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I building my Android control of ISY around Tasker, AutoRemote (to allow ISY to adjust Tasker variables in response to device state changes), PowerToggles (to launch Tasker scenes) and Pushover (for ISY to User notifications). Its working great so far - using nothing more than the REST API. I use Tasker Scenes to present a UI.


For instance, I have a 'Door' button on my notification pull down. If I click it, I get a scene show asking 'Sure you want to operate the door?' With a large 'No' and a small 'Yes' button. Pressing 'Yes' calls my ISY program to operate the door. Open and close events are sent by Pushover (to alert me) and AutoRemote to update a Tasker variable, and that variable is used to show door state in another scene - without having to poll. I provide a 'Refresh' button that calls an ISY program to cycle thru all the status programs, to re-push all status.


Its great that state of devices gets pushed with AutoRemote to variables, so widgets show status immediately without have to do polling or subscriptions.


The thing that will *really* supercharge this is variable substitution in network resources. That way instead of device state in Tasker being 'On' or 'Off', I'll be able to send the actual value. I'll be able to display thermostat settings etc etc. Just cannot do that now without hundreds of rules, or externalizing ISY->AutoRemote.


Some day (hopefully), I'll write it up.... I was rather hoping for the network module / variable enhancements first.

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I building my Android control of ISY around Tasker, AutoRemote (to allow ISY to adjust Tasker variables in response to device state changes), PowerToggles (to launch Tasker scenes) and Pushover (for ISY to User notifications). Its working great so far - using nothing more than the REST API. I use Tasker Scenes to present a UI.


For instance, I have a 'Door' button on my notification pull down. If I click it, I get a scene show asking 'Sure you want to operate the door?' With a large 'No' and a small 'Yes' button. Pressing 'Yes' calls my ISY program to operate the door. Open and close events are sent by Pushover (to alert me) and AutoRemote to update a Tasker variable, and that variable is used to show door state in another scene - without having to poll. I provide a 'Refresh' button that calls an ISY program to cycle thru all the status programs, to re-push all status.


Its great that state of devices gets pushed with AutoRemote to variables, so widgets show status immediately without have to do polling or subscriptions.


The thing that will *really* supercharge this is variable substitution in network resources. That way instead of device state in Tasker being 'On' or 'Off', I'll be able to send the actual value. I'll be able to display thermostat settings etc etc. Just cannot do that now without hundreds of rules, or externalizing ISY->AutoRemote.


Some day (hopefully), I'll write it up.... I was rather hoping for the network module / variable enhancements first.


I look forward to you exporting all your profiles. :lol:

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I'll see if I can write up my garage door solution first. A single function widget I think will be an easy place to get the concept across - and it was my own starting point. After the first was working, I found myself spending hours of 'oh, and this.... And this....' Etc. Suddenly It is 2qm again... :o

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Here are my initial notes about controlling my garage door with a combination of ISY (via the REST interface and network resources), Tasker and AutoRemote. I know this does not format well - I have it in a word document that I'm working on - but wanted to get it posted for the more adventurous... I have also noted how I switch the ISY URL based on network - so I can avoid SSL delays when I'm on the internal network. I may have the order wrong - YMMV. Sometimes, I have to exit Tasker and re-open it for it to recognise certain things - especially 'Run Task' actions if I recently defined the task.


Need:	Tasker	https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.dinglisch.android.taskerm
AutoRemote	https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.joaomgcd.autoremote
($3.99)		Note personal URL: http://goo.gl/Q4Iitz		(Case Sensitive)
		Visit the URL and note the API key:  XXYYZZ
PowerToggles	https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.painless.pc
(Free)		This sits in the notification tray to allow easy triggering of Tasker tasks

On ISY, create a program 'GarageDoor - Operate'. Disable it. Under 'Then' - add your program for your action. In my case - it calls an Elk function. It should probably call the IOLinc for most people...
Save Changes, then view the 'Summary' tab. Note the ID of this program (0084 in my case)

Create network resource (Get the API key from the goo.gl redirect above):
AR - Door - Garage Door - Closed	HTTPS GET
				/sendmessage?key=XXYYZZ&message=SETVAR ISYStateGarageDoor 0=:=VAR
AR - Door - Garage Door - Open		HTTPS GET
				/sendmessage?key=XXYYZZ&message=SETVAR ISYStateGarageDoor 1=:=VAR	
Test these – make sure AutoRemote shows the toasts on RX
Create a program to run the ‘AR - Door - Garage Door – Open’ network resource when the door opens – and ‘AR - Door - Garage Door – Closed’ when the door closes. Test. Make sure the toasts from AutoRemote are coming up on your phone when the door opens and closes. Make sure that when you ‘RunThen’ the ‘GarageDoor - Operate' program the door operates.

