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Replaced PLM, now scenes do not show on level or ramp rate


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My PLM failed last week. I finally got the system back up and running with a new PLM. Everything for the most part seems OK. However, when I open a scene I no longer see the devices listed in the lower half of the screen. This is where one can set on level and ramp rate. The scenes are running at ramp rates I set prior to the PLM failure but now I have no way to change them. It seems I have to remove a device from the scene then put it back in order to see that device in the lower half.


Please tell there's a more efficient way to fix this. I hate to think I have to remove and add all devices to my scenes. I have quite a few scenes and devices and I don't remember all the on levels and ramp rates for each scene.


The scenes that have controllers show in the bottom but not the others.

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Did the Restore Modem (PLM) run to completion?


What does Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Info/Status list for PLM address and connect status?


Was the ISY rebooted after the new PLM was connected to the ISY?



It should not require deleting and readding devices. Something in the process of switching to the new PLM did not execute or did not run to completion. I did not have to do anything with the devices when I installed the new PLM with v.9B firmware.

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Thanks Lee, PLM info/status: 22.81.49 V98 / connected.


I had a rough time getting the PLM swapped out. It took about 50 minutes on first pass then seemed to be stuck in a loop of 20 minutes cycles of System Busy 0 -100%. I spent about 4 1/2 hours getting it going last night


Any suggestions? I'll contact UDI support tomorrow.

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A PLM with v.98 firmware is not new. I had a v.99 running for a long time with v.9B installed now. Check the Insteon address of the new PLM versus what Show PLM Info/Status is displaying. I don't think the ISY is aware of the new PLM.

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A PLM with v.98 firmware is not new. I had a v.99 running for a long time with v.9B installed now. Check the Insteon address of the new PLM versus what Show PLM Info/Status is displaying. I don't think the ISY is aware of the new PLM.


MY old PLM has V1.0 on the back. The new PLM is V1.B date code is 1305 so it is pretty new. PLM Insteon address is the same as the ISY shows.

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Hi nowandthen,


Do you have any RF devices? If so, it's quite possible if you do NOT have PRO.


Also, if you have any INSTEON thermostats, remove the dongle and retry.


With kind regards,





The problem is the scenes don't show any modules on the lower half of the screen, so I can't set ramp rates or light level. The scenes are running at the ramp rates that the old PLM used so the ISY or PLM knows what to do. Is this related to the RF issue you referred to? I do have RF motion sensors and 3 Insteon thermostats.


I need a way to refresh the ISY and/or PLM to repopulate the devices in the lower half of the scene screens so I can adjust ramp rates and light levels.

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