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Sending email notifications - sometimes they don't work


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I have a program set up to send an email when an air conditioner starts and stops (2 events).


Event works perfectly, as it also logs minutes of "on" time etc...


Since I'm not good enough with the ISY to figure out how to send all this to a log or .txt file, I have the start time and stop time emailed.


That's a lot of emails with multiple AC units, but it is telling me what I need to know. 


I'd say 5% of the time I don't get an email.  


The way it is set up, every time there is an "ON" , there has to be an "OFF".  So I can easily tell when an email is missed because I only have one or the other for that particular run-cycle.


Can't seem to find any mention of an error anywhere - maybe it's a gmail problem?


Maybe the best fix is to be able to somehow time stamp these starts and stops and send them to a file - the only "time stamp" I can find is by using "Notifications" (email in this case), however, hence my method.


Any help appreciated.



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Thanks - I''m using my gmail account - sending from and to myself, if that matters ?


That is how many of us have it configured. How many programs do you have that send out e-mail alerts? Also, if you were to estimate how many e-mails do you believe are not sent out per day, week, month?

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Take a look at your error log about the time you didn't receive an intended email. That will help you narrow down the problem. Also try increasing the timeout in your email configuration. If you're sending out several emails at the same time try putting a few seconds wait in between the notifications.

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My email notifications also just stopped for no reason. I have always used the default setting. Worked for a couple years then just about a week ago stopped. I am using the ISY994 firmware 4.1.2. I have searched this forum and looked at the ISY manual and can't find any solid instructions on how to setup email notifications. I tried the smtp.gmail.com I get mail server failure, connection failed. I also have notification to my cell phone sms, that works with the default setting but not when I setup the gmail. What am I missing. Is there some list of instructions for how to do this with examples?

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My email notifications also just stopped for no reason. I have always used the default setting. Worked for a couple years then just about a week ago stopped. I am using the ISY994 firmware 4.1.2. I have searched this forum and looked at the ISY manual and can't find any solid instructions on how to setup email notifications. I tried the smtp.gmail.com I get mail server failure, connection failed. I also have notification to my cell phone sms, that works with the default setting but not when I setup the gmail. What am I missing. Is there some list of instructions for how to do this with examples?


Setting up the e-mail notification is pretty straight forward in the ISY. I have appended a image capture of my system hope this helps.


1. You will of course need a GMAIL account.


2. Uncheck Use Default.


3. SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com


4. User ID: Enter your gmail account


5. From: Enter what ever friendly name you wish.


6. SMPT Port: 587


7. Password: What ever is your gmail password to login.


8. Time Out: 1000 ms


9. Use TLS: Checked / Enabled


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So I tried to set this up.. but the ISY server is now sending me 100's of emails at a time ?

I deleted the ID out of my ISY and stopped all Programs relating to email notification...still sending.. I even changed email address.. still sending.. not sure whats going on.. what I did notice its all old emails from days ago continuously being resent..


sheesh..not sure if anyone has a fix.. 

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Teken, I followed your instructions exactly. I get Mail Server Failure (TLS negotiation failed) This is with TLS checked or unchecked. I went to gmail and opened my account just to be sure of the right password was used and I was able to log in.

Also when I had it set as default I started getting old emails just like mzn50 stated in his post. I wasn't receiving the new notifications but getting days old ones like mzn50 is.


Thanks for the help.

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So Spoke to Michel at Tech Support.. Seems their server is flushing out due a failure or it was off line


So far.. I have not had a reoccurrence .. And I enabled a gmail specific for the ISY.. So far.. So good..

Hope this helps


That would be the second failure this month.

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  • Does the e-mail notification only work with gmail or can I configure with my Verizon SMTP server



It should work with any SMTP provider. Having said this it costs you nothing but time to set up a free g-mail (dedicated) email account for the ISY.

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