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Programs Keep Getting Corrupted

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So i just started using ISY having previously used Houselinc to automate basic things. Naturally, ISY has more programming capabilities, but this annoying thing keeps happening to me. The programs will just stop working after developing in the interface for a bit. To test my programs I right click and do run the then path. At some point they stop working. And not even just the one I'm working but all of them.


After chasing my tail for a while here's what I found....this is a bug. Apparently i develop these things too quickly busting out several of them using copies of some that I considered templates. This is somehow causing the corruptions to occur.



I created a program called Office Wing On Program with no if conditions. I test it and then move onto the net program test it...etc...etc --- suddenly programs no longer work. Tried the obvious stuff: clear java cache, reboot the system, export the programs and reimport....nothing worked

However , I found creating identical new programs works. In short, it isn't my programming that is wrong or commuication issue. I have the non-working and working program enabled side by side and they are identical. Simple stuff like just "Set Scene 'blick' On and no IF conditions.


Bottom line, programs get corrupted and do not work. If i recreate them new identically they work. If i copy the corrupted programs they do not work either, so the problem follows around the copy...even when exporting and reimporting. The only thing that works is recreating identically from scratch, but I'm growing weary of recreating my programs. 3 times in less than a week!


Has anyone ever seen this...how am i causing this to occur?

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Java would only affect the Admin console on your PC. The internal ISY firmware does not run on Java. This sounds to me more like you have a program(s) stuck in a tight loop keeping the ISY busy. Check the program summary page for running programs when this occurs.



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Hi knjhome,


In addition to Xathros excellent observations, if you have any type of firewall software that might be blocking communications with devices not on the white list, would probably cause the same slow responses.


This said, none of the above conditions should cause programs to get corrupted. Programs should either get Saved or not get Saved. And if saved, and the conditions are valid, they should either run Then or Else.


With kind regards,


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Thanks Guys.


Programs save fast in milliseconds after restating the ISY. After further investigation, the X10 portion of the ISY seems to be flaking out. Goes into perpetual "System Busy" with "X10 P1/off(11)" then "X10 P1/on(3)" over and over and over....this causes an X10 broadcast storm in way that no insteon or x10 will respond via ISY. Houslinc never had this issue...its rock solid. Probably go back to using it for x10 and ISY for insteon only.


Only way to stop ISt when it does this is by unplugging it. Once it restarts then its back to normal and the broadcast storm is gone.

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Like xathros, the only theory that I can come up with is a program looping. While unlikely, I assume, it is worth checking. Do you have any programs with this X-10 address? Have you confirmed, yet?

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