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Link Management


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I'm migrating over from a HouseLinc install. I have a few dozen devices (lots of keypads) so I was hoping to save the links. But now, after examining the Link Tables (in devices and in ISY) I'm thinking this might have been mistake. I see lots of weird links. Things linked together that shouldn't be. Lots of links to the old PLM. Etc.


Forum research tells me there is no way to edit the links directly. (too bad, I have studied them extensively and I know exactly what need to be done. I just need a tool.) It also appears that there is no easy way to make the links in the devices match what I have in my ISY topology. (Again, too bad, a good feature would be: Create NEW DEVICE LINK TABLE from ISY Topology.) The ISY Link Tables seem to match the device Link Tables, not the Topology. (So, I assume the Restore Device will just put all the crap links back.)



(1) Am I correct in assuming that the only way to fix this mess is to uninstall and reinstall all the devices (without links this time)?


If so...


(2) Is there anyway to preserve the Scenes I've created, or will the devices disappear from the Scenes? (assuming I put all the devices back using the same names.)


(3) What will happen to all my programs that reference these devices and scenes?

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(1) Am I correct in assuming that the only way to fix this mess is to uninstall and reinstall all the devices (without links this time)?




(2) Is there anyway to preserve the Scenes I've created, or will the devices disappear from the Scenes? (assuming I put all the devices back using the same names.)


The Scenes cannot be preserved. The Scene names are not deleted but the devices in them are gone.


(3) What will happen to all my programs that reference these devices and scenes?


The Scene names to do not get deleted but will not have devices in them. Program reference to a device is changed to the following:


Set On




The ISY is not designed to take an existing HouseLinc setup and adjust it to run with the ISY. The PLM references to the HouseLinc PLM would have to be removed to start with. Trying to keep the ISY firmware updated to handle an evolving HouseLinc world would not be practical.

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Oh. Well if you're keeping a list …. :)


1.) Help us experienced programmers with better management of the Device Link Tables.

Option A: Edit links directly. Add/remove/edit.

Option B (better for both of us I think): Reinitialize Device. This would be like a Replace Device except it's the same device. (should be easy for you to add) It would wipe out a device's Link Table and reprogram it to match what I'm showing in my ISY GUI. MUCH BETTER than the remove/install because it would keep intact all my scenes and programs!


2.) Provide a separate 'User Login' for the ISY (good for mobile browsers of course).

The Admin can set the username and password and then select which devices and scenes are shown in a simpler interface.

Make the display compact (like 8 or 9 devices on the screen at once, showing status, continuous scroll) click on/off/setting (keyboard to enter number 0-100).

The user doesn't even have to know which are scenes and which are devices. Just On/Off/Set Level. (well, I guess scenes wouldn't have levels)

A great feature to make the system usable for the technophobes in the house who only care about turning off a light, setting the temperature or closing the garage door.


3.) Provide better programming of the EZIO devices. E.g., EZIO2x4: If I can set the Config Register, Thresholds and All-Link Group commands, I wouldn't need this stupid SimpleUtilitySuite which hasn't been updated since 2010 and doesn't even work on a network with any dual-band devices (it chokes on the duplicate messages).


4.) Provide a better all-in-one Programmers Reference. Including detail like:

- the way to nest conditionals is to click on the 'and and (…)' button, then move other existing conditions up/down into the parentheses. (took me a while to guess that one)

- conditionals are 'edge-triggered' not level-triggered. (engineers know what this means) I figure this is the case, otherwise every program would always be running either the THEN or the ELSE. Also, a bit about how the transitions are stored until executed might help too.

- explain better the run-at-startup, activity, status for programs. Does run-at-startup mean all timers that expired prior to startup will trigger? Would that include since midnight? last 24 hours? starting now? What exactly does status = true/false mean?

- then/else statements will run to completion or until a wait or repeat loop, at which time the conditions are re-checked, and upon true will restart the then/else program. Which can be avoided by having the then/else program call a second stand-alone program, which always runs to completion regardless of waits/repeats.


Thanks for the great support.



============== EDIT =============

List copied as New Topic Post in the Product Request forum.

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I guess I misunderstood, Bill.


This isn't exactly what I need because the 'restore device' uses the link table already stored in the ISY which (unfortunately for me) was imported from the device. And, if you've migrated from an old Houselinc network, both link tables (device and ISY) include old bogus links. I'm trying to get rid of these (without trashing all my scenes and programs).


I guess my 1b is not like the 'replace device' then. But rather -> Make a link table that matches what is showing in the ISY GUI, then load the device with it.

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