follow.

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I just contacted the Arizona Power Service (APS) to obtain the PAM code, and they had no idea what an ISY, Zigbee Brueltech monitoring or PAM code is.


Has anyone else been successful in configuring the ISY here in Northern Arizona with APS? Or is there something that I should be communicating with APS, as they acknowledge it is a smart meter (elster meter)?


Thanks for any assistance, Peter

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Much appreciated Michel for the info.


One additional question on this, is there any plan for integration between ISY and GE Nucleus, so that I can use ISY to report and manage rather than two separate devices.


Thanks again, Peter

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  • 1 month later...

I tried once again to connect my ISY with PG&E, but despite the fact that it is visible on my "My Energy" page, it fails to connect. And I have once again (this is the 3rd time) called PG&E HAN services to get them to help me, but they can't get it to connect either despite the fact that they can verify that it is there.


And once again, a day later I get a call from the now infamous "Dan" at PG&E telling me that the ISY is not an authorized device, and PG&E does not support it.


So is the ISY approved by PG&E? Michel posted on 2/19 that it was going through the authorization process with PG&E. Was that ever completed?



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  • 3 months later...

Hi, new to the ISY, and hopefully I'm not just doing something dumb, but I start the provisioning steps in the Configuration Guide, but when I get to the part where I'm supposed to see the ISY start scanning for the meter, mine freezes up and goes offline.


Possibly / probably related, I get a message when I start up the Dashboard saying [lib_405-error]. That appears to be some kind of network error, and I have had issues getting the dashboard launcher to automatically see my ISY. If I put in the IP address, I can access it. It's plugged directly into the back of an Airport Extreme router.


Is this a network thing? Thanks in advance.

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Hi buidlerb,


I am so very sorry to hear. The first thing I recommend is upgrading to 4.2.10 (http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13892-release-4210-rc4-is-now-available/). Once that's done, please make sure you clear your Java cache and go to:



Unlike the instructions, put 0000 for the Ext PAN ID and click Save.


If that does not work, please contact our support and we'll remote into your computer to see what may be going on.


With kind regards,


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