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ISY994i newbie

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After years of struggling with X10 products to control my home lights and sprinkler, I bit the bullet and bought a ISY-994i.

As a result of some initial attempts to install, I have a couple of questions.

The user manual refers to a micro USB port on the unit. It looks like a mini and a mini will fit but a micro won't. Am I missing something? Is the manual incorrect?

The manual only mentions one reason for a red blinking error LED...problem with the SD card. I've tried 2 SD cards, the one that came with the unit and a 16gb card...still getting red flashing LED. Is there any documentation on what causes the red LED to flash other than the SD card?



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LeeG...no, all three blue lights are on, but not flashing.


How do I run the admin console if I'm not connected to my PC? ...or maybe I'm not understanding what you mean by "direct connect"...I have connected an Ethernet patch cable to a NIC and I have a USB connection as well...as per the instructions in the manual.



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The direct connection to the PC is the exception. Disconnect from PC. The ISY is connected to a Router/Modem using the "Network" connection. The PLM is connected to the ISY using “Port Aâ€.


The Admin Console communicates with the ISY over Ethernet using the IP address assigned by the Router. The ISY by default operates in DHCP.

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I decided I was looking at too many variables at the same time...sooo...just power up the ISY with no attachments (USB, Ethernet)...I get the error (red) and memory (blue) lights flashing in unison...must be an SD error. I removed the micro SD card, put it in a USB attached SD card reader and was able to see the files and copy them to my PC...looks like the card is OK. Put the card back in the ISY, same result - error & memory flashing in unison.


Any suggestions?

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The spare SD cards you tried. Where they programed with the ISY994i firmware. The manual tells you how to replace the SD card and the strange LEDs could be the SD card was not properly set up for your ISY994i.


Memory and error flashing is normal if you have the network cable disconnected.

It indicates it can't connect with the network.

You did still have the PLM connected when you tried this test?


Full users manual if you don't have it is a big help.

http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/p ... 3.3.10.pdf

Pages 74 and 75 are the LED actions.


To second LeeG. You should not have anything connected to the USB connector. All the communications is through the network connection.


Are you running any Anti virus programs. There are a few known problem makers.


You may want to contact UDI and start a support ticket. They are great when it comes to support.

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Brian H & Michael...


The Users Manual says...

If using a non-DHCP-enabled router, or a direct connection to a computer which is not a DHCP server using an Ethernet cross-over cable (not included), the following are required in order to configure the ISY's network parameters:

o For the ISY-99i series device you will need a null-modem serial cable and available serial port (or USB to serial adapter) on your computer.

o For the ISY-994i series device you will need a micro USB cable and available USB port on your computer.


...implying I don't need a router (which I don't have) to use the ISY.


What don't I understand?



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That's only to configure ISY to be on the same network as your computer.



1. Do you have a crossover cable?

2. Do you have a microUSB to USB cable?


Is your computer connected directly to the Internet through an on-board/off-board 3G/4G modem?


With kind regards,


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Yes, I have a crossover cable and a USB cable (the manual says micro but the port on the ISY is clearly a mini).


My connection to the Internet is an ISP-provided cable modem and an Ethernet patch cable to a NIC.



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Hi Brian,


Ok, the first question I have is whether or not you would want to communicate with your ISY remotely. If so, will you have your computer on ALL the time so that it would act as a bridge between your network and ISY?


If not, then what you need to do is to use the miniUSB cable to your computer. They use Hyperterminal (or any other terminal application) to connect to the USB port on your computer:

115200, 8, 1, None


Once connected, then login to ISY shell and on the prompt, type:


(followed by enter)


In CT, you will configure your ISY to have the same network subnet settings as your computer and the gateway/DNS will be the IP address of your computer.


Once ISY is rebooted and you have ISY's network jack connected to your computer with a cross over cable, then you can communicate with ISY on the given IP.


With kind regards,


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Thanks for your patience with my questions...I'm slowly learning.


I didn't answer your question re accessing the ISY via the net...no, I have no intention of accessing the ISY via the net. In fact, I'm trying to keep this installation as simple as possible, basically duplicating my unreliable X10 system using better hardware and taking advantage of the ISY's sunrise/sunset capability.


Would I be better off (ie. easier to implement & maintain) if I were to get a router and attach the ISY through it?



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It sounds to me like the ISY is your second network capable device - the first being your PC. It makes sense to have a router in between the cable modem and your PC, ISY. This will allow for both devices (and others down the road) to share your single internet connection as well as provide some defense against the internet for your PC. Making the ISY dependent on the PC for internet access doesn't really sound like a good idea to me.



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While adding a router does add another layer of complexity, it's not that much of a hassle and is the "Normal" configuration for most. Giving the ISY access to the internet will allow it to keep it's clock synchronized with a time server. Having both the PC and ISY online together will allow you to more easily update the firmware in the ISY or get remote support if/when needed.



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Not unless you want WiFi in which case get a router with WiFi. Pretty hard to find a consumer grade router without WiFi these days anyway. You will need a total of 4 ethernet cables. Modem ->Router, Router->PC, Router->ISY, ISY->PLM. Most routers come with one 3' ethernet cable.



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