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EZIO8SA mysteriously turning devices ON?


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Hi LeeG,


Thanks as always for the detective work!


Was there no change in the status of Relay 1 from 9:13 to 9:35? In short, if the status was 0 (off) and then ISY sensed 0 again (off), then it shouldn't have run that program and definitely a bug. Would you be kind enough to look in your logs to see whether or not the status changed?


With kind regards,


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Relay 1 was Off between the times you asked about. Here is the log ...


EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 2 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:46 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 3 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:46 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 4 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:46 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 5 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:46 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 6 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:46 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 7 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:46 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 8 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:46 AM System Log

X10 A10 Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:48 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 9 Status 100% Fri 2014/03/21 09:12:49 AM System Log

EZIO8SA Status Query Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM Web Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM Program Log

X10 A12 On (3) Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM Program Log

EZIO8SA Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 2 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 3 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 4 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 5 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 6 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 7 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 8 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:36 AM System Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:39 AM System Log

EZIO8SA / EZIO8SA - 9 Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:13:39 AM System Log

T2491T1E - Main Status 23° Fri 2014/03/21 09:31:58 AM System Log

T2491T1E - Main Status 22° Fri 2014/03/21 09:34:09 AM System Log

EZIO8SA Status Query Fri 2014/03/21 09:35:04 AM Web Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:35:04 AM Program Log

X10 A12 On (3) Fri 2014/03/21 09:35:04 AM Program Log

EZIO8SA Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:35:04 AM System Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:35:07 AM System Log

T2491T1E - Main Status 23° Fri 2014/03/21 09:35:17 AM System Log

EZIO8SA Status Query Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:09 AM Web Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:09 AM Program Log

X10 A12 Off (11) Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:09 AM Program Log

EZIO8SA Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:09 AM System Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:12 AM System Log

EZIO8SA Status Query Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:26 AM Web Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:26 AM Program Log

X10 A12 Off (11) Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:26 AM Program Log

EZIO8SA Status 0% Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:26 AM System Log

X10 A12 Fri 2014/03/21 09:36:29 AM System Log



Note that at 09:35:46 is the start of a Query which has a trace entry showing Relay 1 Off and the Program being triggered which issued the X10 command.


At 09:36:03 was another Query which also has a trace entry that shows Relay 1 Off and the Program being triggered again issuing another X10 command.


There is no trace entry showing Relay 1 On.


The event trace at the beginning of my previous post was to show the event trace shows all the relays if there was an actual change in state. The two Query commands at the end of that post was to show the Program was triggered even though there was no change to On for Relay 1, That is, the Status did not change, yet the Program with an If Status was triggered.

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Hi LeeG,


Thanks so very much for the details and sincere apologies for tardy reply.



Do you have any programs that turn A12 (on)?

X10 A12 On (3) Fri 2014/03/21 09:35:04 AM Program Log


Also, how did you do the query? Please note that:

1. If you query from the Admin Console on the node itself, then, first ISY clears all previous states and thus the status is NULL. Any updates to NULL (either on or off) will cause the program to run

2. If you query from the program, then current states are NOT cleared and thus the program should not run


Please advise.


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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The X10 messages come from the test Program at the bottom of one of my previous posts. It is a test Program only to show if a Program was being triggered. At the time you noted the Program was issuing an X10 On when the Program was triggered. I changed the Program to issue an X10 Off (rather than an X10 On) when the Program was triggered True by the If Status 'EZIO8SSA' is Off.


I was issuing a Query using the Admin Console. I have confirmed a Query from a Program does not trigger the Program. No Program trigger in trace below from a Program issued Query.



Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:34 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0D FC 71 0F 4F 02

Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:34 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0D.FC.71 0F 4F 02 06 IOCTL (QUERY)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:34 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0D.FC.71 22.80.0B 2B 4F 00 IOCTL (00)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:34 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 0D.FC.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:34 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0D FC 71 0F 49 00

Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:35 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0D.FC.71 0F 49 00 06 RINPUT (00)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:35 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0D.FC.71 22.80.0B 2B 49 30 RINPUT (30)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:19:35 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 0D.FC.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:51 PM : [ Time] 14:22:18 0(0)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:51 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0D FC 71 0F 4F 02

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:51 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0D.FC.71 0F 4F 02 06 IOCTL (QUERY)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:51 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0D.FC.71 22.80.0B 2B 4F 00 IOCTL (00)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:51 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 0D.FC.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:51 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0D FC 71 0F 49 00

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:51 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0D.FC.71 0F 49 00 06 RINPUT (00)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:52 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0D.FC.71 22.80.0B 2B 49 30 RINPUT (30)

Mon 03/24/2014 02:21:52 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 0D.FC.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2



Sorry to have wasted time chasing a 'normal' situation.

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  • 5 months later...

Well isn't that special! This is probably the 6th undocumented feature of the EZIO8SA I've encountered, and by far the most expensive one.




Perhaps I'll also publish a list of EZIO8SA undocumented features if this ends well to save others a lot of grief.


I realized recently that I hadn't updated this thread with how things ended. I ended up shipping back the two EZIO8A I had (they had sent me a single band version to see if that fixed my problems and forced me to pay for it.) It took a couple of months to get my money back for the original (dual band) unit because it exceeded the 15 day refund window, although they claimed they had sent me a paypal refund sooner than that. I'll take their word for it that they tried but there was no history of it in my paypal account and it certainly took no time to fix the problem when I followed up.


