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Trying to program using Location settings????


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having trouble understanding / programming a program using the location setting in Mobilinc. If I am understanding this correctly I can program my garage and or garage lights to open and go on when my phone gets within the parameters I have set in my phone under settings. Is this correct? If it is I am trying to have my garage door open if closed when my phone gets within the set parameters. Not sure how right this. Any guidance would be great.

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having trouble understanding / programming a program using the location setting in Mobilinc. If I am understanding this correctly I can program my garage and or garage lights to open and go on when my phone gets within the parameters I have set in my phone under settings. Is this correct? If it is I am trying to have my garage door open if closed when my phone gets within the set parameters. Not sure how right this. Any guidance would be great.


MobiLinc creates a state variable in the ISY. It's name will vary based on your iPhone name. You can see it in the state variable list of the ISY.


Values are:

0 - Out of Region

1 - In region

2- Doesn't know, either first time created or after a power failure


So if you have a program to open your garage door you can simply use



= 1


Run Program "Open Garage Door"

Run Program "Turn on Lights"


Since it is a state variable, when it changes the program above will run. If the garage is already open then the program should not change anything.

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In the original program you wouldn't need to run "Turn on Lights". Just add this program.



From 9pm to 3am


Control Garage Door Sensor is On (or Off depending on how it is wired)


Set Scene Garage Door Lights On


This program triggers at 9pm, 3am and when Garage Door Sensor changes (depending how you have it wired, either ON or OFF). We use Control instead of Status to prevent the lights coming on at 9pm if the door is already open, only if the the door opens will this trigger.


This is off the top of my head, I'm sure others will correct me or improve on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andy, can you elaborate why you used Control rather than Status - intuitively I would have used Status? Is it because the sensor is a controller for a keypad switch led or something? Sorry but it's not clear to me.



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Hi Andy, can you elaborate why you used Control rather than Status


CONTROL and STATUS definitely serve different functions, both when they trigger a program, and in how a program is evaluated once triggered. In this particular example, if one were to use STATUS, the program would evaluate TRUE when the program is triggered at 900pm if the door was already open. This has nothing to do with a sensor being a controller of a keypad or any other device. Rather, it is the nature of CONTROL versus STATUS.



from 9pm to 3am (next day)

and status garage door is open



STATUS will trigger a program evaluation at ANY change in state of a specified device. STATUS will evaluate as TRUE any time the specified condition (is on, is off, is not on, is 50%) is currently met.


CONTROL, on the other hand, will trigger a program evaluation only when the specified command is received (ON, OFF), and will evaluate as true only in that moment of time when it the command is received.


So, if the garage door were already open when the program is triggered at 9pm, then the first condition is true (it is 9pm) and the second condition is true (status garage door is open), therefore the program would be true and execute the THEN statement.


Using control instead, the first condition is TRUE (is is 9pm) but the second condition would be false, because a CONTROL is only true at the moment the command was received to open the door (which was sometime prior to 9pm). Therefore the program condition would be false, and it would execute the ELSE path.

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