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Release 4.0.4 RC1 Is Now Available

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Hi Candide,


Those errors to MobiLinc are quite worrisome. Some of them are httpS/TLS related. I am really not sure where we are getting the -6.27 from. Would it be at all possible to switch to another station and see if you still get the same -6.27? It's such a random and insignificant number that I will have to assume is coming from the station itself.



With kind regards,



I will try changing to another station, though it is intermittent so it might be a while before I am sure it no longer occurs. Just FYI the station I am connecting to is a large local airport - which I thought might be more accurate/consistent than schools and such.


The "find" function has also been giving me some issues. Sometimes it does not return anything and now it returns the wrong data when my zip code (11705 - Bayport, NY) is entered, as shown below.


P.S. - Thanks IndyMike for the Irrigation calculation explanations, it is definitely appreciated!


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pyroman175 and jmed999,

Crop coefficient


Plant needs are species dependent and defined as ETc = ETo * Kc (Kc = crop coefficient).

Cool season grasses (Bluegrass, Rye, Fescue) use Kc of 0.8

Warm season greasses (Bermuda, Saint Augustine, Zoisya, and Centipede) use a Kc of 0.8.




So warm season and cool season grasses Kc are both 0.8?


Thanks for the instructions!!!

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pyroman175 and jmed999,

Crop coefficient


Plant needs are species dependent and defined as ETc = ETo * Kc (Kc = crop coefficient).

Cool season grasses (Bluegrass, Rye, Fescue) use Kc of 0.8

Warm season greasses (Bermuda, Saint Augustine, Zoisya, and Centipede) use a Kc of 0.8.




So warm season and cool season grasses Kc are both 0.8?


Thanks for the instructions!!!




Good catch!

I had a typo in the warm season grass Kc. This should be Kc = 0.6. I've corrected it in the post above.

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My ECM-1240 is no long working again. It wiped seems to have wiped out the set options information again, everything is blank. In configuration it shows it is connected, but if I go to diagnostics, nothing shows up. In the past I could reload an older backup and it would restore the set options information. Now it doesn't restore the information.


Bob Moore

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Hello Mr. Moore,


It seems that Brultech has lost communications with ISY. Please do make sure ISY is still on one of the compatibility channels. Also, you might want to press the F1 key on Brultech so perhaps it joins.


So, did this happen on its own after the upgrade?


With kind regards,


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I should have known better but I made the mistake anyway: If you're on a mac and experiencing the file browser issue, you'll need to use methods "c", or "d" in order to install the upgrade. The version of the applet served up by the ISY still has the file-browser issue. duh.


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Hi Candide,


Please do keep us posted. The fact that the UI doesn't work either is quite problematic since it has nothing to do with ISY.


With kind regards,



I changed to another station and have not seen the "-6.27" since.

The "find" lookups are still problematic - working sometimes and not working most of the time.

I have not seen the wrong listing again, it is just blank - for my zip code.

But if I use the zip code of the next town over - it works, sort of.

It recognizes the town name - but never displays the list of weather stations.


However if I manually type in a station ID, I saved the list of them for my area, it seems to work.



Edit (update):

I started the admin shell from the browser and received a Windows Firewall warning (even though I have turned it off). After I clicked yes to allow access the lookups are now working in both the browser and the JNLP app.

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The ZigBee and ECM-1240 were working fine prior to the upgrade. I still can't get them to connect. I tried pressing the F1 button on the ECM-1240 and it did not make a difference. I do see the data light flash about every 10 seconds, which is what I had it set for. My system show the ZigBee is established, but nothing is connected. I have attached a screen shot.


Bob Moore


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Hi Candide, thanks so very much for the update.


Had ISY's IP address changed?


With kind regards,



No, the IP address was the same. However several weeks ago I changed my anti-virus from one vendor to a different one. I always turn off the Windows Firewall but I think the new package may have turned it back on. It is off now and the finder and pressure rate seems to be working. I will update if there are any more issues.

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IndyMike or Michael,

What is the recommended poling frequency when using the new irrigation module? How sensitive are the calculations to poling frequency?


BTW, looking forward to watching the new calculations. I'll have to remove all the fudge factors in my irrigation programs though :-)




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IndyMike or Michael,

What is the recommended poling frequency when using the new irrigation module? How sensitive are the calculations to poling frequency?


BTW, looking forward to watching the new calculations. I'll have to remove all the fudge factors in my irrigation programs though :-)





Hello Mark,


My personal experience is that dropouts (Weatherbug no-response) occur more frequently when the polling interval is decreased. I use a minimum polling interval of 5 minutes in my area. I've recently backed off to a 20 minute poll with no obvious impact on the Penman-Monteith calculation.


The ISY implementation of the Penman-Monteith calculation uses averages of Temperature, Depoint, and Windspeed. The temperature and depoint inputs are rather slow moving. The Windspeed is fast moving, but weatherbug provides averages (between samples) to the ISY.


The ISY calculates averages by dividing a total by the number of samples acquires ( Total Temperature/#samples = average_temp). In a perfect world, the samples would be evenly spaced (5 minute intervals) so that the calculation provides a correct average. Dropouts will affect the spacing of the samples, and thereby skew the average. Normally, this is not significant since the variables move slowly. A significant dropout (hour(s)) will affect the average. The effects on the calculation will be totally dependent on the duration of the dropout and the time of day (can't quantify).


The Hargreaves-Samani calculation is sample rate insensitive. In theory, you could acquire 2 samples (11:59 PM and 12:01 AM) and provide all the information necessary. It is used worldwide in locations where reliable Windspeed and dewpoint data are not available. The calculation is NOT as accurate as the P-M. It will significantly underestimate ETo in dry/hot/windy areas and overestimate in humid/cool areas (like mine).


I would be very interested in your observations of the new implementation(s). PM me with your location, and I may be able to provide some local state/federal resources that you can use for a comparison.



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Hello Pete,


I pulled down your weather statistics from 5/11. Based on this data, the ISY calculations are shown below. With a Kc of 0.6 (warm season grass), I'm calculating a ETc of 0.1637 in/day. This is very close to your value of 0.1575 (-0.0062 inches).


I also looked at your local Arizona METEOROLOGICAL site "Mohave 2" which appears to be near you. They predicted a ETo of 0.28 inches/day which compares very well with the ISY calculated 0.2729 inches/day (0.0071 inches). The differences here could easily be attributed to differences in local temperatures and windspeed.


The Arizona Mohave #2 site is located here : http://ag.arizona.edu/azmet/28.htm.

Use the "monthly data" tab to see predicted ETo.


From what I can see, your current values should be correct for "warm season grass" using a Kc of 0.6.


You mentioned that you also have Palms that you are irrigating. I know absolutely "beans" about Palms and can't advise you on how to adjust Kc to account for them.


The current ISY implementation does not account for multiple species of plants or multiple zones. If you determine that the requirements of your Palms are significantly different than your grass, I would encourage you to use a Kc of 1.0 (true ETo) and handle the irrigation requirements for grass/Palms separately via programs.



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Great thank you so much Indymike. I will make adjustments to the crop coefficient until it matches the farm down the road. Mohave#2 that you got the information of .28 is only about 4 miles down the road. I will now have something to compare to and dial it in exactly the way I need it. Thank you for your time and effort into my problem

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Upgrade went fine. Dashboard works fine. SnapSwitch works fine.

But, admin console reports: "Socket Open Failed javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: Server returned wrong cipher suite for session". So, I can't log into the admin console. How to fix?

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