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EU Products are listed on SH - Wow are they ever expensive!


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I was reviewing some future items for my Insteon network when I stumbled upon the newly listed EU products. Those poor guys in the EU are just getting boned for the same products. :cry:


Insteon DIN relay $105.29 vs $49.99 http://www.smarthome.com/2453-422/INSTE ... -EU/p.aspx


Insteon 4 scene remotelinc $52.64 vs $44.99 http://www.smarthome.com/2342-432/INSTE ... CD6B85E443


Insteon Dimmer $58.49 vs $49.99


Insteon Wireless TSTAT $116.19 vs $79.99 http://www.smarthome.com/2732-432/INSTE ... -EU/p.aspx


Insteon Open / Close sensor $52.64 vs $34.99 http://www.smarthome.com/2843-422/INSTE ... -EU/p.aspx


The list goes on and on, the only item I can tell that is exactly the same as NA is the HUB which is listed as $129.99. :roll: Keeping in mind also their dollar is worth more so maybe this works out in the exchange rate? :?:


Wow, are they ever getting boned! :evil:


Teken . . .

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There are different RF frequency band allowed in other countries.

Our US Insteon modules are 915 MHz. Other areas of the world are 869 MHz or 921 MHz. Again depending on the area of the world the module is being sold in.

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I guess in the big picture those who live in North America can't complain too much since the prices are lower. :roll: I am not too sure how much the VAT portion plays on over all pricing for our EU brothers.


But, hope the prices do go down in the future. If anyone has been waiting for HA its them. :cry: I am very curious to see that Insteon strip device I saw last year. I recall it was intended to be used in ballast lighting? :?:


Teken . . .

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Hello everyone,


I cannot comment on prices and, in that respect, I very much agreed with comments posted by IM.


The only problem for me is that ISY cannot work in EU since SmartHome decided that for EU, HUB shall be the only interface to INSTEON network and thus there's no EU version for the PLM.


And, we did decide not to support ISY integration with the HUB simply based on the principle that in this configuration, INSTEON communication is subject to network connectivity. Based on our 7 years of experience, we have gone through great lengths to make sure ISY's only dependence was on INSTEON communications. This will not be the case with the HUB.


I am rather disappointed.


With kind regards,


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Hello everyone,


I cannot comment on prices and, in that respect, I very much agreed with comments posted by IM.


The only problem for me is that ISY cannot work in EU since SmartHome decided that for EU, HUB shall be the only interface to INSTEON network and thus there's no EU version for the PLM.


And, we did decide not to support ISY integration with the HUB simply based on the principle that in this configuration, INSTEON communication is subject to network connectivity. Based on our 7 years of experience, we have gone through great lengths to make sure ISY's only dependence was on INSTEON communications. This will not be the case with the HUB.


I am rather disappointed.


With kind regards,




I believe there are more than one thread about the impact the ISY has had on the adoption, reliability, and numerous bug fix's your company has been able to resolve for SH / Insteon. I know I speak not only for myself but for the entire Insteon community.


If UDI had not continued to develop, grow, and resolve on going Insteon hardware / software issues. This product would be halted and relegated to X10 history. Many of us have commented on this single fact as the driving factor in continuing on the road with Insteon.


Why SH / Insteon has not developed a EU PLM for those market is anyone's guess. I would like to think they are still in development and its simply a cert issue. But, slowly it appears Insteon is trying to release their own controller and leaving 3rd party vendors behind.


From a marketing and adoption stand point that is a complete utter fail. Why would you remove more options from the consumer?? :roll: Why would you remove a proven performer which has single handily help grow the market, and resolve your own failures?


Given the insane pricing and HUB utter failure . . . Its safe to say SH is not serious about taking the market and leading in the HA industry. As no one would kill the Golden Goose (UDI) which has done so much for the product and the community in general. :evil:


What a FAIL . . .


Teken . . .

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I think you all read too much into it. My guess is an accountant has "done the math" and has no awareness of what the ISY has done, or discounted it massively from their equation. It is obvious, that smarthome's firmware/software/device development in house is sorely lacking in common sense, however. They should have come to UDI, licensed an ISY and put a wrapper around it ;)



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