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ISY support for Insteon Hub


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ISY drivers for the Insteon Hub may prove beneficial to capture a lot of "tired" Hub owners that want to upgrade to the more powerful environment of the ISY. I was one that purchased one and luckily could return it. It was a mistake for me and would have sat in the junk bin.


- This could capture much future business as Hub users want conditional logic.

- The PLM or Serial port version may be discontinued

- Serial port I/Fs are becoming scarce

- The Hub and ISY can be fed off different power sources and located separately.

- The price difference (Hub/PLM) is now comparable, depending on combo package bought.

- All hardware required (Ethernet) is already installed in the ISY

- Hub and ISY would be a cheaper alternative to Hub and HomeSeer/Other plus PC.

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Hi larryllix,


We have deliberated about this issue so many times and we always got to the same conclusion: adding the network layer on top of INSTEON simply increases our support and reliability issues especially related to networking, broken sockets, IP changes, UDP missing packets, etc.


We have been in contact with SmartHome and I am hoping that they will help us make our own PLM and perhaps one internal to ISY.


With kind regards,


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Hello everyone,


Thanks so very much for your support and encouragement. One of our own customers, Vitaliy, did an analysis on the PLM circuit and found the possible causes for some of PLM issues. It would be absolutely fantastic if we could make our own PLM ... the only drawback would be that they are not field upgradeable (we explicitly designed the Z-Wave module that not only the boot loader but also the Z-Wave chip itself is field upgradeable through ISY). This said, having our own PLM will enable us to make it very reliable.


With kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...

This is wonderful news for sure! You can be certain I will order as soon as you are taking orders for them.



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Michel, my credit card is burning my fingers waiting to order the plm replacement! :D


Wow that might open up UDI devices, with the MS partnership and support into Insteon, you could find yourself in a whole new world of customers with highly reliable devices!



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Any chance that this might also lead to an Insteon troubleshooting type device or enhanced diagnostics in the ISY for working out troublesome comm issues?



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I'm still on my first plm but it seems only a matter of time. Very excited to get the udi version as I'm sure it will be not only more reliable but have some other interesting features as well. One idea would be a built in filterlinc...


Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk

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I would PAY MORE, if it had some strength of signal indicators on it, like bars to show transmission strengh or even an lcd screen to show received strength from the power line and the RF antenna.


How about an external RF antenna, and I know there is some issues with making sure it can NEVER be hot from an internal failure...


And when you get your PLM built, next products I would love :)


WIRED motion sensors, or wired motion sensor switches like Leviton has


a signal diagnostic device that would show the rf and pl receipts and their relative strength. Be nice if it had a transmit mode so we could watch a level three and count the hops etc on the ISY itself.


Dreaming I know..

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am kind of guessing that this will not be available for a couple of more months? I just had another plm go out - 4th one - this one only a little over 2 months! Kind of makes you wonder! Also have had a high failure rate on keypads - 4 or five in the last 6 months, all doing the same thing!




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Our 2413S PLMs are not the only ones experiencing failures.

In the Smartenit Forums. A EZFlora user said their unit was failing.

Seems most of their problems are on the base PLM they get from Smartlabs and not their custom Daughter Cards.

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