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Multiple authentication request


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Just recently I upgraded to the ISY-994-Pro from the old ISY-99.

Now I notice that whenever I log in to the ISY admin interface, it keep asking me repeatedly to authenticate myself.

It is a enough of a nuisance to have to authenticate myself several times just to get to the interface, without doing so several times more once I am logged in.


It seems to happen about half to a dozen times until things settle down.

The requests come at about 10-20 second intervals - my best guess without actually timing the request.


I am using FF 26.0 to log in and do have the Java console open.

My software says is is UD994 version 4.0.5


Anyone else have the problem or know why it comes about

and how to fix it? ;)



Thank you;

I had installed Kaspersky Antivirus in the meantime, though I seem to recall the same problem prior to that.


In any case it now does what I want :-)

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