Anyway, I moved all the HVAC relays I wanted the EZIO8SA to control to a Digital Loggers DIN Relay http://www.digital-loggers.com/din.html (thanks to Xathros for the suggestion), which has been rock solid reliable. The only problem (perhaps) with the DIN relay is that I can't query it, however I don't need to (unlike the insteon based IOLinc solution I had before trying the EZIO8SA). Interestingly, because ISY doesn't directly track the DIN relay relays directly (I use variables to do it), I can override some HVAC settings using the DIN relay's built in web server or the iOS app for it without writing all kinds of conditions in my ISY programs to allow manual override of my automation. That's been a nice bonus that has also helped me more easily test/fine tune when I want certain HVAC events to occur and not (e.g. particularly for furnace fan on/off, dampers open/close, etc. to re-balance air temp in parts of the house)


Main lessons learned:


- Smartenit is NOT fixing bugs or making improvements to their insteon devices (they're focus is zigbee). I got this directly from Justin at tech support.

- The documentation beyond the one pager that comes with the EZIO-series of devices sucks

- Despite telling me improvements to documentation would be made and asking me for suggestion (which I wasted my time providing) no improvements were made, despite the many known bugs that aren't being fixed


While I did get a refund minus Cdn-to-US exchange rate loses both ways (including for the test unit I was sent), I wasted close to 100 hours troubleshooting problems (mostly the one in this thread) that ended up being known issues.


I'll let folks decide whether any of this is important to them or not but will say I don't plan to buy anything from Smartenit in the future.

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eventually I'm going to get rid of the EZIO8 and go DIN once everything else is working and solid (oxymoron using the EZIO). Thanks for the update.



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I'm glad I was able to point you at the DIN Relay.  It is an excellent little device and I've been very happy with mine too.  I recently moved control of my garage doors over to the DIN relay to avoid the possibility of an Insteon All-On event opening my doors when I'm away.



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I recently moved control of my garage doors over to the DIN relay to avoid the possibility of an Insteon All-On event opening my doors when I'm away.



Good idea. I was avoiding garage door automation using IOLincs because of concerns around reliability of insteon, at least in my house, and some weird still unexplained behaviour I had encountered using them with my hvac. The recent postings about all on commands had me feeling pretty good about that call even though that particular issue hasn't affected me (yet, anyway... knock on wood) and I do hope it gets resolved.


How are you "sensing" the door open when the (unconnected to ISY) remote or keypad is used, or are you?



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Im still using the IOLinc sensors on the doors. I simply took control of the doors off the IOLinc relays.





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Yes.  It has a very clean and simple Web UI for control and configuration that is easily driven via the ISY's network module.  I have uploaded my set of DIN Relay resource rules for the new database already.  In addition, they have an iOS app for the DIN Relay and their web power strip (same device built into a power strip).  Not a very pretty app but it does work.


Both of these devices can be configured to ping other devices and cycle a relay/outlet upon ping response failure.  Handy for network devices that can hang on occasion. 



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Yes.  It has a very clean and simple Web UI for control and configuration that is easily driven via the ISY's network module.  I have uploaded my set of DIN Relay resource rules for the new database already.  In addition, they have an iOS app for the DIN Relay and their web power strip (same device built into a power strip).  Not a very pretty app but it does work.


Both of these devices can be configured to ping other devices and cycle a relay/outlet upon ping response failure.  Handy for network devices that can hang on occasion. 



This unit looks like it executes a PLC language type code also so it can become fairly self contained.


What level does the ISY Network interface interact with it? Does it trigger macro like routines, operate individual devices, both, or other?


Is there any feedback to relay positions so other control sources can be detected?


Are the relays latching and/or failsafe?

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This unit looks like it executes a PLC language type code also so it can become fairly self contained.


What level does the ISY Network interface interact with it? Does it trigger macro like routines, operate individual devices, both, or other?


Is there any feedback to relay positions so other control sources can be detected?


Are the relays latching and/or failsafe?

Yes, I believe there are some coding possibilities built in.  I have not explored it's capabilities in that reguard.


So far, I have just built network rules to simulate clicking the controls in it's web UI to turn On/Off or Cycle a relay.


There may be the ability to query the relays via the web but since the ISY's network module is one way at the moment, that wouldn't work.  There may also be the possibility of the PLC code in the relay executing a /REST call to the ISY to update a variable or set a device/scene state but again, I have not explored that possibility as of yet.


As I recall, each relay can be configured to be either off, on or previous state at power up.  They do however require power to remain in the On state so they are not mechanically latching.



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  • 4 weeks later...

... I have uploaded my set of DIN Relay resource rules for the new database already....



Xathros - where might I find your resource rules / dinrelay setup? The UDI wiki does not have seem to them in the "External" section yet.  Thanks for your help!

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Xathros - where might I find your resource rules / dinrelay setup? The UDI wiki does not have seem to them in the "External" section yet. Thanks for your help!

See this thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13909-call-for-network-resources-crowdsourcing-request/





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