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Itunes and ISY994i


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Hey there guys !

Do you guys know any solution to use with ISY and a Mac that I can press a keypad button to listen to a playlist on itunes ?!

I have a few commands running using a HomeServer through mac and terminal. Like to play a mp3 audio through speakers, but i would like to run a playlist file.


I have a HomeServer working as

All my files are on the CGI-Executables folder...

When I call the files through Network Resources, I get things working (e.g.

The file chime would have this content:



afplay /Library/Server/Web/Data/CGI-Executables/chime.mp3


I also have an mp3 file in the folder.

I use to when I open the door, I hear this "ding" sound through my speaker which is in my main hallway on the ceiling with the output from the mac computer.


Another one I have is this:



osascript -e 'set volume 5'


This would change the volume of the system so when I play the chime file, depending of the time would be louder.


NOW, I made this file (that works locally, but not working when I call through network resources, like the others)



open /Library/Server/Web/Data/CGI-Executables/birdsradio.webloc[/color]


This would open this file which is an internet radio link, it makes the computer open itunes and play the radio through my speakers and I also have this one to stop itunes :



killall iTunes


That also works locally but not through the Network Resources.


This is a bit advanced but I figured it out all by myself so its not supposed to be a biiiig deal.



Thanks a lot !

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Hi snowtech,


You do need a web server on your MAC to perform the shell functions while providing a URL for ISY to connect to and execute.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel, thanks for the answer.

I actually have the WebServer running, I just don't know whats next after I have the web server running.



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Hi snowtech,


Can you give the URLs to control your iTunes from the web server?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel, thanks for willing to help !!!

What do you mean the URL? I am controlling using the ip address for the server on my network.


Thats how I call it through the network resources:



I have a script called bossanova which opens the file with the iTunes


If I click the file locally (using the computer where the files are hosted) it works no problem, but if I call it from another computer, it doesn't work. I have the same idea working but on mp3 files like "chimes", when door opens I hear the chimes, but the server doesn't open any application to run the mp3. I also have one that's called birds, this one plays birds sounds throughout the house from an mp3 file (it just feels like I'm in a peaceful area, lol). I actually think that I can't open the internet radio because requires an application to run it and the problem is, you cannot (i think) open an app on one computer using another computer … At least that what it looks like to me…


Thanks a lot !

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Does it need to be iTunes? There is a command line utility called mplayer that would likely be much easier to operate via shell script than iTunes.



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Does it need to be iTunes? There is a command line utility called mplayer that would likely be much easier to operate via shell script than iTunes.




Hi Xathros

Thanks for jumping in.

The reason i want itunes is because i need to open a file which is an internet radio streaming file... And i need an application like itunes to play it...



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Gotcha! Makes sense. I know some here are using Sonos for this.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I could purchase a whole sonos system, or even the new bose system with the 6 "favourite buttons", it would work like that but i would like when I press a insteon button it would just play the internet radio I set up before.

I might be in the wrong forum because my problem is calling the application to run from another computer, not really an issue with the insteon…

But Im pretty sure one of the users here would know the answer … and plus, I think would be really useful for others to start using as well...

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  • 4 weeks later...

It looks like people are not really willing to help... 300 views and nobody would be interested in finding out how to do it ? At least, conversation so people try to achieve it together ... but nothing ...

I actually figured that out myself and I don't feel like sharing the solution ... So sad !



Thanks Michel and Xathros though!

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While I do not have a Mac and don't know much about it nor do I use iTunes via the ISY, you might look at MPD (Music Player Daemon). I don't know for sure it will work for you but it is pletty light weight so it doesn't consume a lot of resources, at least on my pogoplug. I run mpd on my pogoplug (running Archlinux) which uses a play list containing 3 or 4 internet stations (that I selected) that I can cycle thru with my X10 remote (via programs on the ISY). But that playlist can also contain music from your computer or server as well.


Good luck!


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Wow snowtech ... That is harsh.

If I had a Mac (I don't) and if I used iTunes (I don't) and I knew how to setup and program a webserver on a Mac (I don't) then I would have been more than happy to help you figure out how to get your music to play off a KeypadLinc.

That is exactly what I wanted to do with my whole house Sonos almost four years ago ... I waited over a year hoping for someone to help me. Then I just dove into it and read everything I could get my hands on and tried to learn as much as I could. Then I would sit down and I would try and try and try again until I got something that worked for me. I was extremely lucky that people had pieces of my puzzle scattered around the internet that helped me pull my needs all together.

Was I disappointed that I did not get much help here? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Not everyone has my setup or is interested in what I did.

