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Elk "Speaking" Wrong Thing (actually extra thing)


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All of my ISY programs that trigger speaking from Elk have started doing the wrong thing. They all add "is disarmed" after what they are supposed to say.


For example.


       On Tue
       From     6:00:01AM
       To       9:50:00AM (same day)
   And $iTrash.Tuesday is 0
   And (
            Elk Zone 'Back Door' is Violated
         Or Elk Zone 'Garage Door' is Violated

       Set Elk Speak Word 'Driveway'
       $iTrash.Tuesday  = 1

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


This should just say "driveway", but it instead says "driveway is disarmed". Other programs do the same thing.


What gives?

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Hi apostolakisl,


What has changed in your system? Did you upgrade ISY, Elk, add any Elk rules, add new programs etc.


Can you try creating the following simple program and post the event viewer and log after you run it


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set Elk Speak Word 'Driveway'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I'll give that a try when I get home. I don't recall making any changes before this started. I had added some custom words to Elk maybe 2 months ago and those worked fine at first. Then maybe a month ago I noticed it started adding the extra "is disarmed" thing. It adds it to my custom word programs and non-custom words.

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OK, I seem to have fixed it. First off, adding your new program and testing it worked fine.


So, I changed the word "driveway" to another random word, saved it, and it worked fine. It changed it back to driveway and now it works fine.


Same with all of my "speak" programs.


Glad you fixed it but this was very Strange, did the old programs continue to say "is disarmed" until you changed them?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You need a telephone that provides its own power for touch tone (doesn't get power from the phone line. . . it has a wall wart).


Stand in front of your Elk keypad with the phone in hand. Go to "system settings" (option 8), then under that go to "custom voice recording" (option 7). I forget the fine details, but you should be able to figure it out from there. I think you hit record on the keypad then pick up the phone, or something like that. It gives you voice prompts.


EDIT: And this assumes that you have your house phones connected to Elk.

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Glad you fixed it but this was very Strange, did the old programs continue to say "is disarmed" until you changed them?




Thanks, if it ever happens again can you please export the program XML and either post it here or send it to me.





Another one of my Elk voice announcements has added "is disarmed" to the end of the correct message.

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