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UPGRADE questions, already read the wiki


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I have a 99i/pro/ir, and the weather module no longer works, I understand the weatherbug/ham issue, and that I need to upgrade to he 994.


Read the upgrade wiki, but I have a couple of questions not answered there.


1)  I currently have the 99i/pro/ir, I do not need the IR, never used it. Do I still need to buy a 994 with IR to ensure I can properly restore from my backup, during the upgrade?


2)  I understand that the modules can be transferred with an email to support, Does that include the PRO module? IOW, can I now just buy the base 994 and transfer the PRO module/status over, from my current 99i/pro/ir.




* Orest

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Not to be overly picky, but I just want to be absolutely sure of the following ...


Going from an ISY99ir (with IR, but IR never actually used) data backup, there will be no issue restoring that backup to a new ISY994i (no ir), assuming that the IR functions have not been used at all, correct?


* Orest

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Correct. In addition, you could buy a basic non IR 994, xfer all of your modules including the IR. Then take the IR board out of your 99 and install it on your new 994.

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Hi Xathros,


Just to clarify:


That's the case IF AND ONLY IF the IR module ($40.00) was purchased separately. In short, you cannot get a 994 upgrade for a 99i/IR and simply install the IR sensor. The reason is that the product type is NOT IR and since there have not been any IR modules in the database, then there's nothing to transfer.


With kind regards,


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