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Harmony Ultimate Hub Question


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Is it possible that the ISY could send a command to the Harmony Ultimate? I can control it from my iPhone so it uses my network. Any help would be great. Ultimately what I want to do is when I open my door it triggers the ISY to send a signal to my logitech hub to start my activity for playing music and it begins playing music when I come home.


It would be pretty nice! :D

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Just out of curiosity, are session tokens/cookies on the roadmap for the network module? I just bumped into this limitation again today with my Unifi access point controller.



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Hi Xathros,


Not natively because sessions mean different things to different platforms. This said, once we have variables incorporated into the network module, hopefully you can assign a variable to a session and then use it in other resources. This said, the main problem becomes hydration: who's going to get the first session and would it possible invalidate other sessions?


With kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...

I've given some basic thought to this as it is something I would like to do eventually.  I believe there may be a 'physical' solution; in that the ISY has IR and I think there is a network device that can send IR as well.


From Harmony to ISY would work with the hub / IR Blaster pointed at the ISY.  This would allow the remote to issue commands to the ISY.

I've not looked much at the other way around though where the ISY issues commands to the Harmony.  I had assumed I would go the route with the network blaster to issue IR commands directly to the equipment.



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Would the reverse be possible? Ie. Will it be possible to control scenes in the ISY from a harmony ultimate remote?


Unless I've badly misunderstood what you asked, yes, that's how it works by default; the Harmony remote or its Hub issues IR commands via its two "IR Blasters" I have attached.


As Michel noted, you do have to write (at least two, see below) programs for each IR command. In my case, I use a Harmony button PRESS as the "On" command, and button HOLD as "Off". I've not been able to reliably get DOUBLE-PRESS to work, however I only need on and off, so press and hold work fine.


At this time I have only 17 scenes I want to control this way, so it took 34 simple programs to make this work. Here's one pair as an example:


       IR_001 is Pressed
      Set Scene "Overhead" On
       IR_001 is Held
      Set Scene "Overhead" Off


But the OP asked about ISY sending to Harmony (via IR, I assume), the reverse of the above, and I don't believe that's possible. The IR interface on the ISY is "receive only", and can't transmit. I don't know if the Network Resources module can "talk" to the Harmony Hub, though.

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But the OP asked about ISY sending to Harmony (via IR, I assume), the reverse of the above, and I don't believe that's possible. The IR interface on the ISY is "receive only", and can't transmit. I don't know if the Network Resources module can "talk" to the Harmony Hub, though.


Found one of the threads: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/10986-global-cache-itach-wf2ir-help-needed/?hl=blaster


There is the Global Cache WiFi 2 IR Blaster; and also some Raspberry PI solutions mentioned in that thread.  The ISY would issue a network command to the IR Blaster that would send the IR signal to whatever you had it pointed at.



It allows me two way iR control with my native remotes, to use a KPL to turn on or off the equipment in a "macro" fashion. I update house occupancy with the iR remotes being received.

Edited by MaddBomber83
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  • 4 months later...

Has anyone made any progress or experimented with this?   It's time to replace my old Harmony remote.  and I'm thinking of the Harmony Ultimate as well...  I use iRule on my devices, but the need for a tactile universal remote is important for guests and kids in the house.

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