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Rain Today issue...


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Hello everyone,

Here's the response from HAM:



Your client stated:

"I can tell you for sure my station reports today's rain from midnight and not the last 24 hours so I don't think their solution will fix my problem. At this point I can't use the irrigation module and I think they are the wrong path. I hope I'm wrong!"


When researching, we are able to confirm that the station is indeed reporting the "accumulative 24hr" precip for the past 24 hours & not from local midnight. To demonstrate this:

Looking here, the station received precipitation on the July 16th around 3pm-3:30pm


You will see the reported 24hr precip is then 0.23 all the way through midnight local time.

Then if we look at the next day, the 17th:

We see the reported 24 hour precip is not restarting at 0 at midnight but continuing.

This corresponds with the same data we are receiving from CWOPS/NOAA as well.


The good side to this, is our team has been testing several potential corrections to handle this and barring any further issues, these adjustments will be pushed into production with out updates next week around August 5th.

HAMweather Support


With kind regards,


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RE post #30, I re-entered the location ID (KSMO) and now the data showing appears to be correct. Seems that the HamWeather data wasn't updating in the ISY as the last time we had thunderstorms was on Sunday July 27th and it was still showing that data this morning, Tuesday July 29th.

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Hi Techman,


What was the last updated timestamp on the Admin Console? Do you see a lot of DNS or other errors in the error log for HAM weather?


With kind regards,




Hi Michel,


If your referring to the timestamp on the climate module it shows as current. I don't know what it was when I first noticed that it didn't update.

There are some "140005  CLI-HW"  and "140000 api.aerisapi.com"  errors that occurred on 27th and 28th which was most likely the last day the climate module updated itself. I'm not using a static IP address.   I've attached a copy of the error log for the last week.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure where HAM stands on it's rollout for correcting the "Rain Today" issue.  My understanding was that this was to be corrected weeks ago.  From my standpoint - zero improvement.


I am continuing to see a "roll-over" of rainfall from the previous day into the current day.  With pop-up afternoon thunderstorms a regular occurance this time of year, the roll-over issue make's it impossible to use the HAM data for calculating ET.


I am using the local airport station KSBN which is THE NWS/NOAA station for the area.  HAM is currently showing 0.34" rain today whereas the NOAA, NWS, Weatherunderground, and Weatherbug are all showing 0.09".  The following screenshots are from the NOAA site and HAM.  These should be 1:1, but HAM is showing 0.34" in the "6 Hour" column at 6:54 AM.  NOAA is showing 0.09" in the same column at 7:54 AM.


I am using the NWS site because I thought is would be a standard data format and "easy" for HAM to roll up the data.  Very disappointed that they cannot seem to get a handle on what seems to be a very basic issue.





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Hello Michel,


Thank you for investigating this issue.  Please understand that my frustration is not directed at UDI. 


Just to re-enforce the fact that this is not an isolated issue - I checked Chicago O'Hare.  On October 31 HAM is showing rain of .26" for KORD at 5:51.  NOAA, Weatherunderdround, etc. are showing no rain for the 31st.





That was exactly my question.  I am unclear whether the "fix" was immediate, or was taking place in stages. 




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Hi IM,


Thank you but we are responsible because we chose HAM.


Here's the response from HAM:


The good news, is that we have updates being pushed out this Tuesday & Wednesday. Sept 2nd & 3rd. Which includes fixes for the precip and several other updates for the observation/summary endpoint. Additionally, we will be making this endpoint part of our production API next week.


HAMweather Support


I would appreciate it if you could retest again on Thursday and let me know whether or not this is fixed.


With kind regards,


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Hello Michel,


I understand that UDI chose HAM and is responsible for the climate module performance.  I forgive HAM for the normal startup issues like station coverage, lags in reporting (delays), and such.  Howver, the accuracy of the data should NOT have been an issue. 


I will begin re-checking after the Thursday updates.  Please recognize that I need an afternoon rain event in order to check for rollover.

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Hi IM, another update from HAM:



I just wanted to give you an update:

Today we pushed out an API update and several hardware/server upgrades. Tomorrow the team will be pushing the updates that will assist with the precipitation totals within the observations/summary endpoint.

API Changes: http://www.hamweather.com/support/documentation/aeris/history/

I will provide an additional update tomorrow about the precip items.

This is good news!


With kind regards,


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