Create the following Tasker variables:
%IsyUrlInternal		URL for the ISY internal to home network (http://user:password@
%IsyUrlExternal		URL for the ISY external to home network (https://user:password@host.dyndns.org)
%IsyUrl			Blank, initially

Create Tasker Scene
Activate Garage Door	Contains a ‘Are you Sure’ text box, ‘Activate Door’ button (btnYes), ‘Cancel’ button (btnCancel) and a test box for status (txtStatus).
			btnCancel / Tap		Destroy Scene / ‘Activate Door’
			btnYes / Tap		Perform Task / ISY-RunThen %par1=0084
							Destroy Scene / ‘Activate Door’

Create tasks:
Home-Arrive			'Variables' 'Variable Set' '%IsyUrl' to 'IsyUrlInternal'
Home-Leave			'Variables' 'Variable Set' '%IsyUrl' to 'IsyUrlExternal'
ISY-RunThen			'Net' 'HTTP Get' / Server:Port = '%IsyUrl' / Path = '/rest/programs/%par1/runThen
					'Trust Any Certificate' may be necessary if you are self signed. I strongly recommend you get and install a real SSL certificate that is trusted by your devices though. http://www.ssls.com/ has them for $4.99/year.
AutoRemote-SetVar		If %arpar1 ~ SETVAR
					Variable Set %%arpar2 to %arcomm
				End If
LaunchScene-GarageDoor	Show Scene 'Activate Garage Door' 'Activity, Full window' 'Continue Immediately'
					Scene – Set Element Text – txtStatus ‘Closed’ if %ISYStateGarageDoor=0
					Scene – Set Element Text – txtStatus ‘Open’ if %ISYStateGarageDoor>0
Notify-GarageDoor-Opened	Popup Title ‘Garage’ Text ‘Opened’ Timeout 5 Show Over Keyguard
Notify-GarageDoor-Closed	Popup Title ‘Garage’ Text ‘Closed’ Timeout 5 Show Over Keyguard

Create Tasker Profiles:
At-Home		'State' 'Net' 'Wifi Connected' Select the SSID and MACs for your home network
		Select 'Home-Arrive' for the entry task
		Select 'Home-Leave' for the exit task
AutoRemote-Set-Var	AutoRemote / Event Behaviour / Message filter 'SETVAR'
				Entry Task: AutoRemote-SetVar
Notify-GarageDoor	State Variable Value %ISYStateGarageDoor = 1		Entry: Notify-GarageDoor-Opened
												Exit: Notify-GarageDoor-closed

Power Toggles
Add Notification Icon	Custom / Tasker Toggle / LaunchScene-GarageDoor	Give it an icon…



Use, Pull notification down. Click the power toggle icon.

Tasker should launch the scene ‘Activate Garage Door’ – then read the variable %ISYStateGarageDoor to set the status text to either ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’ on the scene.

If you click ‘Cancel’ – Tasker will destroy the scene.

If you click ‘Activate Door’ – Tasker calls the task ‘ISY-RunThen’ with the parameter of the program ID.

‘ISY-RunThen’ runs the ISY program via the REST API.

ISY notices that the door has opened – and calls the network resource letting Tasker know.

Tasker receives the notice – and updates the status variable %ISYStateGarageDoor. Then it pops up a notification to let you know...


I have a second power toggle initiated Tasker scene with about 20 toggle buttons on it - each with updated with the status of a device. Clicking the toggle calls the scene associated with the device. It all works fairly well - I get zwave lock status, can initate a 'Lock' or 'Unlock' event, see status of lights, turn scenes on and off etc..

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Hi MWareman,


Thanks so very much for the details. Just to confirm that variable substitutions in network resources are definitely planned in 5.0.


With kind regards,


Thanks! That will make things much better, and is something I'll be able to make great use of. I look forward to it! It will enable some powerful stuff in Tasker, that's for sure.

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I find Mobilinc almost unusable on my Android. Every time I open it it'll sync for 20-30 seconds.


Unfortunately, I don't have another option. I've actually considered buying two iPod Touch's to run Mobilinc to have in the house as remotes.


The other thing I'm considering is running HomeSeer and integrating it with ISY just so I can use their HSTouch app, which can be customized. It's an expensive and more complex route but would obviously provide some new options I don't have today.

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I also find Mobilinc unstable. It takes mine over a minute to sync and even then it reports incorrect statuses. I have Mobilinc Connect and it's not impressive. Now the weather part of Mobilinc is out of date. They have been promising an update for months. It's missing Z-wave, Elk and any cam support. If there was 1 thing I could improve with my HA system it would be to have a good Android app.


