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Temperature Set Point as Variable


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I've been poking around a bit but haven't seen (or missed) this proposed scenario.


I'd like a way to take the current setpoint of a thermostat and 'remember' it, perhaps by loading it into a variable register.


The purpose of this would be to have a program that temporarily sets the temp higher/lower (season dependent) and then returns it to it's previous setting after a determined amount of time.


Obviously I could define a 'return temperature', but I'd like to just restore it to the previous setting as not to disturb manual operation of the thermostat.



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This has been brought up several times in the forum, see here one such discussion:




It has been on UDI's todo list for quite some time already. For now, the only way you can do this is by manually making a seperate program for each possible setpoint in your range to set a variable accordingly.


Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

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For now, the only way you can do this is by manually making a separate program for each possible setpoint in your range to set a variable accordingly.


Yeah, no worky if someone walks up to a thermostat, pushes it up to, say, 78, and then I need to go back to that 78 after a program runs.


Thanks for the info and the link though!


I'll just wait for the eventual update.


To paraphrase a bit, "Great ISY things come to those who wait.." :D

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So is the issue that you cannot get the value from the tstat and put that into a variable?


Or that you cannot set the tstat from the variable? (which is what i think as setting devices from variables is not out yet)


So, could a program compare a variable you have to a tstat temperature query?


Then you could make a program that loops up from a smaller or higher value, decreasing one (variable) or the other (tstat set point) until they match, correct?


Just thinking outside the box a bit.



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I've been poking around a bit but haven't seen (or missed) this proposed scenario.


I'd like a way to take the current setpoint of a thermostat and 'remember' it, perhaps by loading it into a variable register.


The purpose of this would be to have a program that temporarily sets the temp higher/lower (season dependent) and then returns it to it's previous setting after a determined amount of time.


Obviously I could define a 'return temperature', but I'd like to just restore it to the previous setting as not to disturb manual operation of the thermostat.




It sounds to me like you want to create schedules for your thermostat that are specific to a time of year (season).


The following set of programs http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... _Variables allows you to create programs for your thermostat that are season dependent.


for example



$i.month >= 1

and $i.month <= 4

and time is 8am



Set thermostat to 70



- -


So from Jan to April of every year the thermostat would set to 70 at 8am. Obviously you create as many programs like this as you want and include whatever parameters you want. Like if you have weather bug you could have the thermostat also depend on the outside temp in deciding the inside temp.

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I've been poking around a bit but haven't seen (or missed) this proposed scenario.


I'd like a way to take the current setpoint of a thermostat and 'remember' it, perhaps by loading it into a variable register.


The purpose of this would be to have a program that temporarily sets the temp higher/lower (season dependent) and then returns it to it's previous setting after a determined amount of time.


Obviously I could define a 'return temperature', but I'd like to just restore it to the previous setting as not to disturb manual operation of the thermostat.




It sounds to me like you want to create schedules for your thermostat that are specific to a time of year (season).


The following set of programs http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... _Variables allows you to create programs for your thermostat that are season dependent.


for example



$i.month >= 1

and $i.month <= 4

and time is 8am



Set thermostat to 70



- -


So from Jan to April of every year the thermostat would set to 70 at 8am. Obviously you create as many programs like this as you want and include whatever parameters you want. Like if you have weather bug you could have the thermostat also depend on the outside temp in deciding the inside temp.


Thanks, I'm aware of that.


What I meant by 'season dependent' was whether a user would be turning the thermostat up or down. Sorry, it wasn't really relevant to the problem I wanted to solve.


Think of the scenario this way:


ISY sets the cool setpoint to 75. The wife comes in an hour later and manually adjusts the thermostat to 80.


Later, for whatever reason, I want to just run the A/C for 20 minutes. I run a program that puts the setpoint to 70, ensuring the A/C cycle will probably run for a while.


20 minutes later, that program ends. I would like to have the setpoint return to where it was before the program ran.


Without being able to load the current setpoint into a variable register before running the program, I have no way to know where it was set before the program ran.


I'd like to be able to do something like:



Run Cool Program

set DownStairsSetpoint to $CurrentTemp


Obviously, the verbage is off, but you get the idea.


Anyhow, not a huge deal that it can't be done currently and, as Michel stated, it's in the works.

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