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KeypadLinc 2487S Usage

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Hi all..


I am trying to use my KeypadLinc 4 scene buttons to be a passive display of on/off conditions. For example, if my motion detector is activated I want one scene button to light up. I tried using the Then action when motion detection is enabled as;


Set 'KeypadLinc - A' On


Nothing seems to happen, is this possible and has anyone had any luck with something like this?






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I recall cases where secondary keypad buttons will not respond from commands such as this. Perhaps including the keypad buttons in a scene (even if only device in the scene) and controlling the scene via program would work.

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The secondary keypad buttons cannot be controlled directly like that. You will need to create a scene for each button that you want to use this way. Create a scene and include the button as a responder (or controller if you want). Then call your scene with the program.


In the case of your example, you don't even need a program. Just make the motion detector a controller in the scene with the button.




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