You can tell from reading the Mobilinc section that Android customers would like another option.

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Could we group develop this? any of us figure out the new websockets yet in html 5?


My issue with mobilinc is partly my phone and partly mobilinc. It cannot make up it's mind if it's local or secure if it has a connection or not, so it' too frustrating to use most of the time.



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..... Mobilinc? Their priorities are elsewhere......

In view of their fundraising, their efforts to sell the company, the sparse forum participation, and broken promises made in the forum.....I'd say "elsewhere" is being rather generous.

We did after all pay for the program.

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Hi Folks,


Michel asked me to post here to shed some light on MobiLinc for Android.


First off, we have not abandoned Android or our Android users. There have been a number a factors that I can't go into here that's impacted our ability to deliver updates to MobiLinc for Android. The good news is that we believe we've cleared out most of these hurdles and are proceeding forward.


While there hasn't been much in the way of public releases, I can confirm that internally we've been very busy working to bring MobiLinc for Android up to a more modern look and feel that fits into the Android 4.x design language as well as other critical ISY features like Z-Wave support. If everything goes well for us this week, we'll have an announcement at the end of the week over in our MobiLinc forum and on our MobiLinc Facebook page with more specifics.


I did want to comment on the following, since this perception concerned us:

In view of their fundraising, their efforts to sell the company, the sparse forum participation, and broken promises made in the forum


This statement simply isn't true nor have we stated this anywhere. We are 100% internally funded through app purchases and subscriptions to our MobiLinc Connect cloud service. We have no fundraising arm to our company, nor are we actively trying to sell MobiLinc, or our company. As for forum participation, we (I) regularly check and respond to posts here (viewforum.php?f=53) and on our official MobiLinc forum (http://forum.mobilinc.com). However, the best way to get ahold of us is through the email link in the app. In our response, we try to set expectations and not make promises we know we can't keep. This does have a side effect of not discussing future enhancements to MobiLinc as much as I'd like to.


If you have questions for me, please feel free to send these to support@mobilinc.com and I will respond.



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I suspect the fundraising was from the contest that the bank was running that mobilinc was in the running for.


Hopefully you will fix some of the connection issues where mobilinc is stymied while I am surging the web or getting texts or emails, it just gets lost all the time for me, constantly.


As a side note, apps are expected to be updated in smaller pieces more often, doing monolithic releases I find counter productive. You could roll out a couple of features every couple of months and your community will feel much more engaged and enthusiastic.



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A little over a year ago Wes indicated that when UDI "released" z-wave hardware in some form other than "Alpha" then Mobilinc would begin to "look at" Android z-wave support.

http://forum.mobilinc.com/viewtopic.php ... 84e1#p5017


Half a year ago UDI was selling z-wave hardware and it's associated software module.

Both the hardware and software were NOT offered as "Alpha" or "Beta" or "Gamma" or any other greek symbol.

They were we sold at retail.


A week ago Wes was again asked when UDI z-wave support would be available in the Android version of Mobilinc.

http://forum.mobilinc.com/viewtopic.php ... 84e1#p5889


Wes responded that UDI z-wave hardware was still in "Beta" and not yet released.

http://forum.mobilinc.com/viewtopic.php ... 84e1#p5899

Bare in mind that this was about a week ago.

A couple days later the UDI Natives began to get restless.



Since UDI views Mobilinc as the only viable Software to operate the ISY via an android phone


Michel appearently contacted Wes and asked for a forum post to "shed some light".



In this post Wes indicated that their were a number of nondiscloseable "factors" which caused the inability to "deliver updates".

From the amount of communication on this forum between UDI and Mobilinc it is clear that UDI knows the status of Mobilinc software and Mobilinc knows the status of UDI hardware.


Gents, Neither of you are selling this stuff as Beta. It isn't cheap. And the software isn't testware or freeware or shareware either.

As a result your MSRP customers are entitled to straight answers.


Michel is the z-wave hardware Beta or not, and Wes are you going to get Android z-wave support out with this release or not?

Pretty simple questions. How about simple straightforward answers.

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Do you feel better now? It's not healthy to keep all that bottled up.


You paid for a version of the app with its current feature set. There is no guarantee that a developer will provide new features, or make it available for free.


Last time I checked, ISY Zwave is still beta. As a company with limited resources, I can understand why Wes would not want to keep chasing a moving target until Zwave is out of beta. Not to mention it is well documented that android fragmentation consumes more resources than other platforms.

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