Did I say I would not share my results because no one helped me? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I was more than happy to share everything that I learned with the board here.

This board is a community and it is all built on sharing. I could not have accomplished anything without this board. I frequent this board daily and I learn something every day.

I do not post a lot. I don't feel I have much to say. I read your original post. I thought your attempt was great. Unfortunately I had nothing to offer you for help. That does not mean that I would not be interested in your results. There is a lot of information here that although I may never use it I find it very interesting to learn.

I guess that is why I enjoy this site and this 'hobby' - there is always so much to learn. This board is 'blessed' with many members that help users over and over again out the the shear pleasure of seeing them learn.

I certainly hope that you rethink some of your statements and become another sharing member of this community.

Wishing you all the best.



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  • 1 month later...
Wow snowtech ... That is harsh.

If I had a Mac (I don't) and if I used iTunes (I don't) and I knew how to setup and program a webserver on a Mac (I don't) then I would have been more than happy to help you figure out how to get your music to play off a KeypadLinc.

That is exactly what I wanted to do with my whole house Sonos almost four years ago ... I waited over a year hoping for someone to help me. Then I just dove into it and read everything I could get my hands on and tried to learn as much as I could. Then I would sit down and I would try and try and try again until I got something that worked for me. I was extremely lucky that people had pieces of my puzzle scattered around the internet that helped me pull my needs all together.

Was I disappointed that I did not get much help here? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Not everyone has my setup or is interested in what I did.





Hi Dwight


May I take you up on that? :P


I am setting out to control sonos from isy and a keypad. Are you able to point me in the right direction? Also how do you find the results/capabilities/limitations to be ?




Ps: If this gets lengthy I will start a separate thread

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My thread I started is here:



My needs at the time are explained in the post. It took me a year but I finally got it sorted to do what I wanted it to do.


The biggest hurdle I think is the one-way communication of the ISY - you can send out network commands but it cannot receive any replies. For what I needed to do this limitation did not really affect me. But if you have more complicated Sonos needs then this type of communication is not enough. I would like to play with voice announcements but because I have eight Sonos zones in my house the logistics of which ones are grouped and which ones are controllers and what media is queued or playing that would need to be interrupted - well - that is just too much for the ISY as it now stands.


You can search for Sonos in the forums and there are a few old threads that supplied me with 'clues' as to what to look for and if you have a defined need then it may be possible to accomplish a task. If you have a simple Sonos setup without numerous zones then automation may be slightly easier.


Although this is not my thread it might be all you need to get started:



If there is anything I can do to help you figure something out then please ask away. I am not saying I will have an answer or even be much help but I would still be interested in any outcome you have - positive or not!



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My thread I started is here:



My needs at the time are explained in the post. It took me a year but I finally got it sorted to do what I wanted it to do.


The biggest hurdle I think is the one-way communication of the ISY - you can send out network commands but it cannot receive any replies. For what I needed to do this limitation did not really affect me. But if you have more complicated Sonos needs then this type of communication is not enough. I would like to play with voice announcements but because I have eight Sonos zones in my house the logistics of which ones are grouped and which ones are controllers and what media is queued or playing that would need to be interrupted - well - that is just too much for the ISY as it now stands.


You can search for Sonos in the forums and there are a few old threads that supplied me with 'clues' as to what to look for and if you have a defined need then it may be possible to accomplish a task. If you have a simple Sonos setup without numerous zones then automation may be slightly easier.


Although this is not my thread it might be all you need to get started:



If there is anything I can do to help you figure something out then please ask away. I am not saying I will have an answer or even be much help but I would still be interested in any outcome you have - positive or not!




Thanks Dwight!!


I will read up and either reply on your thread or start a new one. Thanks for being so helpful, as I have found most to be on this forum!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
While I do not have a Mac and don't know much about it nor do I use iTunes via the ISY, you might look at MPD (Music Player Daemon). I don't know for sure it will work for you but it is pletty light weight so it doesn't consume a lot of resources, at least on my pogoplug. I run mpd on my pogoplug (running Archlinux) which uses a play list containing 3 or 4 internet stations (that I selected) that I can cycle thru with my X10 remote (via programs on the ISY). But that playlist can also contain music from your computer or server as well.


Good luck!


Thanks man, I will give it a try !!!!!


Hi snowtech,


I am so very sorry that we could not find a solution. I must admit that MAC is not my expertise and thus the inability to be helpful.


With kind regards,


Thanks Michel, you are always a great help, I just found a different solution that works like a charm !


Did you consider that maybe the people that did happen to look at this thread didn't have the answer, but were interested in the solution, just as you are?


Good luck getting help in the future...

You are right man ... I was just desperate...

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